Posted by Joy Benton on 11/29/2022




    Any junior interested in being on Prom Committee please see Mrs. Thomas in room B-103 this week.

    The Student Council is sponsoring a Winter Semi-formal Dance on Saturday, Feb. 11th at Aynor High School from 7:00-10:00 pm. Tickets are on sale for $10 and can be purchased during all three lunches.

    Juniors who signed up to take the ACT here at school, check your school email for information about an ACT workshop. There is a google form included in the email from Blenda Jenkins. Complete the form to sign-up for the workshop before the deadline this Friday, Jan. 27th. See Mrs. Tiffany Jenkins in K-102 if you have any questions.

    Baseball try-outs for boys in grades 9-12 will begin on Monday, Jan. 30th at 4:00 pm on the baseball field. You must have a physical and all paperwork completed in Planet High school or Big Teams.

    Senior Cap & Gown Picture Day will be held on Friday, Feb. 3rd

    A reminder to get your can tabs in, deadline is fast approaching. The AHS chapter of DECA is collecting can tabs now through the end of January for the Ronald McDonald House. Please deposit any can tabs in the Ronald McDonald house boxes that can be found in the lunchroom, library, and various classrooms.


    In a year-long class, a student is allowed (10) unexcused days. In a semester class, a student is allowed (5) unexcused days. In a quarter class, a student is allowed (3) unexcused days.

    JUNIOR & SENIOR INFORMATION      **Order online at www.RhodesGraduation.com

    WINTER 2023

    Feb. 16th - Sophomore Class Meeting 10:00 -10:50 am

    March 1st - Sophomore Ring Order Deadline

    SPRING 2023

    March 31st - Prom

    April 25th - Senior Cap & Gown Delivery Day 11:30-1:30

    Comments (-1)

    Posted by Joy Benton on 11/28/2022



    A reminder that tomorrow at 3:35 pm is the deadline for entry of the Miss Aynor High School Pageant. It will be held Sat., Jan 7th at 6:00 pm. Please see Mrs. Scarlet or the front office to pick up a packet.

    Reminder: Only 2 more days for Seniors who are interested in a senior page in the yearbook. You need to see Mrs. Rodham for a form or check your email.

    Yearbooks are $65.00 until the end Of December. See Mrs. Rodham in J 201 or pre-purchase your yearbook on the My Payments Plus app.

    The AHS chapter of DECA is collecting can tabs now through the end of January for the Ronald McDonald House. Please deposit any can tabs in the Ronald McDonald house boxes that can be found in the lunchroom, library, and various classrooms.


    For a student to get their driver’s license, their attendance must be in good standing with AHS. The South Carolina DMV Form cannot be signed if a student has attendance issues, or is truant”…Per SC Law

     JUNIOR & SENIOR INFORMATION     **Order online at www.RhodesGraduation.com

    SPRING 2023

    Feb. 16th -Sophomore Class Meeting 10:00 -10:50 am

    March 1st -Sophomore Ring Order Deadline

    April 25th -Senior Cap & Gown Delivery Day 11:30-1:30 pm

    Comments (-1)
  • AHS Announcements for 11/15/22

    Posted by Joy Benton on 11/15/2022


    Comments (-1)
  • AHS Announcements for 11/4/22

    Posted by Joy Benton on 11/4/2022


    There will be a student council meeting today during Blue Jacket Read.

    The student council is sponsoring a canned food drive for only one more week through Nov. 11th. Please place items in the blue bins located in the cafeteria, beside the guidance office, and outside the library. A list of needed items can be found on the yellow flyers.

    The Junior Ring Ceremony will be held Monday, Nov. 14th at 6:00 pm in the auditorium.

    Seniors who are interested in a senior page in the yearbook need to see Mrs. Rodham for a form or check your email. Deadline for senior pages will be the end of November.

    Yearbooks are $65.00 until the end Of December. See Mrs. Rodham in J 201 or pre-purchase your yearbook on the My Payments Plus app.

    The AHS chapter of DECA is collecting can tabs now through the end of January for the Ronald McDonald House. Please deposit any can tabs in the Ronald McDonald house boxes that can be found in the lunchroom, library, and various classrooms.


    Vacations/family trips are NOT excused.

    JUNIOR & SENIOR INFORMATION      **Order online at www.RhodesGraduation.com

    FALL 2022

    Nov. 14th- Junior Ring Ceremony 6:00 pm

    SPRING 2023

    Feb. 16th -Sophomore Class Meeting 10:00 -10:50 am

    March 1st -Sophomore Ring Order Deadline

    April 25th -Senior Cap & Gown Delivery Day 11:30-1:30 pm


    Comments (-1)


By Month

Featured Video

Over the summer, high school marching band members attended band camp to begin practicing for their performances for the upcoming school year. In early August, we visited Loris High School’s band camp to meet students as they prepared for the start of the school year.

One of the students we interviewed that day was senior, Sean Herd. Tragically, Sean passed away in a motor vehicle accident the next day. Respectfully, our video piece was shared with the Herd family, and they asked that we include Sean in our video in his memory. HCS offers our deepest condolences to Sean’s family, friends, and the Loris High School community..