Nina Heilbronn, Data Quality
Attendance Policy Summary – IMPORTANT INFORMATION
The school day begins at 7:40 a.m. and dismisses at 2:25 p.m. for all students. Students must be IN his/her classroom by 7:40 a.m. to be considered present and on time. If a student is NOT IN the classroom by 7:40 a.m. he/she is considered absent until the parent/guardian walks him/her into the office and signs him/her in as tardy. If a parent/guardian signs a student out of school before dismissal, this is an Early Sign-Out (L) and will reflect as an unexcused tardy on the student’s attendance record and report card.
Lawful reasons for tardiness, are an appointment with documentation, principal approval in cases of an emergency.
Lawful reasons for early sign-out are appointment with documentation, principal approval in cases of an emergency.
If a student is chronically tardy or signed out early without lawful documentation (more than 5), it may be necessary to put an Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP) into place. If a student is absent from school, the parent/guardian will notify the attendance office by telephone or by providing medical documentation or parental note upon his/her return (843)903-8407.
Lawful reasons for absences include medical doctor’s note, proof of bereavement/death of an immediate family member, and principal approval in cases of emergency.
If a student has 3 consecutive or 5 cumulative unlawful absences, the parent/guardian will be required to have a conference with an administrator to put an Attendance Intervention Plan (AiP) into place which lasts for one calendar year. Continued unlawful absences, tardiness, or early sign-outs after the AIP is in place will result in referral to the district attendance office for review and possible referral to family court for truancy. Our principal will excuse up to 3 days for educational trips and up to 3 days for hardship/illness per school year. In order for the illness day to be excused a written note or email from the parent explaining the illness must be returned to our office no later than 3 days after his/her return to school. A HCSD Form (available online or at the school) must be submitted for days missed due to hardship. This must be received prior to the absence or no later than 3 days after his/her return to school. Additionally, if a child will miss school due to an educational trip, parent must first submit a form (available online or at school) and have it approved by our principal. Also a project, such as a journal, report or other educational report shall be presented to the principal and or teacher immediately upon his/her return to school in order for the days to be excused. Homework & missed assignments should be completed as well. Please review Attendance practices and laws on Horry County School District website.