- Waterway Elementary
- Dress Code
Dress Code
Students are responsible for dressing in an appropriate manner at all times while on a school campus or while involved in school activities. Generally, student attire is considered appropriate as long as it does not, or could not, interfere with the educational process, cause disruption, or damage school property. In addition to clothing, hats, and shoes, student attire includes any jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, comment, or other items worn or displayed by an individual. The following guidelines help to define appropriate dress:
- Attire must comply with requirements for health and safety;
- Attire must not be immodest, obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, indecent, or offensive;
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses should be of adequate length to assure modesty when the student is seated or engaged in school activities;
- Undergarments must be worn at all times;
- Outergarments must conceal undergarments;
- Tops with "spaghetti straps" are inappropriate, as are tops that reveal cleavage;
- Hats are not to be worn in school (unless needed for a health condition);
- Tight "spandex" clothing is inappropriate;
- Attire must not evidence membership or affiliation with a gang in any negative sense of the term;
- Attire must not display any information about, representations of, or advertisements for alcoholic beverage(s), tobacco, controlled drugs, illegal drugs or paraphernalia associated with the foregoing.
Additional guidelines may be established by the school principal. Each school is responsible for requiring students to comply with the dress code and taking disciplinary action if needed.