• High Schools That Work


    Key Practices

    Setting high expectations

    Increasing access to challenging career/technical studies

    Increasing access to rigorous academic studies

    Having students complete a challenging program of study

    Having a structure and schedule for teachers to work together

    Giving students choices for school-based and work-based learning

    Having each student actively engaged in the learning process

    Involving students and parents in a guidance and advisement system

    Providing a structured system of extra help

    Using student assessment and program evaluation

    The mission of schools in the HSTW network is to prepare high school students for both postsecondary education and careers by having students complete a rigorous academic core and an academic, a career/technical, or a blended concentration.


    Key Conditions

    Clear Mission Statement

    School Board Commitment

    Leadership Team (Principal, Assistant Principal, and Teacher Leaders)

    Administrative support for teachers in carrying out the 10 Key Practices

    “I am most enthusiastic about the High Schools That Work program. I have implemented this initiative in two school districts and have personally witnessed improvements in student achievement, attendance, and discipline as a result. The data-driven decision model for improving instruction that is used by our HSTW schools is highly effective. This approach focuses the school, the students, and the parents on those things that matter and that produce results!”
    Administrative support for a flexible schedule, enabling students to earn more credits

    Dr. Karen Woodward, Superintendent

    Lexington School District One

    “The High Schools That Work model focuses on student achievement and learning. The 10 Key Practices are a road map for reform. They’ve been good for our community and our school. High Schools That Work allows us to have access to a network of professionals from whom we can learn the latest cutting-edge practices throughout the Southeast and the United States.”
    James Boyette, Principal
    Fort Mill High School