• Guidance and Counseling Services

    HCS Guidance Counselor GraphicGuidance services are available for students in all Horry County schools. These services include, at appropriate levels, assistance with Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) development, interpretation of test scores, occupational information, career information, academic advisement, help with home, school, and/or social concerns, or any question students and/or their parents may feel they would like to discuss with the counselor. HCS Guidance and Counseling services include the three major components of student development - “Learning to Learn, Learning to Work and Learning to Live”, and is rooted in the ASCA National Model and South Carolina Comprehensive School Counseling and Career Guidance Model. Materials, resources and/or assessments used for appraising or counseling students are uniform across the district and available for the assistance of ALL students. For more information on the South Carolina Comprehensive School Counseling and Career Guidance Model, click HERE.

    For more information on how to obtain guidance and counseling services in Horry County Schools, please contact your school counselor, or Tonya D. Pickett, HCS Director of Guidance and Counseling Services at (843) 488-6932, or tpickett@horrycountyschools.net.

Staff Picture

Velna Allen

Title: Chief Officer of Student Services
Department: Athletics, Attendance, Counseling Services, Health Services, and Technology
Division of: 
Student Services
Location: District Office


Staff Picture

Tonya Pickett

Title: Director of Guidance and Counseling Services
Department: Guidance
Division of: 
Student Services
Location: District Office
