How to register for either an in-person or virtual field trip to Playcard. We now offer multiple options.

Playcard Swamp
  • Option #1.  On-site field trips are $3 per student, no charge for chaperones.  For onsite field trips please see the onsite field trip pre-visit information form list on the website and/or request a topic of relevance to your group.  $3 day trips can be booked through the interactive online registration calendar of events Monday-Wednesday on any school day. Overnight camp programs can be booked for Thursdays and Fridays and are $15 per person, open camp dates are listed as a tipi on the online registration calendar of events.


    Option #2.  Digital virtual field trips are offered FREE to educators.  Email to register your class.  See the virtual environmental education topic list at the bottom left of our home page.  Please pick one topic per session.  Allow 24 hours to confirm.  In addition to fully virtual streaming sessions, educators also have the option of flipping the classroom to have the teacher visit and produce digital content to stream back to their students.  


    If you have any questions, contact Ben Abercrombie: 843-756-1277

    To make a reservation: Instructions for HCS Employees

    1. Select the reservations link or select the Playcard Field Trip/Events Calendar link on the left of the page.
    2. Log in to the portal using your district username and password
    3. Scroll down the list of applications to Playcard Events Calendar
    4. Select Calendar
    5. Select the month and date of your reservation request
    6. Select Reserve

    To make a reservation: Instructions for non-HCS Employees:

    1. Contact Playcard by phone at 843-756-1277 
    2. Use the Calendar to find an available date
    3. Once you have found a date, call and make your reservation
    4. You will receive an e-mail confirmation once your reservation has been confirmed

    When looking at the calendar, remember:

     = available dates for the classroom with an onsite teacher. 

     = dates for campouts.