Bullying Prevention and Reporting

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  • What is Bullying?

    Bullying is defined as

    “Any behavior intended to cause physical, emotional, or social hurt or harm to another person is considered bullying. Although bullying is usually a repetitive behavior, it can occur in a single incident if that incident is either severe or arises from a pattern of behavior.” --As defined by S.C. law and Horry County School policy

    “Unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.” --As defined by stopbullying.gov

  • HCS Providing a Safe Environment

    Horry County Schools is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students and employees, and part of that is creating a climate where bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We know that safe and supportive environments help prevent bullying behaviors. We will clearly communicate expectations for student behavior as it relates to bullying, and then we will appropriately deal with those who violate those expectations. Likewise, we will provide appropriate support to those who are victims of bullying.

    Our Bully Prevention guide and online resources will help you understand the roles and responsibilities of our District and schools, and what parents and students can do to help. In alignment with the South Carolina Safe School Climate Act, our district and schools take steps to prevent school harassment, intimidation, and bullying.