- Waccamaw Elementary
- Attendance
Attendance Policy
Please note that the District’s attendance policy is as follows:
A student is considered truant:
- After three (3) consecutive all-day absences, or five (5) cumulative all-day absences which are not excused by a medical doctor's written statement, proof of bereavement, or principal's approval; or,
- After an elementary school student has accumulated ten (10) or more unexcused tardy or early release (Note: Tardiness in middle and high schools is considered a disciplinary issue.
Student Services/Attendance/Truancy Information
Bell Schedule:
Doors open: 7:00am
1st Bell: 7:30am
Tardy Bell: 7:35am
Dismissal: 2:30pm
Any student that signs out before 2:30 will be marked as an early dismissal.
We highly encourage using PowerSchool to monitor your student’s attendance and grades. This is a great tool.
If you do not know your username and password, please call the school at 843-347-4684. (DO NOT CLICK CREATE ACCOUNT)
All excuses or attendance related questions should be emailed to:
(Hard copies may be sent in with the student as well)
Each student is allowed 6 principal approvals per year. 3 for educational purposes, 3 for hardship/illness.
Outside Therapies - HCS Policy
If a parent chooses to use a provider other than what is offered through Horry County Schools, Services should be scheduled outside of the school day so that it will not interfere with his/her academic success. We realize that some appointments cannot be made outside of the school day; therefore, if it is absolutely necessary to remove your child from school for the therapy appointments, we strongly recommend that the days/times during the school week are alternated from week-to-week so your student is not missing large amounts of time in one particular class. Please understand that we want to work collaboratively with you to provide service for your child.
South Carolina’s attendance requirements and truancy guidelines will be enforced. Please also understand that at no time will we excuse siblings who do not have a therapy appointment. If a student misses the same instructional time for 3 consecutive days/weeks, the therapy notes will be unexcused.
Thank you for helping to ensure that students are in school every day they are well. Please reserve family trips for scheduled school holidays.
Erica Barresi
DQC/ Attendance/ Records/ Registrar
Waccamaw Elementary School
251 Claridy Rd.
Conway, SC 29526