Academy for the Arts, Science, and Technology
Senior Beta Club Bylaws
Article I: Time and Place of Meetings
The time and place of the meetings of this chapter of the National Senior Beta Club shall be decided upon only after consultation with, and upon the approval of, the executive head of the Academy for the Arts, Science, and Technology.
The time of the meetings of this chapter of the National Senior Beta Club shall be 3:00 PM on the first Thursday of the month, unless otherwise specified by the club sponsor. Changes to the schedule will be posted to Google Classroom and students will be responsible for monitoring for updates. The place of the meetings of this chapter of the National Senior Beta Club shall be the cafeteria.
Based on conditions, meetings may be done through EdPuzzle. Video assignments will be posted on the first Thursday or first week of each month. Students will have a week to watch them. If they haven’t watched the video by then end of the week, they will be counted absent.
Article II: Standards of Membership
Standards of membership in the Academy for the Arts, Science, and Technology chapter of National Senior Beta Club must conform to the general features laid down in the national constitution, and in all cases must be approved by the executive head of the high school.
To maintain membership in this chapter of the National Senior Beta Club, students are required to complete a minimum 10 hours of community service per semester, attend at least 3 meetings per semester, and pay the yearly dues and all other accrued fees.
The grade levels from which members may be drawn shall juniors.
The scholastic requirements for membership in this chapter of the National Senior Beta Club shall be a weighted GPA of 3.8.
Article III: Induction of Members
The induction of new members into the membership of this chapter of the National Senior Beta Club shall be one of dignity appropriate to the ideals of the organization. News members are inducted in November.
Students eligible for membership will receive an invitation and will receive a notification of their acceptance. It is the student’s responsibility to adhere to the application’s deadline and requirements.
Article IV: Loss of Membership
A member of this chapter of the National Senior Beta Club may be placed on probation if they fail to meet the semester requirements of the minimum 10 service hours completed, dues paid, and a minimum of 3 meetings attended.
If students are placed on probation, they can regain membership status in good standing if they complete both the original 10 hours and 10 additional hours of community service by the end of the next quarter. They then need to turn in those hours to the club sponsors. Parents will be notified of the probation status if the student fails to address the issue in a timely manner.
Students have a week to address a Fall Semester problem or by the start of the following school year if addressing a Spring Semester problem.
If students are placed on probation and fail to complete the additional service hours, they will be removed from this chapter of the National Senior Beta Club permanently. Parents will be notified if students have failed to complete the requirements and are being removed.
If a student fails to meet all three requirements for the semester, they will be automatically removed with no chance at regaining their status. Parents will be notified if students have failed to complete the requirements and are being removed.
Students may be removed if they violate the Honor Code of AAST found in the Student Handbook.
Article V: Service Projects
As soon as possible after its activation in the fall semester of the school year, this chapter of the National Senior Beta Club will undertake a program of service which will be of benefit to the Academy for the Arts, Science, and Technology and the local community. This project shall be decided upon only after consultation with, and upon approval of, the executive head of the school.
Article VI: Local and National Dues
The initial dues of this chapter of the National Senior Beta Club are $20.00 and are due with the application by the designated due date. The yearly dues after the initial fees of this chapter are $5.00 per year for each year of membership. These due amounts combine the local and national requirements. The dues also include the cost of the Beta Club Honor Cord.
Article VII: Amending the Bylaws
The bylaws of this chapter of National Senior Beta Club may be amended by a majority vote of the membership, provided such proposed amendment is placed before the chapter at a previous meeting. The bylaws may also be changed by the club sponsors with approval of the chief executive of the school. No proposed amendments may remove or lessen requirements set by the National Beta Club Organization.