Science Club
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- Project Air - Flag Monitoring
- Project Water - Constructed Wetland
- Project Water - Rain Barrels
- Project Water - Rain Garden
- Project Water - SDM
- Restore Habitat - Community Garden
- Restore Soil - Composting
- Restored Wetland
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- HOSA-Future Health Professionals
- Ocean Bay Middle School
- HOSA-Future Health Professionals
What is HOSA and the Middle School Division?
The Middle School Division of South Carolina HOSA is for middle school students (Grades 6-8) who are interested in a career in health care. SC HOSA organization has been designated as a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO). HOSA - Future Health Professionals provides a unique program that helps students with LEADERSHIP SKILLS, PHYSICAL, MENTAL, and SOCIAL ENHANCEMENT, CAREER GUIDANCE, JOB PREPARATION, SELF-WORTH, MOTIVATION, AND EMPOWERMENT! The Middle School Division allows students the opportunity to learn more about the healthcare field which can be used to define a possible future occupation, and the skills learned can be used for a lifetime!
Cost Total $30.00
-$15.00 official membership registration -$15.00 HOSA Shirt
Why Affiliate With HOSA?
o HOSA is the only career and technical student organization designed to exclusively serve the needs of students in health science training programs.
o HOSA is for and led by, students.
o HOSA is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education Division of the Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) as an integral part of such education.
o HOSA promotes and develops respect among students, teachers and the community for Health Science Education.
o HOSA provides opportunities for students to sharpen their occupational awareness and skills while developing valuable leadership qualities.
o HOSA members learn to appreciate their ability to help people who need health care or a better understanding of health-related issues. Getting involved in health issues is central to HOSA.
o HOSA promotes the development of good decision-making skills that can help members reach full career potential.
o HOSA promotes fellowship through social and recreational activities.
o HOSA provides members with leadership training