
  • Transportation 1  


    MBP's Transportation 

    Horry County Schools Transportation Form MBP

    Morning Drop-off– 7:00 AM -7:30 AM….Arrive early so that students are in their class by the tardy bell at 7:30 AM. Please have students ready to get out of the vehicle when you have stopped at the curb between the duty persons. Do not drop students off in the parking lot. Limited parking is available on campus in the front parking lot. We strongly recommend that you stay in the traffic line and drop off your child in the supervised area along the curb.

    • During the School Day…..Visitor parking is available in the front parking lot. Vehicles may not park in front of the school along the sidewalk or block the driveway to the front of the school as this may interfere with emergency vehicle access. All visitors to the school will enter the building through the main office entrance and use the electronic sign-in by scanning their state-issued driver's license and receiving a visitor badge.

    • Afternoon Pick-up 2:30 pm…..Please remain in your vehicle and pull up through the car line. Hang your car rider tag in your front window with your child’s name and grade in large letters. Students will be dismissed to the loading area when their names are called and supervised as they walk to their vehicles in the car line.

    • Early Dismissal….Parents must enter through the main office and present a picture ID in order to sign-out a student.

    • Changes in Dismissal...Parents must submit a written and signed note to change your child’s transportation home. The note should be sent to the school office or faxed to the school (843-448-1115) before 1:30 pm to allow time to notify the teacher and student. CHANGES MAY NOT BE MADE BY PHONE.

    Thank you MBP parents for your support and cooperation in following these important safety and security procedures. This will ensure the safety of MBP students and staff.