Therapeutic Learning Center
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TLC Student Profile
Placement at the Therapeutic Learning Center (TLC) constitutes a change in the least restrictive environment (LRE) in a student’s individualized education plan (IEP). As a result, any transition to TLC must occur due to an IEP team decision only after considering other least restrictive options. Here, information is provided on what the background of a “typical” TLC student might look like for informational purposes only. None of this information constitutes a “checklist” or “admission criteria”. By nature, IEP team decisions are individualized with the goal that each student receives a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
TLC is designed to serve students with severe social/emotional challenges. Students that are coming to or returning to Horry County Schools from a long-term residential treatment facility (RTF) due to severe social/emotional challenges may be considered for placement at TLC as a way to transition back to a base school environment. In addition, students that are currently at a base school, have a recent functional behavior assessment (FBA) and an intensive behavior intervention plan (BIP), receive counseling services at school, and all reasonable accommodations/modifications/services have been provided yet are still not making adequate progress at their base school may be considered for placement at the Therapeutic Learning Center.
All students at TLC receive group counseling services daily and individual counseling per their IEP. The counselors at TLC utilize cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). In order for a student to benefit fully from CBT, he/she must have an average to above average intelligence quotient (IQ).
Placement at the Therapeutic Learning Center is not a disciplinary decision. As such, TLC students can enjoy sports, clubs, and all other extracurricular activities at their respective base schools. The requirements for their participation in these activities is the same as other students. The purpose of the Therapeutic Learning Center is to provide the support, services, and environment that students with severe social and emotional challenges require in order to be successful at their base schools and in their communities.