- Riverside Elementary
- Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
RES Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
Thank you in advance, for your help in making our morning and afternoon car rider dropoff and pickup as efficient and safe as possible!
- Early Sign-out counts the same as a morning tardy.
- The only excused early dismissals are: School nurse sends the student home. Parent pick-up for doctor’s appt. and sends in doctor’s excuse upon student returning to school.
- Students who have appointments after school need to be signed out prior to 2:00 p.m. NO PHONE CALLS FOR CHANGE OF BUS TRANSPORTATION!
- Please do not call and ask for your child to be sent to the front before you arrive at school. We will call your child when you arrive at the front office. You must arrive prior to 2:00 p.m.
Bus Transportation
We want to make certain all students are transported to and from school safely. It is critical that all parents follow established guidelines for dismissal and pick-up.
- Changes to bus transportation (short-term or permanent) must be submitted by the parent in writing.
- Notes can be sent in each morning or faxed to 843-390-8700.
- No changes in transportation will be accepted after 1:30 p.m.
Car Rider TransportationPlease review the following information in regards to morning and afternoon car rider procedures.
- Please remain in your car during drop-off and pick-up.
- Display your student’s name (placard) on the dash of your car so it is easily visible to teachers on duty.
- If you need additional name placards, please notify the front office staff.
- Please, no cell phones while dropping off your child until you are off school property.
- Do not drop children off in the parking lot for safety reasons.
- Obey the directions of teachers on duty. We are working diligently to make drop-off and pick-up efficient and safe for everyone.
Morning Drop-Off Procedures
- Arrive for drop-off no earlier than 7:00 am.
- Stay in the right-hand lane, and keep moving forward until traffic stops.
- When traffic stops anywhere between the cement curb, have your child exit the car on the right side.
- Please give a quick hug or kiss and already have a backpack and other school supplies ready to go with your child.
- Students will walk along the sidewalk, so they are not too close to the cars.
- If you are the first in line after a group of cars has dropped off, please pull all the way to the last teacher on duty before you stop to let your child out.
***If you have to walk your child to the front office, pull in and park in the parking lot and walk your child to the front door when the teacher on duty at the crosswalk directs you to do so.
Afternoon Pick-up Procedures
- Pull around in the right or left lane and put your car in park.
- Please have your placard with your child's name displayed on the dash of your car.
- When you are in the designated loading area, please place your car in park and wait in your car for your child.
- School staff will ensure that all children get in the appropriate cars. Having additional adults walking around the cars or on the sidewalk is confusing to the children and slows down procedures.
- When your child is safely in your car, please have them strap in and when traffic is directed to move, pull forward and exit slowly alternating each lane as you leave the pick-up area and merge into one lane.
***We understand that waiting in the pick-up line is a good time to make phone calls, but when the students are released and cars start to move, please hang up your cell phone.