• Contact the Accounts Payable Department

Staff Picture

Kellie Burkett

Title: Clerk V - Nutrition Services
Department: Accounts Payable
Division of: 
Fiscal Services
Location: District Office


Staff Picture

Wendy Cooper

Title: Supervisor II - Account Manager (B, C)
Department: Accounts Payable
Division of: 
Fiscal Services
Location: District Office


Staff Picture

Audreona Cox

Title: Clerk V - Account Manager (O, P, Q, R, S)
Department: Accounts Payable
Division of: 
Fiscal Services
Location: District Office


Staff Picture

Vicki O'Rourke

Title: Clerk V - Account Manager (T, U, W, X, Y, Z, Forms & Supply, Herald Office Supply, and Imperial Dade)
Department: Accounts Payable
Division of: 
Fiscal Services
Location: District Office


Staff Picture

Jenny Ray

Title: Clerk V - Account Manager (D, E, F, G H, I, J)
Department: Accounts Payable
Division of: 
Fiscal Services
Location: District Office


Staff Picture

Tracey Thomas

Title: Clerk V - Account Manager (A, K, L, M, N. V)
Department: Accounts Payable
Division of: 
Fiscal Services
Location: District Office
