
                                            Myrtle Beach Primary School

     602 29th Avenue North

      Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

      (843) 448-1774


    Community, Business Leaders, Friends, and Church     Organizations we are looking for Volunteers to serve as mentors for our Reading Buddies program.


    Reading Buddies is a community engagement initiative created to encourage individuals, businesses, city government, civic and faith-based organizations to serve at-risk primary students as literacy mentors to encourage their academic and lifelong success. Reading Buddies can do a variety of things such as reading with a child, helping with math work, helping in the library and other areas of the school or just providing encouragement to a child. You can also serve as a classroom mom or dad. That means being a classroom Assistant and helping the teachers with classroom duties.






    To become a volunteer, you will need to complete a volunteer application and participate in a criminal background check at: www. HorryCountySchools.net. Once on the HCS website, click on the “Communities” tab and scroll down to the volunteer tab to complete the application. We are excited about the opportunity to partner with you and/or your organization. Reading Buddies orientations will be scheduled at the school level. At the orientation you will be assigned a student and a classroom once approved through the application process.


    For more information, please contact, Kim Thomas, Instructional Coach.

    mailto:KThomas002@horryvountyschools.net or 843-448-1774