- Horry County Schools
- Welcome
The top 10 things you need to know for #HCSBack2School!
1. Purchase School Supplies
Eliminate the guesswork by checking your child’s school supply list before shopping to be sure they are prepared for the first day of school!
2. Attend Virtual School Open Houses
HCS and staff are excited to welcome you back-to-school! We want an opportunity to reconnect with our school families as we begin our 2020-2021 school year. Visit the virtual open house listing page for a complete list of schools, dates and times.
3. Make sure your child is up-to-date on Immunizations
Immunizations are an important part of our children’s health care, and South Carolina state law requires that children going to school be vaccinated to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases unless they are exempt. All students are required by South Carolina law to provide documentation that includes month, day, and year the vaccine was administered. Click here for a full list of Immunization requirements.
4. Play Sports? Don't forget to get a Sports Physical
For added convenience, HCS utilizes an electronic registration system for student-athletes, Arbiter Athlete. Students and parents are both required to create an online account and complete the pre-participation physical packet before participating in any athletic activities. Per South Carolina High School League rules, pre-participation physicals are valid from April 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021. Click here for more information.
5. View Transportation Routes
Each day our dedicated team works together to ensure the safe transportation of our students. We operate out of nine main bus offices and provide transportation for 57 schools districtwide. We have a fleet of 374 buses that are used to cover 1366 routes. For more information regarding bus stop locations, bus safety rules, and regulations visit the HCS Transportation page.
6. Check Calendars and Bell Schedules
Be sure to view the HCS calendar to keep up with important dates and deadlines and be on time for school by verifying your child’s school start-end times!
7. Understand the HCS Dress Code
It won’t be long before students are wondering what to wear for the first day of school. As local stores prepare for Back-to-School shopping and the upcoming SC Tax-Free Weekend on August 7-9, take time to review the Dress Code to make sure all of your new purchases are in compliance. While the HCS Dress Code sets standards for student dress, each school may choose to add additional requirements, as the school administration deems necessary. Plan your shopping with the Dress Code in mind.
8. Learn more about School lunch programs
The Food Service program in Horry County Schools feeds over 25,000 students daily. We understand the important role that good nutrition plays in the education and well-being of our children. We take pride in providing our students with delicious, wholesome meals every day!
- Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
- HCS participates in the Community Eligibility Provision for the 2020-21 school year. All students that attend a CEP eligible school, may participate in the breakfast and lunch program at no charge and no applications are needed. To find out if your school is a CEP school, please visit the CEP program page.
- Free & Reduced Meals
- HCS policy for free and reduced-price meals for children served in schools under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program can be viewed here.
- School Menus
9. Sign up for MyPaymentsPlusMyPaymentsPlus offers a secure and convenient online payment service, allowing parents an easy option to make payments and keep receipts for school-related expenses, for everything from activity fees, field trips, to yearbooks. Set up a MyPaymentsPlus account to make quick electronic payments and keep track of expenses while avoiding financial transaction user-fees. Click here to log in, update or create an account today.
10. Get Connected… Stay Connected
Download the HCS app and follow us on social media on Facebook @HorryCountySchools, Twitter @HCSInfo, and Instagram @hcsphotos!
- Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)