• Dual Enrollment through the Program for Accelerated College Enrollment (PACE)

    The PACE program offers opportunities for high-school juniors and seniors, as well as private and home-schooled students, to get a head start on college! Through the cooperation of the Horry and Georgetown County School Districts and the area high schools, the PACE program enables qualified students to meet high-school graduation requirements while taking college credit courses. These college credits may apply to programs of study at Horry-Georgetown Technical College or transfer to senior institutions.

    Advantages of the PACE Program 

    • Earn credits now that apply to high school and college degree requirements;
    • Reduce the course load during your college freshman and sophomore years, improving your ability to meet and maintain the “B” average required for LIFE or other scholarships;
    • Provide a smooth transition from high school to the academic demands of college;
    • Boost your high school GPA/Class Rank;
    • Improve your SAT scores;
    • Guarantee college credit with successful course completion in one semester. 
    • Reduce overall college costs significantly.

    Who is Eligible?

    High school juniors and seniors may be eligible, based on parent permission, guidance counselor approval and meeting HGTC placement requirements (SAT, ACT, or Next-Generation ACCUPLACER, HGTC’s placement test. Guidance Counselors also consider high school performance, including overall GPA, in recommending students for the PACE program. Each prospective PACE student must complete the PACE Online Application.

    Permission is required for all high school students to enroll in PACE courses. Private-school or home-schooled students who wish to enroll for dual credit must request written confirmation from their private high school or home-school organization to document that high school credit will be awarded. 

    PACE dual credit allows students to enroll in University Parallel courses for college credit, as well as high school credit. Students who take these courses are earning credits towards high school graduation requirements and also obtain college credit. These courses are taken during the normal school operational hours and will affect high school GPA.

    PACE dual enrollment also allows students to earn college credits only by enrolling in University Parallel courses or courses in HGTC’s various programs. These courses are not required for high school graduation; therefore, they may be taken outside of the regular school day, in the evenings, or during summer sessions.  They may be taken during the school day if the students’ schedule permits.  These courses do not affect the high school GPA.

    HGTC Contact Information

    Ann Reed Springs
    PACE Program Director
    (843) 477-2064

    Hope Wofford
    Dual Enrollment Director
    (843) 477-2097

    Student commitment form

    Important Documents & Information: