• Fine Arts and Extracurricular Activities

    HCS will continue to practice safety and health protocols as determined by SCDHEC and the CDC. Activities may be adjusted and re-evaluated based on the level of infection in our community.

    Visual and Performing Arts

    • Instruction in the visual and performing arts focuses on core standards of creation, connection, presentation/performance, and response. The health and safety protocols in schools may present challenges for instruction focused on the domain of presentation/performance; however, visual and performing arts teachers have the capacity to shift instructional focus to the other domains in ways that are consistent with health requirements.
    • For the safety and well-being of students and teachers, the health and safety guidelines outlined by various state and national arts organizations will be taken into consideration. These guidelines provide specific safety information for a variety of teaching scenarios in band, choir, orchestra, general music, dance, drama, and visual art. 

    Extracurricular Activities

    • Schools will follow health and safety guidelines as established for classrooms and entire schools. 
    • All summer extracurricular activities have been discontinued.  
    • Schools will evaluate and/or adjust future extracurricular activities based on the level of infection in the county.