
    Black Water Middle School falls under the Title 1 designation. This allows all students to eat free, the school to provide items like yearly school supplies, and sponsorship of enriching lessons and trips for our students. Letters about Title 1 events and important information are collected on this page. 


    Would You Like To Participate?

    Black Water welcomes your participation, please consider joining one of our school committees to help shape the learning environment for our students. Your involvement will ensure high-quality education and support for our students. If interested, please click the link below or you can email Mrs. Kimberly Weaks at kweaksr@horrycountyschools.net for more information.


    Parent Involvement Interest Form 

    Parent Volunteer Application


    Monthly Newsletter Links for Parent Institute

    English Version

    Spanish Version 

Title 1 Family Night
Title 1 Family Night Spanish
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Family Room
Family Room Spanish