Proposed Employee Compensation FAQs

  • Why did Horry County Schools request a compensation and classification study?

  • Who conducted the compensation and classification study for the District?

  • How was the compensation and classification study conducted?

  • With whom is Horry County Schools compared in the market study?

  • Will all employees receive more money in 2021-22?

  • What is a STEP?

  • Will I retain my current STEP in the study?

  • What is a pay grade?

  • Why did it take so long to implement the study?

  • Will substitutes receive a pay increase?

  • Which employees will receive the state-mandated $1,000 increase in pay?

  • Can the funds appropriated for the $1,000 increase be used for other educational purposes or can it only be used for a pay increase?

  • Does the District plan include a pay raise in addition to what the state mandates?

  • Will teachers retroactively receive the step that was lost last year?

  • Will the $1,000 state-mandated increase to teachers be paid in one lump sum or will it be spread across multiple paychecks?

  • What is the cutoff for the step increase?

  • Has the $1,000 plus the 2% annual step increase been approved by the board?

  • If the salary study is approved, will there be a phase-in?

  • If the salary study is approved, when will I be notified?