• Display Requirements


    Project Display Board:

    Each entry is required to have a project display board for the table. However, the display board will not be any larger than 18X48 (you may cut a regular presentation board in half to make a display for two separate entries).

    All projects must have project documentation, as well as any permission needed, and a bibliography (if applicable).

    Title (Name of project, name of creator(s), competition category & level)
    Introduction of project
    What hardware and software did you use?
    Why did you choose to do this project?
    What have you learned from creating this project?
    Visual documentation during project development (photos)

    Bibliography – If the project contains any material not written/created by the student, a bibliography must be included (including websites used, people that consulted with the student to provide guidance, etc)

    Computers and Software - Students will be provided a table and electricity the day of the competition. Students are responsible for the security of any computer brought to the premises. If additional equipment is needed, please notify Ashley Gasperson via email at  agasperson@horrycountyschools.net