Upon three (3) consecutive or five (5) unlawful absences, a student is truant. Attempts will be made to establish contact with the parent/guardian to arrange a conference. During the conference, a written plan called an AIP (Attendance Intervention Plan) will be developed with you, your student, and the school so that all have a clear understanding regarding the future attendance of your student.

    Parent notes are NOT accepted as an excused absence,  although we do ask that you send a note, email, or call if your student is going to be absent. Excused absences are: Bereavement, Medical,  Principal Approved (with PRIOR arrangements made with the school principal), a school field trip/school activity, or  Legal. Proper documentation  must be turned in to the attendance clerk when the student returns to school.

    If a student is absent from school…

    On the day of return, the student must bring a note to the Attendance Clerk before classes begin.  Without a note, the absence is unverified.

    The note should include the following:

    ~ Current date

    ~ Student’s name

    ~ Dates of absence

    ~ Parent signature

    ~ Reason for absence

    ~ The parent’s daytime phone number

    Doctor’s notes must be verifiable, and they ONLY excuse the dates and times stated on the doctor’s note.



    Students are tardy to school after 8:20 am.  A parent note does not excuse tardiness. Any student arriving after 8:20 a.m. must be walked into the building by the Parent/Guardian.  If a student arrives more than 30 minutes after a class has begun, they do not receive attendance credit for that class.   

    This tardy policy also applies to students arriving to each class on time.

    1st Tardy

    Warning & Parent Contact

    2nd Tardy

    Second Warning & Parent


    3rd Tardy

    Lunch Detention & Parent 


    4th Tardy

    2 Lunch Detentions & Parent Contact

    5th Tardy and any future tardies

    Referral to Administration & 

    Consequence to be Determined

    With the exception of arriving late, the tardy to class policy will begin over at second semester.  The tardy report is run once a month & consequences will be issued at that time.