- Carolina Forest High School
- Extra Curriculars
[ Academic Team ]
Cadets learn Naval knowledge during class, and our Academic team puts that information to
work. During practice, students challenge each other's understanding of naval science through
various Gimkits, Kahoots, Family Feud, and Jeopardy-like games. We have found that this
approach is the most effective way cadets memorize, understand, and apply naval science in their
education. This team aims to teach students how to socialize, take care of time, and study for
upcoming tests.
[ Orienteering Team ]
The Orienteering Team teaches our students land navigation by using a map and compass.
Cadets venture across the school's campus, fields, and forests to find control points that are
scattered on a map. In addition to learning navigational skills, the team also focuses on building
endurance and strength through various mile runs, 40-yard dashes, and workout cards. This team
encourages cadets to create healthy habits and endure challenges that shape quality
[ Rifle Team ]
We entrust our diligent cadets to safely use our rifles and build their skills to become excellent
marksmen! At the beginning of each semester, we host tryouts with 16 available spots. To
qualify for the team, candidates must undergo training and tests to evaluate their current abilities.
Once the team members have been decided, each cadet enhances their aim and precision in the
three rifle positions: Prone, Kneeling, and Standing. As opposed to other teams, our
Marksmanship program promotes a sense of patience and perseverance that'll benefit our
students in the future. We are confident that this team will shape cadets to endure challenges and
seek out their goals after they graduate from high school.
[ Cyber Patriots ]
Recently, numerous cyberattacks have infiltrated the United States. In order to deal with these
attacks, the Air Force has established a program for JROTC cadets called Cyber Patriots.
Students learn how to build and secure networks, as well as recognize the importance of cyber
security. By utilizing these skills, our cadets participate in competitions that range from regional
to national levels. Unlike other teams within the unit, students have the possibility of receiving
scholarship money for their college experience. We hope our cadets will use the knowledge
they've learned to find potential career options and fight against Cyber-Warfare.
[ Drill Team ]
All JROTC programs focus on improving cadets’ ability to work together in a team environment,
including marching in squads and platoons. Although marching techniques are taught during
class, the drill team provides additional feedback and guidance for students. During practice,
cadets are grouped based on their grade level and drill capabilities. As the year progresses,
students learn how to properly perform columns, flanks, halts, and facing movements. Drill
Team challenges cadets to maintain a straight face, critique small mistakes and receive
constructive criticism, students also build courage, step outside their comfort zone, and
understand the importance of teamwork.
[ SeaPerch ]
The art of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics has become crucial in our society.
For the Navy especially, the military needs educated men and women to design and program
robots that'll improve the country's national defense. With this in mind, we understand the
importance of STEM programs and introduced our SeaPerch team without hesitation. Cadets
learn to create underwater robots that withstand obstacles, barriers, and water currents. As with
many robotics teams, SeaPerch offers effective approaches to coding, designing, and building
machines that will expand students' interests. We aspire to provide students with the learning
environment they deserve to fully understand their talents, creativity, and potential![ Drone Team ]
Recently, our NJROTC unit introduced the drone team to allow cadets to control and program
drones. As students learn to use coordinates and remote controllers to fly devices, they begin
using drones to navigate numerous barriers. Cadets meet with other students to challenge each
other’s abilities to manage drones in various obstacle courses. We hope that by establishing this
team, cadets will find career opportunities to operate more advanced airborne devices!