• nurse

    Traci Lee



    Mrs. Traci Lee, School Nurse

    Email: tlee005@horrycountyschools.net

    Phone: (843)358-6000




    Sick Children at School

    If your child is sick during school hours, have him or her picked up as soon as possible. If child stays in the health office, he or she is exposed to other illnesses and is exposing other students to theirs.

    Do not send a child to school if he/she:

    • Has been vomiting within the last 8 hours. It takes more than a few hours to recuperate from an intestinal virus. This is best for everyone. Note also that fever is not normally one of the symptoms.
    • Has a fever (100 degrees or more) or rash
    • Has the flu, whooping cough, strep throat/scarlet fever, mononucleosis, and chickenpox


    PE & Recess

    Should there be a need for an adjustment in your child’s school environment or activities, please share your concerns with Mrs. Lee, and we will make every effort to accommodate you and your child when possible.

    • Let Mrs. Lee know if your child has had a recent injury, serious illness or surgery which may require activity restrictions.
    • If there is a need to restrict physical activity for a student, parents should provide the school with a note from the attending physician describing the type of restriction and its duration.
    • If needed, parents are asked to provide a follow-up note from the attending physician after the initial phase has expired. An example might be after a cast is removed.


    Minimum immunization Requirements (In Compliance with HCS)

    • Three (3) doses of any combination of DTP, DT, DTP-Hib, DTap or Td vaccine with at least one (1) dose received on or after the fourth birthday.
    • Three (3) doses of any combination of oral or inactivated Polio vaccine with at least one (1) dose received on or after the fourth birthday.
    • One (1) dose of Rubeola (Measles) vaccine received on or after the first birthday, except that children admitted to any child development program under the control of the State Department of Education, or to kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth grades must have two (2) doses of Rubeola (Measles) vaccine with both doses received on or after the first birthday and separated by at least one month.
    • One (1) dose of Rubella (German Measles) vaccine received on or after the first birthday.
    • One (1) dose of Mumps vaccine received on or after the first birthday.
    • Three (3) doses of Hepatitis B vaccine for all children.


    Backpack Safety Tips

    1. Step 1: Choosing the right size backpack is the most important step to safe backpack use.
    2. Step 2: The maximum weight of the loaded backpack should not exceed 15% of your body weight, so pack only what is needed. (If the backpack forces the student to lean forward to carry it, it is overloaded.)
    3. Step 3: Use both shoulder straps –snug, but not too tight. (Do not sling the bag over one shoulder, and use a waist strap if one is provided.)


    COVID Updates

    August 5, 2022

    Dear HCS Parents/Guardians:

    Horry County Schools (HCS) adheres to all SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) guidelines in regards to health-related protocols and procedures. Based on the latest information, COVID-19 is now considered an endemic virus. The term “endemic” refers to a disease that is circulating in a community at an expected or normal level, minus an occasional outbreak (for example, the flu). South Carolina, along with other states and the federal government, has begun treating COVID-19 as an endemic virus due to declining cases and hospitalization rates as well as the increased availability of vaccines, treatments, and rapid testing.

    Based on the SCDHEC latest information, isolation is required for all students/staff who receive a COVID-19 positive test result. The isolation period is required for at least 5 days since the first symptoms began and at least 24-hours since the last fever without use of a fever-reducing medication. A mask is recommended for days 6-10.

    Parents should submit a copy of the positive COVID-19 test result to their child’s school. The missed days will be excused, and the student will be allowed to make up all work that was missed as a result of the absences.

    Parents should continue to monitor their children for COVID-19 symptoms, which include a fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting and diarrhea. Free at-home COVID-19 test kits are available to parents at their student’s school. Parents interested in acquiring a free at-home COVID-19 test kit should contact the school’s front office or the nurse’s office. (No testing will be completed by school staff.)

    Because the COVID-19 virus is now considered endemic, Horry County Schools will no longer ask parents to quarantine their student who has been deemed as a close contact with an individual who has received a positive COVID-19 test result. Each school will continue to monitor absentee rates to determine if an outbreak has occurred and will work with the HCS Department of Health Services to notify parents accordingly.

    Horry County Schools, along with SCDHEC, encourages all students/staff to stay up-to-date with all COVID-19 vaccinations.


    HCS Health Services