• Ultimate Frisbee Club

    vs AC Flora - Battle At The Beach 2017

    Welcome to Ultimate Frisbee!  This club formed in 2009 and has grown into both a casual group of players and a more competitive travel team featuring both male and female players. We meet every Wednesday in the fall semester to practice and play ultimate.


    Trayson Kanniard - CQTU HS 2017 - Ultiphotos


    In the spring, we form our travel tournament team based on those who are willing to accept a more dedicated practice schedule. We participate in matches and tournaments in SC and NC, with opponents ranging from Maryland to Georgia. We have finished in the top 3 in the state for the past two years through the Palmetto State Youth Championships (PSYC) and look to compete similarly this year.

  • Conditioning begins 1/23. Tuesday and Thursday are leg days with Wednesdays being a mile run followed by classroom sessions.

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