• Restore: Habitat

    Restore: Habitat-SC Garden Habitat Project

    Summary-Students will create a garden habitat with SC state symbols to enhance the native plant and animal populations of our school grounds as well as teaching others about the SC symbols. We will design, construct, and maintain the garden habitat to encourage species, students, staff, and community members to use the garden.

    Education Components-The education components are two-fold for this project. The first is using technological design to plan, implement, and evaluate the garden. Students will have to study the best way to lay-out and plant the materials for best success. The other education component is the education of SC symbols. The garden will contain components and signs for the state flower, bird, stone, butterfly, and other symbols. The students creating the garden will be learning about these symbols as will everyone who uses the garden.

    Future Goals-We would like to add to our garden yearly and eventually create an entire outdoor classroom that students, staff, and the community will be able to learn from and enjoy.