• What is Gator Aide-Extended Learning?

    To the Parents/Guardians of:                               Homeroom Teacher: ________________________________

    Got Gator Aide? We do at Forestbrook with our Extended Learning Program. We at Forestbrook Middle believe that every student can learn and our extended learning program is that extra resource that will make a difference in obtaining that final score of success.

    We have received our last years PASS scores and we are analyzing our recent MAP scores in order to determine student eligibility for our after school extension program. At this time, your student has met the qualifications to be a part of our Extended Learning Program offered here at Forestbrook Middle School. Sessions will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:45 to 4:45, beginning October 23, 2012. There is no cost for your student to attend our program, but the opportunities for success are many. Bus transportation will be provided for participating students.

    The main subject areas of math and language arts will be our focus with science and social studies integrated through reading, writing, and computer assisted programs. Periodically, your student will benefit from working directly with our career counselors in a small group setting throughout the duration of our extended learning program as well as small group interactions to assist with individual academic needs. We at Forestbrook believe this additional resource will greatly benefit your student and we look forward to better serving them academically to help improve student performance.

    We ask that students who participate in the Extended Learning Program attend every Tuesday and/or Wednesday (see calendar page 2) to build continuity with their skills in order to achieve their highest potential before taking on the PASS test in the spring. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions, comments or concerns (236-7300).

    Sincerely, Dr. Deborah Stone ext. 52808                                                         e-mail: dstone@horrycountyschools.net

    _____________________Cut here and return the bottom portion____________________________

    Please complete and detach the bottom portion of this letter and return to your child’s homeroom teacher. Parents, please keep the top portion and the calendar for your reference information. This form must be completed prior to enrollment in the program.

    Yes, I will participate in the Extended Learning Program

    Student’s Name:                                                              Homeroom teacher: __________________

    Bus Rider: _______Yes, my child will participate in the Extended Learning Program. My child will ride the bus each day. My child and I understand that all bus rules, which the school and the school district have established for regular school bus transportation, will apply.


    Parent Signature______________________________________________________         Date_________________________

    Phone number where you can be reached between 3:00 and 5:00 pm: Main # ______________________Alternative #____________________

    Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    (Must have exact address listed for bus transportation)

    Car Rider:   _______Yes, my child will participate in the Extended Learning Program.

    My child will not ride the bus. I will pick up my student NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. each day after tutorial.

    No, I will not participate in the Extended Learning Program

    ________No, my child will not be able to participate in the Extended Learning Program at this time.

    Parent Signature_______________________________________Date__________________________

    Extended Learning Calendar

    Times: 3:45-5:00

    Students report to the cafeteria at 3:30 for snacks and restroom break prior to beginning classes at 3:45.

    October 2012

    Tuesday 23 Wednesday 24

    Tuesday 30 Wednesday 31

    November 2012

    Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14

    Tuesday 27 Wednesday 28

    December 2012

    Tuesday 4   Wednesday 5

    Tuesday 11 Wednesday 12

    January 2013

    Tuesday 8 Wednesday 9

    Tuesday 15 Wednesday16

    Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23

    Tuesday 29 Wednesday 30

    February 2013

    Tuesday 5   Wednesday 6

    Tuesday 12 Wednesday 13

    Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20

    Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27

    March 2013

    Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6

    PASS Writing Test 19 &20

    No Extended Learning

    Tuesday 12 Wednesday 13

    Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27

    April 2013

    Tuesday 9   Wednesday 10

    Tuesday 16 Wednesday 17

    Tuesday 23 Wednesday 24

    Graduation Celebration

         Wednesday 24: 3:45-5:00

    *Parents Welcome

    Invitations will be sent home with your child on Tuesday, April 9, 2013. Please sign and return the invitation by Wednesday, April 10, 2013.


    PASS Testing

    May 7-ELA

    May 8-Math

    May 9 –Science/Social Studies

    May 10-Social Studies/Make Up

    We are Ready!