- Kingston Elementary
- Assessment by Grade
Assessment by Grade
Throughout the school year, students are tested for various reasons across all grade levels. Please take a moment to look over assessment given by grade level.
PALS- Child Development
This assessment reflects skills that are predictive of future reading success and measure name writing ability, upper and lower-case alphabet recognition, letter sound and beginning sound production, print and word awareness, rhyme awareness and nursery rhyme awareness.
DIBELS- Kindergarten
The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS®) are comprised of measures to test fluency in the following areas: Initial Sounds, Letter Naming, Phoneme Segmentation, Nonsense Words, Oral Reading, Retelling, and Word Use.
DRA2 CD- 3rd
The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) is a diagnostic assessment that measures gains/differences in text level reading.
Grades 4-5 will be tested on science and social studies standards via the PASS test in May 2016.
MAP- K-5th
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) tests are electronically administered and scored. These achievement tests are designed to measure academic growth in reading, language usage, and math.
SC Ready- 3rd, 4th, & 5th
The SC Ready measures mastery of grade level achievement standards.
The Iowa Cognitive Abilities (CogAT) assesses student’s thinking/reasoning skills using verbal, numerical, and nonverbal communications/symbols and is used as the initial screening process for the Gifted and Talented program.