- Kingston Elementary
- Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Emergency Response Plans that include staff trained to perform specific duties are in place at all Horry County Schools including Kingston Elementary. These plans exist in the form of Drills that are practiced and documented at intervals throughout the school year. Drills give us the opportunity to exercise our plans and make improvements based input from team members and the changing needs of our student body each year.
Student Accidents and/or Illness
In case of an accident involving one of our students, first aid will be administered by our school nurse or other authorized First Responder. In all cases of serious accidents or illnesses, every effort is made to contact parents. It is therefore imperative that parents be sure the school has current contact information. In the event, the school nurse or other authorized school personnel deems it appropriate/necessary EMS will be called.
Prescription Drugs and Medications
If a child must take a prescription drug or other medication during the school day, the teacher must be informed in writing. The time the medication is to be taken, the dosage required, and any side effects the drug may cause should be stated. Any prescription medication to be administered must have the child’s name on the bottle and not that of any other member of the family. The child’s medication must be kept in the original container and will be kept in the Health Room. Any medication taken on a daily basis must have a permission form signed by the parent or legal guardian and kept on file. All medications must be brought to school by parents/guardians. Medications are not to be sent to school in the care of students.