- Myrtle Beach Primary
- Title I
Myrtle Beach Primary is a Title I school
Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal program that provides opportunities for students served to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to meet challenging state content standards. Title I resources are distributed to schools where needs are the greatest, to make a difference in the improvement of education.Our school continually monitors the implementation of the Title I plan and welcomes input from parents, school staff, and community members regarding its current and future Title I plans. If you would like to participate in the school’s Title I planning team or make comments on the plan, please contact the principal.It is important for the school and parents to work together and share responsibility for high student performance. One of the best examples of this commitment is the Student-Parent compact. This compact lays out the responsibilities of families, students, and school staff to make sure that students meet the standards. It defines the goals of the partnership to improve student achievement and how parents, school staff, and students will work together to help students achieve high standards. Additionally, the compact translates the policies and goals of the school into action — by describing what teachers, administrators, students, and parents will do to meet the goals and standards.
There are approximately 40% of South Carolina students attending Title I schools. These Title 1 schools are in low-income areas, or their main focus is to improve testing scores. The federal dollars are funneled to schools for additional teachers and programs to raise student achievement.
A copy of the Title I plan is available in the school office for parental review or feedback. If you have questions or suggestions concerning the Title I plan, you may also contact the principal, Mrs. Beth Compton, at bcompton@horrycountyschools.net or 843-448-1774.
Additionally, parents may visit http://ed.sc.gov to see information related to a specific district or school.
Click on the link to access updated documents for our school and district. Myrtle Beach Primary is a Title I school