• Beth Brown: Head Counselor/12th Grade

    Welcome to Beth Brown, Senior Guidance Counselor and Lead Counselor.

    Parents and students

    If you are not receiving college or scholarship emails from me, please make sure I have the correct email on file or that I even have your email.

    My work email is ebrown@horrycountyschools.net



    While seniors do not have to pick out classes for the following school year, there is much information that needs to be reviewed before a senior graduates.  All Senior IGP meetings are being conducted virtually for the 2020-2021 school year.  Please call or email to set up your student's virtual IGP meeting.  Below are copies of some of the documents that will be reviewed and tailored to your student's specific needs.  Once an appointment is made, a google meeting link will be emailed to the parent and student's email on file.  It will also include information that will be reviewed for the meeting.

    12th grade IGP Documents


    Seniors should make sure they are enrolled in the Class of 2021 Google Classroom. An invite was emailed to the student's school email in July.  Information for students who are at the base school is posted here.  Students should also be checking their school student email account for updated senior information.