- North Myrtle Beach Middle School
- Guidance
Individual Graduation Plan
The Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) is a state requirement for 8th through 12th grade. The Education and Economic Development ACT (EEDA) of 2005 stipulates that students will have career assessments and awareness activities that help them select a career path. The purpose of the IGP is to assist students with the transition from middle school to high school to prepare a career major for high school and beyond.Students begin the process by talking to their career development facilitator from 6th through 8th grade in the middle school. Individual career assessments and consultations are provided each year. During the 8th grade, students complete the EXPLORE assessment for college readiness and receive their results. Students then learn what areas they need to develop in order to attain college entrance admissions requirements. During the IGP conference, students identify the career major offered in the Horry County School District that matches their career goal.
Parents are given information about EXPLORE results, career assessment results, and the student's career goals. During the IGP conference, the guidance counselor provides tests results, explains the career major their student has selected, where the program is offered, and when courses in the major would begin. Parents must sign the IGP before they can be registered at the high school.
The website that students, parents, and guidance personnel can access that provides information about the IGP process is www.scpathways.org. It provides many resources for those who are looking for a job, training for a job, or recruiting applications for jobs.
The IGP conferences begin after EXPLORE results are in, sometime in December or January of the student's 8th grade year. The conferences are completed by the end of March of the student's 8th grade year. The guidance counselors meet with the student and parents to complete the IGP process. The IGP is then transferred from the middle school to the high school.
For more information about the IGP process or to schedule an appointment, contact Mrs. Hill or Mrs. Penelope McPhail.