• Frequently Asked Questions

    Commonly asked questions concerning Workers' Compensation

    If you are like most people, you probably know very little about your Workers' Compensation coverage  This section is designed to answer some of the most common questions asked about Workers' compensation coverage.

    Q - What is Workers' Compensation?

    A - Workers' Compensation pays medical bills and a percentage of lost wages to employees who are injured while performing their jobs.

    Q -  Do I pay for my workers' compensation coverage?

    A - No, the school district pays all cost for workers' compensation insurance coverage for the employees of HCS.

    Q - What should I do if I am injured on the job?

    A - Immediately notify your supervisor about the incident so he/she can get all details and notify the Workers' Comp Reporter for your work site.

    Q - Do I need a lawyer?

    A - Since workers' compensation is a no-fault system, you do not need a lawyer to collect under this system, but it is your right to hire one if you so desire.

    Q - How much money will I get if I am injured?

    A - Your medical bills will be paid.  You are also entitled to lost wages at 2/3% of your regular salary up to the limit set by law.

    Q - Does HCS have a Return to Work Program?

    A - Yes, HCS makes every reasonable accommodation to get the injured employee back to their job as soon as possible. When the treating physician has released you to light-duty and you do not return to work, your workers' compensation benefits will stop.


    If you have other questions, you may contact Connie Jordan, Workers’ Compensation Specialist at the District Office, 843-488-6850