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- Socastee High School
- Message from the Principal
Message from the Principal
August 7, 2024
Good evening, Braves’ Parents, Guardians, and Students,
We are quickly approaching the new school year, and we are very excited to welcome our students back to school on Monday, August 19, 2024. I want to share some important information with you prior to our first day of school.
Schedules will go live in PowerSchool on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, around noon. Please do not email your guidance counselor requesting a schedule change as we will have a process for changing schedules once the students return to school on Monday, August 19. Mr. Robb Urbaniak will share that information via email. If you have not completed your registration, your schedule will not be visible until your registration is completed.
We will hold a new student and freshman orientation on Thursday, August 15, from 9 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. This is not scheduled as a “drop-in” but will require active participation from students to learn important information about SHS. All freshmen, new students, and parents will be walking the student’s schedule to briefly meet their teachers, so please limit the number of family members who attend due to the restricted capacity of classrooms. There will be tours walking around the building and up and down the stairs as well. In addition, we will have all our clubs, athletics, performing arts, and visual arts set up in the commons, so students can learn about other ways to make their experience at SHS even more memorable.
On Friday, August 16th, our Varsity Football team will be competing in the Conway National Bank Jamboree vs St. James @ 7:00 P.M. Please come out and support our football team and cheerleaders. Fall sports picture day will be Sunday, August 18, 2024, at 1 P.M. in the main gym. Our annual SHSAA Black and Gold Dinner fundraiser is at the Boathouse Saturday, August 17th, from 6 P.M. until 9 P.M. You can purchase tickets online at socasteebraves.com/game-day-tickets-shsaa-passes-shsaa-event-tickets
Website: www.socasteebraves.com
Athletic App Instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/116ot_fWg85-fybg-H29-ko_BwYUYJ2g2h7ub6T5MyVM/edit
Ticketing site: https://www.socasteebraves.com/game-day-tickets-shsaa-passes-shsaa-event-tickets
Fall Master Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FDIhZtoYeSFAXQhXBBbXX3hv_TOICExGjviIX0fMhFA/edit?usp=sharing
On the first day of school, Monday, August 19, 2024, students will start their day by attending their advisory before going to their first, second, third, and fourth block. Students can locate their advisory teacher on PowerSchool once their schedule is released on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, around noon. If your student is unable to see their schedule, you may still need to register your student. As a reminder, we search every student every day when they enter the school. All students will be required to use a clear backpack this year. Students who need to bring athletic bags should be prepared to place their athletic bags in the bins provided with the understanding that you will not get your athletic bag back until the end of the school day. All other clear backpacks, instrument cases, lunch bags, etc. will be searched. Students, please limit the number of bags you bring to school. Only bring something if you truly need it at school to speed up our search line process.
School breakfasts and lunches will be free to all students. Please utilize MySchoolBucks.com to add money to your student’s account if they want to purchase al-a-carte items.
Our schedule will remain the same for the 2024-25 school year. Our doors open at 7:45 a.m. for all students. First block starts at 8:25 a.m., and our school day ends at 3:15 p.m. For our full schedule, please use the following link, 2024-25 Schedule.
Students who are able to drive to school may purchase parking passes through https://www.mypaymentsplus.com/welcome. Parking stickers are $30 for the school year. Parking passes will be distributed to those who purchased them during the first week of school. All students who drive to school must purchase a parking pass.
Yearbooks can be purchased at https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (search for Socastee High School or enter Order #21370). The cost is $90. Yearbook senior ads also can be created at yearbookordercenter.com. (Please note, yearbookordercenter.com is the only place to purchase a yearbook. (They are NOT purchased through MyPaymentsPlus). For more complete information about the yearbook, including how to advertise your business in the yearbook, go to our website or email adviser Rich Taylor at RTaylor001@horrycountyschools.net .
Finally, if you have not completed your registration, please do so immediately, so we can ensure we have accurate information on file. Ms. Dawn Meehan can assist you with any questions that you may have. Her email address is DMeehan@horrycountyschools.net.
We look forward to seeing you all very soon. Enjoy the remainder of your summer. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
Jeremy Rich, Principal
Socastee High School
Previous Messages from the Principal
January 8, 2004
January 8, 2024
Good afternoon, Parents/Guardians and Students,
As you are aware, we will operate on a distance learning schedule on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, due to the potential inclement weather tomorrow.
- On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, all Horry County Schools’ (HCS) facilities will be closed due to the potential inclement weather heading our way. However, HCS will operate on Tuesday with an eLearning day for all students. School staff members will provide directions for students regarding Tuesday’s eLearning day. Additionally, all after-school activities for Tuesday, January 9, 2024, are canceled. Athletic directors are working to reschedule games for Wednesday, January 10, 2024.
- For updates, please monitor the HCS website or visit HCS on Facebook and Twitter.
- From the office of attendance. Tuesday, January 9, 2024, will be an eLearning day for all HCS students. Students may access Google meets from any electronic device, such as an HCS device, tablet, or phone in order to complete their work or paper packets of assignments may be provided. Students may also make up the work upon returning to in person sessions. Students that attend their Google meets, complete work packets, or make up Tuesday’s work should be coded SC-VTP, the virtual present code. Students have 5 school days to complete the make-up work. Any student that does not attend a Google Meet class, complete the paperwork packets, or make up the work by Tuesday, January 16, 2024, will be coded as SC-UNEX.
Below you will find the schedule for our E-Learning Day tomorrow. We expect the students to login into their Google Classrooms or Schoology for every one of their classes and join the Google Meets held by each of their teachers during the Google Meet times as noted on the schedule below. Attendance will be awarded by work completion and not just by being on the Google Meet. We understand that some people may lose power, including staff members. That is why students have five days to complete the work for attendance.
Schedule for January 9, 2024
1st Block
8:25—8:50 (Live Instruction)
8:55—9:55 (Office Hours)
2nd Block
10:00 —10:25 (Live Instruction)
10:30—11:30 (Office Hours)
11:30—12:00 (Lunch)3rd Block
12:00—12:25 (Live Instruction)
12:30—1:30 (Office Hours)
4th Block
1:35—2:00 (Live Instruction)
2:05—3:05(Office Hours)
Most importantly, I hope that everyone weathers the storm safely tomorrow. If you have any questions, please let me know.Sincerely,
Jeremy Rich, Principal
Socastee High School
December 17, 2023
Good afternoon, Parents/Guardians and Students,
As you are aware, we will operate on a distance learning schedule on Monday, December 18, 2023, due to the inclement weather today and flooding that has occurred.
- On Monday, December 18, 2023, all Horry County Schools’ (HCS) facilities will be closed due to the inclement weather related and flooding that occurred with today’s storm. However, HCS will operate on Monday with an e-Learning day for all students. School staff members will provide directions for students regarding Monday’’s e-Learning day. Additionally, all after-school activities for Monday, December 18, 2023, are canceled. Athletic directors are working to reschedule games if possible for another date.
- For updates, please monitor the HCS website or visit HCS on Facebook and Twitter.
- From the office of attendance. Monday, December 18 will be an e-Learning day for all HCS students. Students may access Google meets from any electronic device, such as a HCS device, tablet, or phone in order to complete their work or paper packets of assignments may be provided. Students may also make up the work upon returning to in-person sessions. Students that attend their Google meets, complete work packets, or make up Monday’s work should be coded SC-VTP, the virtual present code. Students have 5 school days to complete the make-up work. Any student that does not attend a Google Meet class, complete the paperwork packets, or make up the work by Friday, January 5, 2024, will be coded as SC-UNEX.
Below you will find the schedule for our E-Learning Day tomorrow. We expect the students to login into their Google Classrooms or Schoology for every one of their classes and join the Google Meets held by each of their teachers during the Google Meet times as noted on the schedule below. Attendance will be awarded by work completion and not just by being on the Google Meet. We understand that some people may lose power, including staff members. That is why students have five days to complete the work for attendance.
1st Block
8:25—8:50 (Live Instruction)
8:55—9:55 (Office Hours)
2nd Block
10:00 —10:25 (Live Instruction)
10:30—11:30 (Office Hours)
11:30—12:00 (Lunch)
3rd Block
12:00—12:25 (Live Instruction)
12:30—1:30 (Office Hours)
4th Block
1:35—2:00 (Live Instruction)
2:05—3:05 (Office Hours)
Most importantly, I hope that everyone weathered the storm safely today and continues to remain safe through the potential flooding that may occur. If you have any questions, please let me know. Happy holidays to you and your family.
Jeremy Rich, PrincipalSocastee High School
September 20th Open House
September 20, 2023
Good evening, Parents and Guardians,
On Thursday, September 28, 2023, from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m., we will hold an open house for parents and guardians to meet with your student’s teachers and guidance counselors. By now, you should have received an email to see your student’s interim report card from PowerSchool. However, if you need an interim printed when you arrive on Thursday, guidance counselors will be set up in the commons by the front entrance to assist you. We look forward to seeing many of you on Thursday evening. As a reminder, we do have several teachers who also coach our student athletes. Those teachers will have a sign-up sheet on their doors if you arrive before practice is over. Please leave your name, your student’s name, and phone number, so they can call you to answer any questions or concerns that you have. In addition, we have four teachers who are floating from classroom to classroom this school year. We will have all four teachers set up in the media center. Those teachers are Mr. Eric Haas, Ms. Kira Hamilton, Ms. Lina Leonard, and Ms. Jonica Brown. Have a great evening!
Jeremy Rich, PrincipalSocastee High School
Buenas noches, padres y tutores,
El jueves 28 de septiembre de 2023, de 16 a 20 horas. Hasta las 6 p. m., realizaremos una jornada de puertas abiertas para que los padres y tutores se reúnan con los maestros y consejeros vocacionales de sus estudiantes. A estas alturas, debería haber recibido un correo electrónico para ver la boleta de calificaciones provisional de su estudiante de PowerSchool. Sin embargo, si necesita una impresión provisional cuando llegue el jueves, se instalarán consejeros vocacionales en los espacios comunes junto a la entrada principal para ayudarlo. Esperamos ver a muchos de ustedes el jueves por la noche. Como recordatorio, tenemos varios maestros que también entrenan a nuestros estudiantes atletas. Esos profesores tendrán una hoja de inscripción en sus puertas si llegas antes de que termine la práctica. Deje su nombre, el nombre de su estudiante y su número de teléfono para que puedan llamarlo y responder cualquier pregunta o inquietud que tenga. Además, tenemos cuatro maestros que están flotando de un salón de clases a otro este año escolar. Tendremos a los cuatro maestros instalados en el centro de medios. Esos maestros son el Sr. Eric Haas, la Sra. Kira Hamilton, la Sra. Lina Leonard y la Sra. Jonica Brown. ¡Que tengas una buena tarde!
Jeremy Rich, Principal
Socastee High School
August 30, 2023 - eLearning Day
August 30, 2023
Good afternoon, Parents/Guardians and Students,
As you are aware, we will operate on a distance learning schedule on Thursday, August 31, 2023, due to the forecast of inclement weather related to Hurricane Idalia.
- On Thursday, August 31, 2023, all Horry County Schools’ (HCS) facilities will be closed due to the forecast for inclement weather related to Hurricane Idalia. However, HCS will operate on Thursday with an eLearning day for all students. School staff members will provide directions for students regarding Thursday’s eLearning day. Additionally, all after-school activities for Thursday, August 31, 2023, are canceled. After school activities on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, may take place weather permitting, but all games have been canceled.
- For updates, please monitor the HCS website or visit HCS on Facebook and Twitter.
- From the office of attendance. Thursday, August 31 will be an eLearning day for all HCS students. Students may access Google meets from any electronic device, such as a HCS device, tablet, or phone in order to complete their work or paper packets of assignments may be provided. Students may also make up the work upon returning to in-person sessions. Students that attend their Google meets, complete work packets, or make up Thursday’s work should be coded SC-VTP, the virtual present code. Students have 5 school days to complete the make-up work. Any student that does not attend a Google Meet class, complete the paperwork packets, or make up the work by Friday, September 8, 2023, will be coded as SC-UNEX.
Below you will find the schedule for our E-Learning Day tomorrow. We expect the students to login into their Google Classrooms or Schoology for every one of their classes and join the Google Meets held by each of their teachers during the Google Meet times as noted on the schedule below. Attendance will be awarded by work completion and not just by being on the Google Meet. We understand that some people may lose power, including staff members. That is why students have five days to complete the work for attendance.
1st Block
8:25—8:55 (Live Instruction)
8:55—9:55 (Office Hours)
2nd Block
10:00 —10:30 (Live Instruction)
10:30—11:30 (Office Hours)
11:30—12:00 (Lunch)
3rd Block
12:00—12:30 (Live Instruction)
12:30—1:30 (Office Hours)
4th Block
1:35—2:05 (Live Instruction)
2:05—3:05(Office Hours)
Most importantly, I hope that everyone and their belongings remain safe through the pending Hurricane/Tropical Storm. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Jeremy Rich, PrincipalSocastee High School
July 26, 2023
July 26, 2023
Good morning, Braves Parents, Guardians, and Students,
We are quickly approaching the new school year, and we are very excited to welcome our students back to school on Monday, August 21, 2023. I want to share some important information with you before we get to our first day of school.
Schedules will go live in PowerSchool on Wednesday, August 16, 2023. There is no set time; they will become active at some point during the day on Wednesday. Please do not email your guidance counselor requesting a schedule change as we will have a process for changing schedules once the students return to school on Monday, August 21. Mr. Robb Urbaniak will share that information with students and parents soon.
We will hold a new student and freshman orientation on Thursday, August 17, from 8:15 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. This is not scheduled as a “drop in” but will have active participation from students to learn important information for SHS. Please limit the number of family members who attend due to sizes of classrooms. There will be tours walking around the building and up and down the stairs as well. All freshmen, new students, and parents will be able to walk their student’s schedule and briefly meet their student’s teachers. We will have all our clubs, athletics, performing arts, and visual arts set up in the commons, so students can learn about other ways to make their experience at SHS even more memorable.
Fall sports season starts this Friday, July 28, 2023. All athletes must have a physical on file for the current school year and have all documentation uploaded in Big Teams, formally Planet HS. If you have any questions about athletics, please contact your student’s coach or our athletic director, Mr. Joshua Vinson at JVinson@horrycountyschools.net.
Seniors, many of you are anxious to receive your transcripts and begin working on your college applications. September is College Application Month, and our Guidance Team is working on some events to assist with this process. All seniors will receive their official transcripts in early September. Please do not ask your counselor for those transcripts while they are busy preparing schedules for the start of the school year. In addition, we will hold an informational meeting for seniors and their parents on September 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Topics covered will include senior supplies, college applications, senior trip, scholarships, to name a few. We look forward to seeing you there.
School breakfasts and lunches will be free to all students. Please utilize MySchoolBucks.com to add money to your student’s account if they want to purchase al-la-carte items..
Our schedule will remain the same for the 2023-24 school year. Our doors open at 7:45 a.m. for all students. First block starts at 8:25 a.m. and our school day ends at 3:15 p.m. For our full schedule, please use the following link, 2023-24 Schedule.
Students who are able to drive to school may purchase parking passes through https://www.mypaymentsplus.com/welcome starting August 1, 2023.. Parking stickers are $30 for the school year. Parking passes will be passed out to those who purchased them during the first week of school.
Yearbooks can be purchased at https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (search for Socastee High School or enter Order #21370). The cost is $85 if ordered before Jan. 1 (then $90). Senior ads also can be created at yearbookordercenter.com. (Please note, yearbookordercenter.com is the only place to purchase a yearbook. They are NOT purchased through mypaymentsplus).
For more complete information about the yearbook, including how to advertise your business in the yearbook, go to our website or email adviser Sue O’Brien at sobrien001@horrycountyschools.net.
Finally, if you have not completed your registration, please do so immediately, so we can ensure we have accurate information on file. Ms. Dawn Meehan can assist you with any questions that you may have. Her email address is DMeehan@horrycountyschools.net. We look forward to seeing you all very soon. Enjoy the remainder of your summer. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
Jeremy RichPrincipal
Socastee High School
March 17, 2022
March 17, 2022
Good evening, Students, Parents, and Guardians,
Next Thursday, March 23, 2023, from 4 PM until 6 PM, we will hold our spring semester parent/teacher conferences; no appointment is needed. I highly suggest if your student is not performing well in their class that you come next Thursday to meet with your student's teacher, or if you are unable to attend the conference, at least reach out to their teacher by phone or email. If your student needs extra academic support, tutoring is available for all subjects after school. Please use the following link to view the tutoring schedule, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ThcOT65O-1h50wYxrWDm5aiZ3K46U5GgVaXs9JY9k5I/edit?usp=sharing .
In addition, if you have not had the chance to see Socastee High School’s production of Disney’s, The Little Mermaid, there are four more shows this weekend. Matinees are at 3 PM and evening shows are at 7 PM. You can purchase tickets at socasteeperformingarts.com. Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for your continued support of Socastee High School.
Jeremy RichPrincipal
Socastee High School
Sept 29, 2022 Distance Learning Schedule
September 29, 2022
Good afternoon, Parents/Guardians and Students,
As you are aware, we will operate on a distance learning schedule on Friday, September 30, 2022. Horry County Schools has shared the following communication with you already regarding distance learning procedures.
On Friday, September 30, 2022, all Horry County Schools’ (HCS) facilities will be closed due to the forecast for inclement weather related to Hurricane Ian. However, HCS will operate on Friday with an eLearning day for all students. School staff members will provide directions for students regarding Friday’s eLearning day. Additionally, all after-school activities for Thursday, September 29, 2022, and Friday, September 30, 2022, are canceled.
For updates, please monitor the HCS website or visit HCS on Facebook and Twitter.
From the office of attendance. Friday, September 30 will be an eLearning day for all HCS students. Students may access Google meets from any electronic device, such as an HCS device, tablet, or phone in order to complete their work, or paper packets of assignments may be provided. Students may also make up the work upon returning to in-person sessions. Students that attend their Google meets, complete work packets, or makeup Friday’s work should be coded SC-VTP, the virtual present code. Students have 5 school days to complete the make-up work. Any student that does not attend a Google Meet class, complete the paperwork packets, or make up the work by Friday, October 7, 2022, will be coded as SC-UNEX.
Below you will find the schedule for our E-Learning Day tomorrow. We expect the students to login into their Google Classrooms for every one of their classes and join the Google Meets held by each of their teachers during the Google Meet times as noted on the schedule below. Attendance will be awarded by work completion and not just by being on the Google Meet.
1st Block
8:25—9:10 (Live Instruction)
9:10—9:55 (Office Hours)
2nd Block
10:00 —10:45 (Live Instruction)
10:45—11:30 (Office Hours)
11:30—12:00 (Lunch)
3rd Block
12:00—12:45 (Live Instruction)
12:45—1:30 (Office Hours)
4th Block
1:35—2:20 (Live Instruction)
2:20—3:05(Office Hours)
Most importantly, I hope that everyone and their belongings remain safe through the pending Tropical Storm. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Jeremy Rich, Principal
Socastee High School
Buenos días, padres/tutores y estudiantes,
como saben, operaremos en un horario de aprendizaje a distancia el viernes 30 de septiembre de 2022. Las Escuelas del Condado de Horry ya han compartido la siguiente comunicación con ustedes con respecto a los procedimientos de aprendizaje a distancia.
El viernes 30 de septiembre de 2022, todas las instalaciones de las Escuelas del condado de Horry (HCS) estarán cerradas debido al pronóstico de mal tiempo relacionado con el huracán Ian. Sin embargo, HCS operará el viernes con un día de aprendizaje electrónico para todos los estudiantes. Los miembros del personal de la escuela proporcionarán instrucciones a los estudiantes sobre el día de aprendizaje electrónico del viernes. Además, se cancelan todas las actividades extraescolares para el jueves 29 de septiembre de 2022 y el viernes 30 de septiembre de 2022.
Para obtener actualizaciones, controle el sitio web de HCS o visite HCS en Facebook y Twitter.
Desde la oficina de asistencia. El viernes 30 de septiembre será un día de aprendizaje electrónico para todos los estudiantes de HCS. Los estudiantes pueden acceder a las reuniones de Google desde cualquier dispositivo electrónico, como un dispositivo, tableta o teléfono de HCS para completar su trabajo, o se pueden proporcionar paquetes de tareas en papel. Los estudiantes también pueden recuperar el trabajo al regresar a las sesiones en persona. Los estudiantes que asisten a sus reuniones de Google, completan paquetes de trabajo o recuperan el trabajo del viernes deben codificarse SC-VTP, el código de regalo virtual. Los estudiantes tienen 5 días escolares para completar el trabajo de recuperación. Cualquier estudiante que no asista a una clase de Google Meet, complete los paquetes de papeleo o recupere el trabajo antes del viernes 7 de octubre de 2022, será codificado como SC-UNEX.
A continuación encontrará el horario de nuestro E-Learning Day de mañana. Esperamos que los estudiantes inicien sesión en sus Google Classrooms para cada una de sus clases y se unan a los Google Meets organizados por cada uno de sus maestros durante los horarios de Google Meet como se indica en el cronograma a continuación. La asistencia se otorgará por la finalización del trabajo y no solo por estar en Google Meet.
1.er bloque
8:25—9:10 (instrucción en vivo)
9:10—9:55 (horario de oficina)
2.° bloque
10:00—10:45 (instrucción en vivo)
10:45—11:30 (horario de oficina)
11:30—12:00 (almuerzo)
3er bloque
12:00—12:45 (instrucción en vivo)
12:45—1:30 (horario de oficina)
4to bloque
1:35—2:20 (instrucción en vivo)
2:20 —3:05 (horario de oficina)
Lo más importante es que espero que todos y sus pertenencias permanezcan a salvo durante la tormenta tropical pendiente. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor hágamelo saber.
Jeremy Rich, Director
Escuela Secundaria Socastee
Bom dia, Pais/Responsáveis ​​e Alunos,
Como sabem, operaremos em regime de ensino a distância na sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2022. As Escolas do Condado de Horry já compartilharam a seguinte comunicação com vocês sobre os procedimentos de ensino a distância.
Na sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2022, todas as instalações das Escolas do Condado de Horry (HCS) serão fechadas devido à previsão de mau tempo relacionado ao furacão Ian. No entanto, a HCS funcionará na sexta-feira com um dia de eLearning para todos os alunos. Os membros da equipe da escola fornecerão instruções para os alunos sobre o dia de eLearning de sexta-feira. Além disso, todas as atividades extracurriculares de quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2022 e sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2022, foram canceladas.
Para atualizações, monitore o site da HCS ou visite a HCS no Facebook e Twitter.
Do escritório de atendimento. Sexta-feira, 30 de setembro, será um dia de eLearning para todos os alunos da HCS. Os alunos podem acessar o Google Meets de qualquer dispositivo eletrônico, como um dispositivo HCS, tablet ou telefone para concluir o trabalho, ou pacotes de tarefas em papel podem ser fornecidos. Os alunos também podem repor o trabalho ao retornar às sessões presenciais. Os alunos que participam do Google Meet, completam os pacotes de trabalho ou compõem o trabalho de sexta-feira devem ser codificados como SC-VTP, o código do presente virtual. Os alunos têm 5 dias letivos para completar o trabalho de recuperação. Qualquer aluno que não comparecer a uma aula do Google Meet, preencher os pacotes de papelada ou fazer o trabalho até sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2022, será codificado como SC-UNEX.
Abaixo você encontrará a programação do nosso E-Learning Day amanhã. Esperamos que os alunos façam login no Google Classrooms para cada uma de suas turmas e participem do Google Meets realizado por cada um de seus professores durante os horários do Google Meet, conforme indicado na programação abaixo. A participação será concedida pela conclusão do trabalho e não apenas por estar no Google Meet.
1º Bloco
8:25-9:10 (Instrução ao vivo)
9:10-9:55 (Horário de expediente)
2º Bloco
10:00-10:45 (Instrução ao vivo)
10:45-11:30 (Horário de expediente)
11:30-12:00 (Almoço)
3º Bloco
12:00-12:45 (Instrução ao vivo)
12:45-1:30 (Horário de expediente)
4º Bloco
1:35-2:20 (Instrução ao vivo)
2:20 —3:05(Horário de expediente)
Mais importante, espero que todos e seus pertences permaneçam seguros durante a tempestade tropical iminente. Se você tiver alguma dúvida, por favor me avise.
Jeremy Rich, Diretor
da Socastee High School -
Start of School 2022
August 5, 2022
Good evening, Braves Parents, Guardians, and Students,
We are quickly approaching the new school year, and we are very excited to welcome our students back to school on Monday, August 15. I want to share some important information with you before we get to our first day of school.
Schedules will go live in PowerSchool on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. There is no set time; they will become active at some point during the day on Wednesday. Please do not email your guidance counselor requesting a schedule change as we will have a process for changing schedules once the students return to school on Monday, August 15. Mr. Robb Urbaniak will share that information with students and parents next week.
We will hold a new student and freshman orientation on Friday, August 12 from 8 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. All freshmen, new students, and parents will be able to walk their student’s schedule and briefly meet their student’s teachers. We will have all our clubs, athletics, performing arts, and visual arts set up in the commons, so students can learn about other ways to make their experience at SHS even more memorable.
Seniors, many of you are anxious to receive your transcripts and begin working on your college applications. September is College Application Month, and our Guidance Team is working on some events to assist with this process. All seniors will receive their official transcripts in early September. Please do not ask your counselor for those transcripts while they are busy preparing schedules for the start of the school year.
With school lunches no longer being free to all students, please utilize MySchoolBucks.com to add money to your student’s account. If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, please utilize the following link http://horrycounty.nlappscloud.com to ensure you have the correct paperwork on file.
Finally, if you have not completed your registration, please do so immediately, so we can ensure we have accurate information on file. Ms. Dawn Meehan can assist you with any questions that you may have. Her email address is DMeehan@horrycountyschools.net. We look forward to seeing you all very soon. Enjoy the remainder of your summer. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
Jeremy Rich
Principal, Socastee High School
22-23 Welcome Back Letter to Brave Families
Good Evening, Parents/Guardians and Students,
I hope this email finds you enjoying your summer and getting ready for the upcoming 2022-23 school year. All of us at SHS are excited to welcome our students back to school on August 15! As we prepare for the start of school, we would like to share some important information with you.
Bag Policy
We will return to regular book bags for the 2022-23 school year. If a student rides the bus or is dropped off in the morning and has an athletic bag for after school activities, they are to place those bags in the designated bins when entering school, and the bags will be locked in a secure area for the school day. At the end of the school day, students will pick up their athletic bags by the athletic hallway.
Device Distribution
All students will receive their laptops the first week of school if they have filled out all required paperwork and paid the $25 insurance fee. Parking stickers can also be purchased through mypaymentsplus for any student who plans to drive to school.
Tardy Policy
We have updated our tardy policy for the 2022-23 school year. Tardy is defined as a student not being in their assigned class by 8:25 am. Continued, students will need to be in their assigned classroom before the bell rings throughout the day to any assigned class. Going through the search line is not an excuse for being tardy to first block. Please plan ahead and get to school earlier.
The HCS on-line Free & Reduced Meal Application is now LIVE and can be accessed at
The federal government allowed schools to offer free meals to all students during the pandemic, but Congress did not extend this benefit to the 2022-2023 school year. Families that are eligible for free or reduced priced meals MUST APPLY to receive them. All other students must pay full price for their meals. We encourage all families to fill out a Free & Reduced Meal Application prior to the start of school (one application for all students in the household). If approved, having this application on file may also qualify your family for other benefits, such as fee waivers or discounts.
Students are to eat lunch in the cafeteria or on the patio during their designated lunch period. If a student needs to go anywhere other than these areas, they must present a pass to the staff member on duty.
Closed Lunch Policy/Outside Food & Drinks
School Supplies
At the high school level we do not have a set supplies list. Students and parents/guardians will receive a syllabus from their teachers of what they expect students to have in order to be successful in their classes.
Bell Schedule
Our schedule will remain the same this year.
Building Opens at 7:45 AM
1st Block - 8:25 AM - 9:55 AM
2nd Block - 10:00 AM - 11:35 AM
3rd Block - 11:40 AM - 1:40 PM
1st Lunch - 11:35 AM - 12:00 PM
2nd Lunch - 12:07 PM - 12:32 PM
3rd Lunch - 12:41 PM - 1:08 PM
4th Lunch - 1:15 PM - 1:40 PM
4th Block - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Dismissal at 3:15 PM
If you have not completed the registration process, please do so as soon as possible. Ms. Dawn Meehan can assist you with any questions that you may have. Her email address is DMeehan@horrycountyschools.net. We look forward to seeing you all very soon. Enjoy the remainder of your summer. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
Jeremy Rich, PrincipalSocastee High School
Message from January 11, 2022
January 11, 2022
Good morning, Brave Nation,
I hope this email finds you well. It is hard to believe we are already finishing the first semester of school! As we transition into the second semester, I wanted to share some important information with you.
First semester final exams will be Wednesday, January 12 for first and second blocks. We will hold 3rd and 4th block final exams on Thursday, January 13. In addition, on Thursday, January 13, we will be dismissing two and a half hours early. Car riders, walkers, and students that drive will be dismissed at 12:10 p.m. Lunch will be provided from 12:10 p.m. until 12:45 p.m. if students are interested in eating lunch before leaving. Bus riders will dismiss at 12:45 p.m. Students will have Friday, January 14 and Monday, January 17 off in remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, we have had to quarantine many students and staff. As we finish the first semester, students may need to complete their final exams after their quarantine period which could end up being after we return to start the second semester. Until the student makes up their final exam, teachers are required to put a 0 in for their final exam grade. After the student takes the exam, a grade change form will be completed and the student’s final exam and semester grade will be updated. Please have patience with us as we complete this process; we ask that our students speak with their teachers when they return to set up a time to complete their final exams. If your student is going to HCS Virtual second semester, and they need to make up a final exam, please contact me at JRich@horrycountyschools.net, so we can arrange a time to complete their exam. We want to keep our students in school as much as possible, but we also need to follow the guidelines we have in place for the safety of our students and staff.
On Tuesday, January 18, we will begin the second semester. We will run a brief advisory schedule at the beginning of the day on Tuesday for students to pick up their second-semester schedule. If a student has an issue with their schedule, they have five days to request a schedule change through their guidance counselor, and the counselor will determine if the schedule change needs to take place.
Finally, first semester grades will be emailed to the email address provided in PowerSchool on Friday, January 21, 2022. If you see an FA on your student’s report card, that means they need to make up seat time to earn a grade for the class. We will have make-up time during the second semester to clear FA’s. Please remember that students can only miss five unexcused days per semester, and ten unexcused for year-long classes. Enjoy the holiday weekend!
Jeremy Rich
Principal, Socastee High School
Message from October 29, 2021
October 29, 2021
Good Afternoon, Brave Nation,
It is hard to believe that we are approaching November and have already finished a whole quarter of school! As such, you should have received an email yesterday from Horry County Schools with a link to your student’s first-quarter report card. If you have any questions or concerns about your student’s grades, please reach out to their teachers.
In an effort to assist students who have exceeded their unexcused absences for the semester, we will begin our first Saturday attendance make-up day starting tomorrow, October 30 from 8 am until noon. Students must arrive by 8 am; late students will not be admitted. Students are able to make up four blocks, the equivalent of a full school day, on Saturday. As a reminder, students are allowed five unexcused absences per semester. Any student who has over five unexcused absences needs to participate in make-up attendance or tutoring in order for a student to earn credit in their course. Please see the fall attendance make-up dates at the following LINK. If your student plans to attend on Saturday, Oct 30, they must come with this form completed: English Version Saturday School Form or Spanish Version Saturday School Form.
Also, be sure to mark your calendars for November 6 as you don’t want to miss the Socastee Music and Arts Festival. Grab your family and head to the Socastee High School Football Stadium for a night of entertainment starting at 7 pm. The Socastee Music and Arts Festival will feature some of the area's best-performing arts groups.678 You can also sip on a cup of hot cocoa while you stroll through a visual art display from our students. Buy your tickets at socasteeperformingarts.com. There are two types of tickets available: On the field, tickets are closer to the stage but require you to bring a camping or beach chair. In the bleacher tickets are further away from the stage and are tiered bleacher seating on our home side. Both seating areas are General Admission which means seats are not assigned or reserved and are occupied on a first-come, first-served basis.
Performing Groups:
Combined Forestbrook Middle and Socastee Middle Bands
Forestbrook Middle Chorus
Forestbrook Middle Orchestra
Socastee Middle Chorus
Socastee High Orchestra
Socastee High Marching Band
Socastee High Bravettes
Socastee High Singers
Socastee High Bellas and Fellas
Visual Arts:
Socastee High School
Forestbrook Middle School
Lastly, Socastee High School is aware of a Homecoming Dance taking place at the Fun Warehouse on Saturday, October 30. Please be advised that this is not a school-sponsored event, so Socastee High School will not be providing supervision for the dance. We hope that the event goes well, and all the people who participate in the event have a great experience, but please understand that Socastee High School is not responsible for the event or anything that happens at the event. Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Jeremy Rich
Principal, Socastee High School
Message from September 20, 2021
Good Afternoon, Socastee High School Parents and Guardians,
I hope you had a restful weekend. I can’t believe that we are already at the interim point of the first quarter. With that said, I wanted to remind you that today your student’s interim reports will be available via email. The email will contain directions on how to access your student’s interim grades. Please take a moment to review your student’s grades because if your student is struggling, then we have plenty of time to help him/her get back on track.
After-school tutoring will be available to help students improve their grades. You can access the tutoring calendar to check subject availability on specific days via this link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=c_22gdui51icg4v922btl0kqt650%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York
If you have questions about your student’s progress in a specific class, we encourage you to reach out to their teacher to get more information as the teacher will be able to provide you with better insight into the reason for their current grade.
I look forward to seeing our students finish strong this first quarter, and I appreciate you being actively involved in their success.
Jeremy Rich
Principal, Socastee High School
Message from July 29, 2021
To all Students and Families,
At Socastee High School we are excited to begin the 2021-22 school year and welcome you to the Brave Family. On Friday, August 13, 2021, we will host a New Student Orientation for all incoming 9th-grade students and students who are new to our building. Students whose last names begin with A through L will attend Orientation from 8:30-10 am and students whose last names begin with M through Z will attend Orientation from 10:30-12 pm. Students can be accompanied by their parents or guardians, but due to COVID restrictions, no other family members can attend. During this orientation, students will receive their class schedule and visit with each of their teachers. Students can also get bus information, information from the PowerSchool parent portal, and have the opportunity to pay the $ 25 technology fee if it was not paid during the mypaymentsplus enrollment process. More information about our school policies will be sent to families in the near future. We hope you can attend on August 13th and we look forward to meeting you. Enjoy the rest of your summer and go Braves!
Jeremy RichPrincipal
Socastee High School
Message from December 7, 2020
December 7, 2020
Hello, Braves,
It’s hard to believe that we are already in the second quarter of the school year. While some students have adjusted to the new procedures and instructional setting, we realize that these unusual times have made it difficult for others, especially with regard to academics. Therefore, if your student needs extra help academically, then we want to offer them the necessary support to successfully end the semester. To assist struggling students, we have devised an after school tutoring schedule which offers both face-to-face and virtual tutoring sessions for most subject areas.
Please click on the link below to view the tutoring schedule. We ask that students sign-up, using the sign-up sheet link located on the schedule, prior to attending a session, so the tutor can better prepare for the session. If your student is attending a face-to-face session, the teacher’s name and room number are on the schedule. If your student is attending a virtual session, the link to the Google Meet is located on the tutoring schedule as well as on the sign-up sheet and on the confirmation page that the student will receive after submitting the sign-up sheet.
Tutoring Schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WY8eufurFAoWcn3OzcNe-uI3TvcsK9CHWEV40k7q34U/edit?usp=sharing
Once a Brave, Always a Brave!
Message from October 9, 2020
October 9, 2020
Good Afternoon, Brave Nation!
All of us at SHS would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful start we have had for the 2020-21 school year. The students have taken all of our changes in stride and are adjusting flawlessly to the new guidelines. I am so proud of our students and staff for their ability to adapt to whatever obstacles and challenges come their way. In my four years at SHS, we have not had a school year that has not presented a challenge or obstacle for SHS and the community to overcome. From thousand-year floods, to hurricanes, to a pandemic, this staff, these students, and our community have risen to the challenge every time. It is such an honor to be the principal of SHS, and we always strive to make our community proud!
Today marks the interim of the first quarter of school. Please take a moment to check your student’s grades on PowerSchool, especially since we will not be sending a paper copy home this year. Instead, you will receive an email on Monday giving you access to your student’s interim. If you have any questions about your student’s grades, please contact their teacher. We will continue with the Hybrid Model the week of October 12 through October 16. No determination has been made at this time for the week of October 19 through October 23; that determination will be made next week.
Moving forward, we are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of our students and staff. Our custodial staff has done a tremendous job cleaning our building every day, and I would be remiss if I did not thank our teachers for all the cleaning they are doing between each class. It is definitely a team effort by all to keep our high traffic areas clean. While eating lunch in a classroom is not ideal, our cafeteria staff has done a tremendous job prepping food every day for staff members to deliver to the classrooms.
If we have a staff member or student with a positive COVID-19 case at SHS, we will complete contact tracing. If your student has been in a classroom with the staff member or student, you will receive an email and phone call from me notifying you. DHEC will also provide you with a letter that I will attach to my email.
Tonight, our Braves Football team will travel to Conway to take on the Tigers at 7:30 p.m. I hope to see some of you there. Next week is our homecoming week, and our Braves will take on the Panthers from Carolina Forest. The game will be televised, so the start time is 7:00 p.m. Please visit our athletic website, socasteeathletics.com, to purchase your tickets online. Enjoy your weekend, and it’s a great day to be a Brave!