In-School Suspension

    In-School Suspension (ISS)
    ISS or ISD is for students who would ordinarily be suspended from school or for those students who continually break the rules of the school. The number of days spent in this room will vary based on the seriousness of the misconduct of the student and the student’s overall discipline record.
    1. Students are to collect class assignments and homework prior to the day of their ISS assignment.
    2. Students will report directly to the ISS room with all their books, paper, PDL, and pencil on the day of their ISS assignment. Students will turn over all electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, etc.) upon entry into the ISS room. Valuables will be secured by the ISS monitor and released to students upon the completion of ISS at the end of the day.
    3. Students will be marked absent from the classes missed (coded I for ISS).
    4. Make-up work will be graded on the same basis as other students’ work in class.
    5. If a student is removed from ISS, the student must make up the time and assignments and will be given OSS.
    6. Scheduled tests may be taken in the ISS room at the teacher’s discretion.
    7. Students are not allowed to sleep or talk in ISS.