• Policies & Procedures


    Hours and Availability

         The SJM Learning Commons is open each day from 7:50 am until 3:00 pm.  

         ELA teachers are also scheduled to bring their classes every three weeks for book circulation and to learn important information and digital literacy skills

         The learning commons may be temporarily closed for MAP testing, state testing, special academic events, and/or cooperative classes.

         SJM library information specialist, Mary Beth Bennett, is happy to assist students and parents with research questions, book suggestions, read-a-likes, and basic technology questions.  She can be reached via email at MBennett001(at)horrycountyschools(dot)net.

    Overdue books, fines, and communication

         When students check out a book, a paper on the last page of the book is marked with the date on which the book should be returned to the learning commons.  Students are also informed of this date verbally.  This date is usually three weeks from the date on which the book is checked out.  The STUDENT is responsible for returning the book to the learning commons or renewing it ON or BEFORE the date indicated on the due date slip.

        In the event the learning commons is closed, students should put their book(s) in the book return drop box.  This box will be checked at the end of every day and periodically throughout the day.

         If a student is absent on the day the book is due, they should return or renew the book the day they return to school.

         Books that are more than 45 days late will be marked lost automatically by the system.  When a book is marked lost, a fine equal to the replacement cost of the book is placed on the student's account.  Assuming the book is found and returned to the library learning commons, the fine is removed from the student's account with no further repercussions.  Late fees are NOT charged.  The only charges students may incur are those for lost or damaged books.

        Emails will be sent to students who have lost books and to the parents of students with lost books at the time interims and report cards are sent home.