Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a time for us to pay our respects to those who have served. This holiday started as a day to reflect upon the heroism of those who died in our country's service and was originally called Armistice Day. It fell on Nov. 11 because that is the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. However, in 1954, the holiday was changed to "Veterans Day" in order to account for all veterans in all wars.
We honor and celebrate our Veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.
Below are some videos created by students and departments of Horry County Schools in honor of Veterans Day. Click here to learn more about Veterans Day.
Lt. Col. David Roberts and Aynor High School pay tribute to all Veterans during this special presentation.
St. James High school faculty, staff, and students pay tribute to Veterans. What does Veterans Day mean to you? Why is Veterans Day important to you?
Ocean Bay Middle School's Veterans Day presentation.
Conway Middle School students and staff honor our Veterans with a musical salute.
Pee Dee Elementary Loves Their Veterans
Conway Elementary School A Salute to Our Veterans
Lakewood Elementary School Veterans Day Parade
HCS Early College High School - Today we honor our Veterans. Special thanks to Ms. Rautsaw for singing the National Anthem and playing Taps.
South Conway Elementary School - Happy Veterans Day from our Kindergarteners!
Cole Smith, a student at Socastee High School, completed his Eagle Scout project by honoring the many Veterans from the former Myrtle Beach Air Force Base.
A quick story about Veterans Day from Daisy Elementary School
This video features veterans and active duty service members who are relatives of students and staff members here at Ten Oaks Middle School. Also, music is provided by our TOMS Fine Arts department.
River Oaks Elementary School 2020 Veterans Day Tribute
Ocean Bay Elementary School tribute to our Veterans.
Carolina Forest Elementary School Veterans Day Video
North Myrtle Beach Middle School Virtual Veterans Day
Green Sea Floyds Elementary would like to thank our country's veterans for their service and sacrifice. We hope you enjoy this tribute from our students.
Waterway Elementary created this video to thank the friends and family members of our students and staff that are veterans.