Environmental Education Resources
Crowdsourcing naturalism resources
- Inaturalist is an online naturalist community resource that anyone can utilize to catalog and identify just about any species that they run across with just a few simple steps.
- Must login and create a password to access the program. Also available for download on any apple or android system, Inaturalist, when combined with state of the art resources is a wonderful way to learn about your local habitats and ecosystems by cataloging species in real-time on interactive maps.
- Little Biological expertise is required to id species through crowdsourcing technology.
- Alternate citizen science ecology site for multiple species reference. http://www.projectnoah.org/
- Alternate site to inaturalist if you prefer.
- Similar logistics to inaturalist.
- Inaturalist is an online naturalist community resource that anyone can utilize to catalog and identify just about any species that they run across with just a few simple steps.
- Plant Resources
- US Dept. of Agriculture Plants Database
- Clemson Extension Service Tree Identification Guides
- http://www.clemson.edu/ = Clemson Extension Service online tree identification keys (easy to use by kids!)
- http://www.clemson.edu/ = Clemson Extension printable version “Old school” trees of SC ID guide.
- Leafsnap App Apple Itunes Compatible Will help classify species for you through augmented reality utilizing the camera.
- Virginia Tech Tree ID Android Compatible App
- Virginia Tech Tree ID Apple Itunes Compatible App
- Aquatic Plants NC State University Android App
- Book “Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States” by Wilbur Duncan
- Book “Audubon Society Guide to Eastern Trees” by National Audubon Society
- Book “A Field Guide to Eastern Trees” by Peterson Field Guides
- Forestry Resources
- Project Learning Tree online curricula and online environmental education certification program for staff development (fee required)
- SC Sustainable Forestry Teacher's Tour Excellent educator workshop that provides resources, tours of local forestry industry sites, etc. Graduate credit available.
- US Forest Service Kids Page
- Bird Resources
- Cornell University’s “All About Birds”
- http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/search
- Merlin Bird App Bird ID Integrated Compatibility
- Ebird App Crowdsourcing App for Birders
- Larkwire Bird App Itunes Compatible PC Comp’s
- Audubon Society’s Birds of North America
- BBI World Bird Guide Android App
- Ebird by Cornell Ornithology Itunes App
- Ebird Website http://ebird.org/content/ebird/
- Book “Birds of the Carolinas Field Guide” by Stan Tekeila
- Bird Web
- Book: Sibley Guide to Birds of North America
- Interactive birdcall game: Birdsong Hero
- Insect Resources
- Insects and arthropods are the most abundant and diverse group of creatures on the planet.
- Simple resource Insectidentification.org
- Bugguide.net
- Honeybee Standards-Aligned Resources
- Audubon Society’s Insect and Spiders Guide ($4.99)
- Freshwater Macroinvertebrates App Itunes and Android
- Insect Identification South Carolina
- Mammals and Tracks Resources
- eNature Field Guide Mammals
- Discover Life.org Mammal guide (Also good for other classifications of life!)
- Smithsonian Institution North American Mammals
- Mammal Tracks and Mammal Track Guide
- (Itrack wildlife lite Itunes App and Android App
- Track Matcher Android App
- Book “Peterson’s Field Guide to Animal Tracks”
- Book “Stokes Guide to Nature In Winter”
- Fish Resources
- SC Dept. of Natural Resources Saltwater Species and Freshwater Species
- Fish Rules Saltwater Android App and Itunes App Regulations for fish and fishing
- Find a Fish Itunes App
- Fishbase website
- Book “Freshwater Fishes of South Carolina” by Fred C. Rohde, Rudolf G. Arndt, Jeffrey W. Foltz, and Joseph M. Quattro
- Reptiles and Amphibian Resources
- Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Website
- Snakes and Frogs.com
- Davidson College Reptile and Amphibian Links
- App list links to apps (caution many paid app sites)
- The Venomous Snakes of SC Youtube Video
- US Geological Survey Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative armi.usgs.gov
- Conservation Initiative for preservation of amphibians amphibianark.org
- Amphibia Web amphibiaweb.org
- Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation separc.org
- Book “Amphibians and Reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia” By Jeffrey C. Beane, Alvin L. Braswell, Joseph C. Mitchell, William M. Palmer, and Julian R. Harrison III
- Geology Mapping and Hiking Resources
- Google Earth (Interactive maps)
- Google Earth Itunes App and Android App
- Geology Sample Collector Android App
- Rock Logger Android App
- Rockhound Itunes App
- Smart Geology Minerals Guide Android App
- All Trails Interactive Trail Guide Itunes App
- Nature Find Itunes App PC Compatible
- Trailhead Itunes App
- Book “Carolina Rocks!” “The Geology of South Carolina” by Carolyn Hanna Murphy
- Book “South Carolina a Day at the Time” by Caroline W. Todd and Sidney Wait
- SC Maps
- Space and Weather Resources
- Astronomy
- National Science Foundation Resources for Astronomy
- Book: “Sky Explorer”
- App Skyview interactive augmented reality astronomy app
- Wilderness Survival, Woodcraft, and Primitive Technology
- Society of Primitive Technology
- A Brain In A Box On A Shelf (Hollowtop Article)
- Native Tech.org
- US Army Survival Guide Android App Itunes App
- Men’s Fitness Magazine 12 survival techniques to master.
- Rule of 3s for Air, Shelter, Water, Food (Backcountry Chronicles)
- S.T.O.P. Acronym Article by SurvivalMom.com
- Book “Primitive Technology a Book of Earth Skills” by The Society of Primitive Technology Edited by David Wescot
- Book “The Big Book of County Living” by Earnest Thompson Seton
- Book “Naked Into the Wilderness” “Primitive Wilderness Living and Survival Skills” by John and Geri McPherson
- Experiential Education Resources
- Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) Sets standards for ropes courses.
- Wilderdom.com Experiential Education Resource for games, initiative challenges, and problem solving lessons.
- Experiential Learning Model Objectives for Administrators and Staff
- Project Adventure.org
- Book “Last Child in The Woods” by Richard Louv
- Book “Earth Education A New Beginning” by Steve Van Matre
- Book “Cowtails and Cobras 2” by Carl Rohnke
- Book “Silver Bullets” by Project Adventure
- Book “No Props” Games without equipment by Mark Collard
- Project Wild
- Project Learning Tree
- SC Maps
- Books With Fun Outdoor and Experiential Activities and Sayings for Children
- “Sharing Nature With Children” by Joseph Cornell “The Earth Speaks” by Steve Van Matre
- “Sharing Nature With Children” by Joseph Cornell “The Earth Speaks” by Steve Van Matre
- Multimedia Resources With Standards Addressed
- “Sharing Nature With Children II” by Joseph Cornell
- “Hands On Nature” by Jenefer Lingelbach and Lisa Purcell
- Leopold Project
- Project WET
- Growing Up Wild
- Environmental Education Curriculum Guides and Certification Programs
- Clemson Extension 4 H 2 0 Program
- 4 H 2 O Curriculum guide Clemson University 4H
- PBS Learning Media – Searchable Database for Multi-media lesson plans according to Standards
- Streamline SC Standards Aligned multimedia content for teachers to embed into lesson plans.
- Mushroom Ecology
- SCUMS Facebook Database
- Mushrooms and Fungi of the Eastern US Audubon Guidebook