High School Credential Program
The South Carolina High School Credential (SCHSC) program, formerly known as the Occupational Program, is intended to meet the needs of a small group of students with disabilities who need an alternative course of study that focuses on independent post-school employment and living skills. The vast majority of students with disabilities will complete the requirements for a South Carolina High School Diploma with the use of accommodations, modifications, and other support services as needed.
The SCHSC program is a modified curriculum consisting of courses in English, mathematics, science, social studies, and careers. The instructional content of each course is aligned to support state standards with a focus on career readiness. These courses are taught by Special Education Teachers and carry one unit of credit.
The IEP team which includes the parent and student will make the recommendations as to the appropriateness of the occupational course of study in lieu of a standard course of study. The decision will be based on the student’s post-school transition needs and goals, academic and functional performance data, present levels of performance, and other data needed to make the appropriate decision regarding graduation options. A high school representative with knowledge of the program must participate in the IEP meeting when the team proposes the occupational course of study.
The student will meet at least the minimum requirements for attendance as set by board policy (documentation of yearly attendance from date of entrance in the program).
Students participating in the SCHSC program must successfully complete a minimum of 24 required courses to be eligible for a High School Credential upon graduation. Also, the creation of a Career Portfolio and a Senior Venture multi-media presentation will be incorporated throughout the HCS SCHSC Program. Students will be required to successfully complete 30 hours in the career lab, 20 hours of community service, and 360 hours of work experience. The 360 hours of work experience can be a combination of the following: paid employment and on/off-campus job training. All coursework (including digital content) is designed to enable students to identify and support their post-secondary goals.
Entry Criteria for the SCHSC Program
Criteria for Entering the SCHSC Program
- The IEP team recommendation, with informed written parental consent.
- The student is capable of reaching a 6th-grade level (or higher) in reading, writing, math and/or show documented growth.
- The student is capable of successfully completing a career-based curriculum to include: academics, independent work experience, and living skills.
- The student is capable of sustaining competitive employment