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School Improvement Councils


In South Carolina, a School Improvement Council (SIC) is an advisory council to the principal and school on issues related to school improvement. By law, every K-12 public school in South Carolina must have a SIC that is made up of parents, teachers, students (grades 9-12), and community member representatives. The principal is an ex-officio member of every SIC. A SIC may create additional ex-officio positions such as the school’s Teacher of the Year, PTA or PTO President, past SIC Chair, or a representative of the school’s Title I Advisory Committee.


An effective School Improvement Council is one that harnesses the energy created when parents, students, and community members partner with their school’s principal and teachers to achieve results that better the education – and educational environment – provided by their school.

Current state law requirements regarding SIC membership, elections, and duties are set forth in Title 59 (Education) of the SC Code of Law. Because SICs are technically considered "public bodies," SICs must also follow the rules regarding open meetings and public records contained in the state’s Freedom of Information Act.

Legislatively, SICs have two annual duties: 1) complete an annual report to parents and 2) assist in writing their school's report card narrative for the state.

About the SIC

SIC District Contact

Ashley Gasperson

Communications, Public Info/Media Services