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Eligible employees have a wide range of benefits choices at Horry County Schools including:

Employee Last Name Phone     Payroll / Benefits Contact
A B C 843-488-6839      Christina Linnette
D E F G 843-488-6874      Mike Rose
H I J K L 843-488-6863      Joetta Harrell
M N O P Q 843-488-6882      Kassi Cumbie
R 843-488-6874      Mike Rose
S T U V W X Y Z 843-488-6944      Sheila Prince



Employee Last Name Phone Retirement Contact
A - C or S - Z 843-488-6782  Annette Causey
D - R 843-488-6851  Kimberly Clark



Contact Payroll and Benefits Services

Dustin Bishop

Director - Payroll and Benefit Services

Annette Causey

Supervisor II - Payroll & Benefit Services

Retirement Contact for employees with last names:
A-C and S-Z

Kimberly Clark

Supervisor II - Payroll & Benefit Services

Retirement Contact for employees with last names:

Kassi Cumbie

Clerk VII - Account Manager

Account Manager for employees with last names:
M, N, O, P, Q

Regina Frazier

Clerk V - Payroll & Benefit Services

Joetta Harrell

Clerk VII - Account Manager

Account Manager for employees with last names:
H, I, J, K, L

Christina Linnette

Clerk VII - Account Manager

Account Manager for employees with last names:
A, B, C

Sheila Prince

Clerk VII - Account Manager

Account Manager for employees with last names:
S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Michael Rose

Clerk VII - Account Manager

Account Manager for employees with last names:
D, E, F, G, and R