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Leave of Absence

Information to consider while on leave


  1. If you have enough paid sick, personal, and/or annual leave to cover an approved leave of absence, your pay and benefits will not be impacted. You must have verification from Human Resources concerning the approval of your leave of absence.

  2. If your approved absence extends beyond your available leave, you will receive a compensation adjustment letter from Payroll explaining when your pay will end. If you return to work in the same fiscal year, your pay will be recalculated based on your return date and the remaining days in your work schedule.

  3. Please inquire with Human Resources:
    1. The approval dates for your leave event
    2. The process to apply for the sick leave bank if you are a member
    3. The process to request leave donation from other employees
    4. How your leave event may impact future step increase



  1. If your pay ends, you will receive a monthly bill for your PEBA benefits and HCS life insurance until you return to work or lose eligibility for coverage in accordance with rules established by the SC Public Employee Benefit Authority (PEBA) and/or the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Failure to pay premiums will result in your coverage being canceled. 

  2. If your absence results in a special eligibility event with PEBA Insurance, you have thirty (30) days from the event to submit your request.  Special eligibility situations include, but are not limited to birth of a child; adoption; death of a dependent.

  3. You may have enrolled in voluntary policies that could help you during your leave event. Review your pay notice to verify your coverages. Some examples include All State Accident and/or Trustmark disability. You may reach out directly to your provider for assistance with filing a claim. A contact list of vendors is included at the end of this notice if you can’t locate your policy.  Premiums for voluntary policies are not included in the monthly bill we send.  It is your responsibility to contact those vendors to set up payment arrangements while you are not receiving pay from HCS.

  4. If you are on unpaid leave (excluding those on Workers’ Compensation), you may continue your Optional Life, Dependent Life-Spouse and Dependent Life-Child insurance for up to 12 months from your last day worked.

  5. If you believe that you will be out of work for more than 90 days and are enrolled in a PEBA health plan or Supplemental Long Term Disability coverage, you may file a claim with The Standard Insurance Company. Call the Standard’s Claim Intake Service Center at 1-800-628-9696. You will need the following information to start your disability claim:
    • Employer Name: State of South Carolina
    • Group Policy Numbers:
      • Basic Coverage 627284
      • Supplemental Coverage 621144


  1. A period of unpaid leave may impact your eligibility for retiree health insurance coverage. If you have questions regarding how a period of unpaid leave may affect your eligibility, contact PEBA directly at 1-888-260-9430. Employees on an approved Workers’ Compensation claim will have the option to continue to pay into retirement while on leave.  Contact us to discuss your payment options: 843-488-6840.

  2. If this event turns into a permanent disability. Read the PEBA handbook  regarding disability retirement