Contract Approval Process
Signatory Authority for Purchase Orders, Contracts, and Agreements
All purchases, contracts, and agreements must be consistent with law and the District’s procedures and policies, including the Procurement Code.
The following guidelines apply to all contracts (expenditure, non-expenditure, and revenue-generating) or agreements (hereinafter referred to as contracts between Horry County School District and any external party:
- All proposed contracts up to $1,500.00 require the approval of Personnel authorized by the Chief Financial Officer.
- All proposed contracts and agreements up to $50,000 require the approval of the Procurement Officer.
- All proposed contracts and agreements $50,000 or more require the approval of the Chief Financial Officer.
- All proposed contracts shall be approved by all parties prior to the effective start date.
- A completed and authorized Contract Routing Form must accompany ALL contracts or amendments/addenda to contracts and routed directly to the appropriate office.
- No other personnel except the Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer are authorized to sign other contracts or to enter into other agreements, regardless of the amount, including contracts and agreements which are offered for “free,” unless authorized by the Chief Financial Officer.
- Excluding contracts or agreements with charter schools, exceptions to the above are permitted only with the written authorization of the Chief Financial Officer, the Deputy Superintendent, or the Superintendent.
- The Superintendent and the Deputy Superintendent are the only persons authorized to sign contracts or agreements between the District administration and charter schools. However, principals and District-level location managers are authorized to enter into rental contracts for the use of facilities consistent with District procedures (see “Community Use of School Facilities”).