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Student Cell Phone Policy

Electronic Device Policy News Graphic

Earlier this year, the South Carolina legislature passed the General Appropriations Bill, H. 5100 of 2024. This bill includes Proviso 1.103 (quoted below), which requires each local school district to adopt a policy adopted by the State Board of Education that prohibits access to personal electronic communication devices by students during the school day.

Proviso 1.103. (SDE: Anti-Bullying/School Safety) To receive state funds allocated for State Aid to Classrooms, a school district shall implement a policy adopted by the State Board of Education that prohibits access to personal electronic communication devices by students during the school day. For purposes of this provision, a personal electronic communication device is considered to be a device not authorized for classroom use by a student, utilized to access the Internet, wi-fi, or cellular telephone signals.

Horry County Schools developed its Personal Electronic Device Policy in compliance with this bill, and the Horry County Board of Education approved the policy on December 9, 2024. The new policy will go into effect on January 22, 2025, which is the first day of the second semester.

This policy aims to create a school environment that fosters a positive learning experience free from electronic distractions. By prohibiting the use of personal electronic devices during the school day, this policy aims to provide an environment that enhances focus and engagement. Students will have more opportunities to engage in meaningful interactions, collaborate with peers, and cultivate the college- and career-ready skills outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.

HCS Personal Electronic Device Policy

SCDE Free to Focus Website

Infographic title: To be effective, a cell phone policy should... 55% said %22Completely prevent cell phone access during entire school day.  37% said, Limit access in classrooms, but allow between classes and during lunch.  8 % said: Leave it up to the individual teacher to determine when cell phones are allowed.
Infographic info: How much daily instructional time is lost due to cell phone use or related distractions? 5% more than 4 hours 19% 1-3 hours 16% 30-60 minutes 30% less than 30 minutes 30% none
Infographic title: What phrase best described the effect of cell phone use on your classes? 56% said Daily disruption in most or all of my classes. 12% said Less than daily but at least weekly in some classes. 15% said Only occasional disruption in a few of my classes. 17% No impact.


The decision to restrict cell phone use in schools stems from a growing concern and substantial data showing that these devices can be a significant distraction, hindering students’ ability to concentrate on their studies, interact with peers, and fully participate in classroom activities.

Additionally, schools aim to create a space where students are encouraged to develop essential social skills and minimize the potential for cyberbullying or inappropriate use of technology.

With limited exceptions, the policy adopted by the South Carolina State Board of Education prohibits students from using, wearing, viewing, or accessing cell phones and similar devices while on school property from their arrival at school to afternoon dismissal at the end of the instructional day.