Head Lice Policy
Lice are tiny insects that live in any human hair; they hatch from small eggs, called nits, which are attached to the base of individual hairs. The nits hatch in about ten days and reach maturity in about two weeks. As the louse feeds on its host, it injects saliva into the wound resulting in local irritation and itching.
When a case of head lice is confirmed, the parent/guardian of the student will be notified. A parent advisory letter providing specific steps for treatment of head lice and re-admission to school is given to the parent/guardian of the child.
The student can remain in school until the end of the school day, and the student can be transported on a school bus.
When more than 2 cases of head lice are confirmed in a classroom, the entire class may be screened (any additional procedures deemed necessary are the responsibility of the principal).
To be re-admitted to school, the student must be screened by the school nurse and be free of live lice.
Days absent from school for head lice may be considered excused (lawful absence) for a maximum of two (2) days, per infestation. Any additional days absent for presence and treatment of lice will be considered unexcused if the reoccurrence is from the initial infestation.
Repeated cases of lice may need a referral to DSS, Guidance, or administration for attendance.
Collaboration with daycares & childcare providers may be necessary.
For additional information, you may also visit the following SC DHEC website: https://scdhec.gov/health/diseases-conditions/insect-or-animal-borne-disease/head-lice-pediculosis