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Tips for Parents

Back to School-Back to Healthy! Are you Ready? We hope that you find this checklist to be helpful to get your child healthy and ready for school.

We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need to be healthy. We have provided you with this Back to School Tips for Parents checklist to help you and your child get ready for a brand new school year. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children's success and want to provide you with important information In preparation for a new school year.

check list
Physical Exam- Your child should get a physical exam before starting back to school, especially if it has been more than a year since the last exam.

Dentist- It Is recommended that students see a dentist prior to entering pre-school and kindergarten.

Dental Problems- If your child is experiencing dental problems such as dental pain, cavities, and tooth decay, please make a dentist appointment as soon as possible. Often, children with dental pain have problems concentrating on classwork.

Eye Exams/Glasses- If your child wears glasses and they are broken or misplaced, please make an eye appointment as soon as possible. If you need help with an appointment or purchasing glasses, please see the nurse.

Health Information/Health Form- All students need this form on file in the nurse's office. The health form must be completed with all pertinent information. This helps us to better plan for your child's health needs during the school day. It also gives us the authority to seek medical treatment in the event of an emergency.

Medication Authorization by School Personnel- This form is required before any medications (over-the-counter or prescriptive medications) can be given at school. Please take to your child's doctor and have completed if your child needs medications at school. All medications, including over the counter must be brought in by an adult.

Chronic Illness Statement- If your child has a chronic condition/illness, please get a Chronic Illness form completed/certified by the doctor. Depending on the illness, this form requires updating every 3 months and/or yearly.

Medicaid- If your child has Medicaid, the school needs a copy of the Medicaid card.

Severe Allergies & EpiPens- If your child has an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen) please make sure that you bring the Epipen to the school In its original container. Check the expiration date on the Epipen box to make sure it has not expired. All students that require an EpiPen at school will have an Emergency Action Plan which requires a meeting with the nurse.

Asthma- If your child has a diagnosis of asthma; please bring an inhaler to school the first week of school. It is the parent's responsibility to ensure that there is an inhaler for use during the school year. Please bring a physician completed Medication Authorization by School Personnel form when you bring the inhaler.

Diabetic Students- Any student diagnosed with diabetes will require a meeting with the nurse in the first week of school. Both the parent and student are expected to meet with the nurse for assessment and care planning. Please bring all diabetic supplies to the meeting.

Special Healthcare Needs- If your child has a special health care need or requires nursing care during the school year, you can expect a call from the nurse to set up an appointment in order to plan for your child's health care.

Nurse Appointments/Contacts- Nurse appointments and frequent contacts are important for the well- being and health of your child. It is important to keep the nurse informed of any changes in your child's health status.

Immunizations "Shots"- All students are required to have an SC Certificate of Immunization Record on file-this record may be obtained from your child's doctor or the local health department. For more information regarding immunization information, contact the nurse or visit:

Health screenings- Screenings are performed on all students unless you choose not to participate in health screenings. Please contact the nurse for more information on health screening information.

Uninsured Children- If your child does not have insurance coverage, either by a state plan such as Medicaid or private insurance, please see the nurse to assist you in connecting with resources.