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- Midland Elementary
- Attendance and Tardy Policy
Attendance and Tardy Policy
Our school bell schedule is the same as last year. The tardy bell rings at 7:35 at which time students should be in their classroom and ready for the Morning Buzz (morning announcements).ALL students arriving after the 7:35 bell are considered tardy and must be escorted in to the front office by a parent/guardian who should sign the student in so they can receive a late pass to class.
Also, students who eat breakfast at school should be finished prior to 7:25 when the cafeteria doors close in order to allow enough time to get to class before the 7:35 tardy bell.
Please remember to send your notes regarding a student absence to the attendance office within three days of the absence. Acceptable methods of getting your notes to us can be hand-carried or sent with a student to the school, emailed to the attendance office to sjones@horrycountyschools.net, or faxed to 843-358-0643. We cannot accept verbal communication regarding absences because we are required to maintain notes/excuses on file at the school for auditing purposes.
Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP)
An Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP) is required when a student is classified as being truant due to the following circumstances:
- A student has accumulated a [combined] total of ten (10) unexcused tardies and/or early sign-outs, or
- A student has accumulated five (5) unexcused absences
A parent/guardian will be requested to attend an AIP conference for the purposes of developing a plan for both the parent and the school in order to improve the student’s punctuality and attendance. Letters regarding AIP conferences should be addressed at your earliest convenience.
The attendance office will send home notices with a copy of your child’s attendance record to keep you informed of your child’s attendance should your child begin to approach one of the circumstances above regarding tardies or absences. In the event you receive a notice and have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the attendance office.