- St. James High School
- School Improvement Council
School Improvement Council
School Improvement Council of St. James High named to SC-SIC Honor Roll
Minutes 2024
St. James High School
 School Improvement Council
 Meeting Minutes

January 11, 2024
Meeting Participants:
Ryan Poston, Principal
Kim Frederick, SIC Chairman
Shelli Thomas, SIC Vice Chairman
Amy Wates
Rob Gardener
Ken BrozMr. Poston opened the meeting and greeted everyone, invited to begin lunch. Kim Frederick welcome everyone read minutes, listed attendees and approved minutes.
Discussed on a thank you card and gift for Karen Utter to be send next meeting.
Discussed kindness week schedule and asked for volunteers.
Need help to contact first responders for lunch at school. Kim to complete task.
Voted on February to help in animal shelter need. All 4 Paws, Kind Keeper Animal Rescue - Ms. Vargo to take lead for Kind Keeper. Will provide students with information for service hours and list of items that need donated. This event will take place the last week of February.
Brainstorm of other service projects: appreciation breakfast for pastors, have FCCLA to make food as service project. Therapist/counselor appreciation, mental wellness awareness. Special needs/autism in April. Reach out to special Olympics.
Look ahead to October, football game against Socastee, have a food drive competition.
Mr. Poston updated on tennis courts project which will start soon, girls getting new uniforms. 170 new parking spots will be available after this project is complete. Upgrades to sports, installing security bulletproof film, French drains by mobile units, installed fence where student drivers and buses park for more secured parking.
Discussed starting an SIC Facebook page, Shelli Thomas to create.
Motion to adjourn.Next meeting February 8, 2024
Minutes 2023
St James High School
School Improvement Council
Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2023Meeting Participants:
Dr. Karen Utter, Associate Director, SC School Improvement Council
Shelli Thomas, SIC Chairman Ryan Poston, SJHS Principal
Rob Gardener, Community Member
Susan Foolrod, Community Member
Janna Cisne
Tammy Herring
Ken Broz
Jennifer Perkins, Parent
Maureen Davis
Valerie Hensley
Amy Wates
Carolina Ross, Guidance
Liza Braham, Student Council
Ellie Harrell, Student Council
Diana EvansShelli Thomas opened the meeting and greeted everyone, welcomed new members. Mr. Poston also welcomed everyone and presented the with lunch.
All attendees introduced themselves, Mr. Poston gave an update on the SC School Accountability report card which isn’t able to be shared at the time. The SC report card is changing module, SJHS is projecting EOC’s went up, increased grad rate to 87%.
Improvement of school was discussed:
• School and district professional development • Examining school climate survey data and addressing deficiencies. Updates to bathrooms.
• Expanding career pathways and credentialing opportunities in our CTE department.
• More closely monitored student progress overall 4 years of high school.
• Building thinking classrooms in mathematics such as Algebra I and Foundations and intermediate algebra. 92% passage rate. Biology will soon be in program.
Student council representatives revisited bathroom updates, want gaps in doors to be closed. Principal Poston talking with contractors to fix problem.
Tennis courts will be replaced with new parking spots and land behind tennis courts will be cleared to have a total of 5 tennis courts. Work will begin when school ends.
Diana Evans suggested we have a speaker for vaping and it’s side effects, alcohol poisoning, roofies, drugs from local colleges that have been effected.
Jennifer Perkins asked for more info about the threat at the school. Suggested we check all children for a few days, random searches. Mr. Poston could not divulge all info but threat was handled quickly and thoroughly. All students that are late are searched, all gates are locked.
Held elections for 2023-2024 SIC: Kim Frederick, Chairman Shelli Thomas, Vice Chairman Jennifer Perkins, Secretary
St. James High School
School Improvement Council
Meeting Minutes
Janurary 24, 2023Meeting Participants:
Dr. Karen Utter, Associate Director, SC School Improvement Council
Shelli Jasper Thomas, SIC Chairman
Kim Frederick, SIC Vice Chairman
Caroline Ross, SJHS Director of GuidanceSuzanne Burch, SJHS Teacher
Dr. Jo Maggio, Community Member
Liza Branham, SJHS Student
Cole Neese, SJHS Student
Cade Neese, SJHS StudentShelli Thomas opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Mr. Poston, SJHS Principal, was in the building but unable to attend the meeting due to a student matter requiring his attention. Ms. Thomas shared that Mr. Poston wanted us to proceed with the meeting.
Dr. Utter wanted the SIC meeting participants to further review and prioritize the data collected from our November meeting. In regard to ‘School’ related concerns, the group identified the following:
ESOL student and family needs as this population has increased at SJHS.
Space - both our county and school population are continuing to increase.
Space for CTE classes as well as general classroom space needs to be reviewed.
Car Rider Loop/Student Parking Lot
Minutes 2022
St. James High School
10800 Highway 707
Murrells Inlet, SC 29576School Improvement Council Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2022
6:00 p.m.SJHS SIC Meeting attendees:
Ryan Poston, SJHS Principal
Natasha Best, SJHS Assistant Principal
Caroline Ross, SJHS Director of Guidance
Karen Utter, Associate Director, SC School Improvement Council, USC College of Education
Shelli Jasper Thomas, Parent
Kim Frederick, Parent
Angel Mack, ParentMr. Poston opened the meeting and welcomed everyone and asked that everyone introduce themselves. Mr. Poston then welcomed Ms. Karen Utter, Associate Director for SC School Improvement Council, and thanked her for again coming to help guide and support our SIC.
Mr. Poston then shared that SJHS received the “Best of the Beach” Award, an “Excellent” on the School Report Card, and the Palmetto Silver Award. Our score on the School Report Card was a 69 which places SJHS in the top 20% of high schools. Only two schools in Horry County received an “Excellent” rating. Those two schools are Aynor and St. James.
Shelli Thomas, SJHS SIC Chairman, then thanked everyone for coming. She discussed some of the topics our SIC may want to consider addressing. We discussed a school climate survey and how that may help identify issues that need to be addressed.
Karen Utter then spoke and gave ideas for recruiting additional members to the SJHS SIC. Ms. Utter brought “SIC” buttons for us to wear to help parents and community members become more involved in SIC. We also discussed an exercise that we can complete at our November meeting that will help identify topics for SIC. Ms. Utter will provide a meeting facilitator guide and supplies for us to use.
Due to the Thanksgiving break, our November meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 6 pm.
Mr. Poston and Mrs. Thomas thanked everyone for their participation and the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.
St. James High School
10800 Highway 707
Murrells Inlet, SC 29576School Improvement Council Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2022
6:00 p.m.SJHS SIC Meeting attendees:
Ryan Poston, SJHS Principal
Caroline Ross, SJHS Director of GuidanceKaren Utter, Associate Director, SC School Improvement Council, UofSC College of Education
Tonya Propst, Parent
Joel Propst, Parent
Shelli Jasper Thomas, Parent
Courtney Mitchell, Parent
Kim Frederick, Parent
Sofie Georgino, SJHS Student
Anna Bryant, SJHS StudentMr. Poston opened the meeting and welcomed everyone and asked that everyone introduce themselves. Mr. Poston then welcomed Ms. Karen Utter, Associate Director for SC School Improvement Council. Ms. Utter created and oversees SC-SIC’s Engagement for Outcomes Program and has accepted the request for SJHS’s SIC to participate in the Engagement for Outcomes program for the next 12 to 18 months. As a participant, SJHS SIC will receive training and technical assistance in planning, implementing, and evaluating their work. Ms. Utter explained that her role would be to help guide us as an organization. She discussed the importance of recruiting and retaining SIC members, making sure SIC bylaws are current and followed, and maintaining measurable data. Ms. Utter shared that it was important to decide what data our SIC wants to collect and measure and what our SIC measurable goals would be. Next, Mr. Poston shared some information about his family and his career in education. He then gave an overview of some of the current statistics regarding SJHS. As of this date, SJHS has 1,851 students. This number demonstrates the continued growth in our school population which coincides with the overall population growth of our community. We have a growing level of students living at or below the poverty level. Our minority population is approximately 20%. Approximately 14% of SJHS students are served under IDEA and we have one of the highest G&T populations within the Horry County School District.
Mr. Poston stated that South Carolina would release school report card scores on October 15, 2022, and that we would review that information at the October SIC meeting. He also shared a slide that described SJHS goals. The areas of focus for SJHS goals included graduation rate, college and career readiness, EOC scores, teacher attendance, and multilingual learner progress.
The next item on the SJHS SIC agenda was election of officers for the 2022-23 school year. The results of the election are as follows:
Shelli Jasper Thomas – SJHS SIC Chairman
Kim Frederick – SJHS SIC Vice-Chairman
Tonya Propst – SJHS SIC SecretaryThe next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Poston thanked everyone for attending and the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Minutes 2019
School Improvement Council Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Present: Helene Gerald, Parent (Chair)
Kim Frederick, Parent (Secretary)
Caroline Ross, Community Member
Hank Wortly, Teacher
Ms. Lewis, Teacher
Jeanna Johnson, Teacher
Lori Murphy, Parent
Roger Dixon, Community Member
Janice Morreale, Community Member
Jen Matthews, Parent
Tonya Propst, Community Member
Michael Holmes, Parent
Lisa Holmes, Parent
Andrea Kirksey, Parent
Madeline Lawson, Parent
Vann Pennell – Principal, Ex-Officio Member
Welcome and Introductions – Ms. Helene Gerald
The meeting was called to order by Helene Gerald. Mrs. Gerald welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending the meeting. The minutes from the September 17, 2019, meeting were read and approved.
Principal’s Report – Mr. Vann Pennell
Mr. Pennell greeted everyone and thanked them for being in attendance. He then introduced Mr. Wortley and Ms. Lewis who discussed the SJHS Disciplinary Process. Mr. Wortley stated that the Disciplinary Team consists of Mr. Wortley, Ms. Fischer, Mr. Powell, Ms. Rice, and Mr. Capps. He stated that 89.6% of SJHS students have never received a disciplinary referral. The top 3 offenses are (1) tardiness, (2) dress code, and (3) cutting class. Students do have the right to appeal a referral. A detailed copy of the referral process is attached.
Next, Mr. Pennell introduced Mr. Roger Dixon who is the HCS Athletic Director. A SJHS parent had inquired about the status of the tennis courts as well as the running track which are both in need of improvements. Mr. Pennell asked Mr. Dixon to give an update on those plans. Many of the schools have facilities/courts that need repair. Mr. Dixon explained that there had been an ongoing process with the HCS Facilities Committee. Currently, there are three schools that have tennis courts that need to be totally renovated/totally rebuilt. These three schools are (1) Conway HS, (2) Carolina Forest HS, and (3) Green Sea Floyds HS. Four additional schools need resurfacing and drains placed under the tennis courts. These four schools are (1) Aynor HS, (2) Loris HS, (3) St. James HS, and (4) Socastee HS.
In addition to the tennis courts, many HCS running tracks need to be repaired. The three that are in need of the most work are (1) Loris HS, (2) Carolina Forest HS, and (3) St. James HS. Mr. Dixon shared that in some cases, road crews were used to make repairs and now those are having to be redone as they were not completed properly. Mr. Dixon encouraged everyone to stay abreast of the plans of the HCS Facilities Committee and to also stay in touch with HCS Board Members regarding the status of improving our tennis courts and running tracks for the students.
Mr. Pennell then went on to introduced Ms. Jeanna Johnson with the Career and Technology Education (CATE) program. Ms. Johnson briefly spoke regarding some of the programs offered which include computer science, carpentry, graphic design, and an EMS program. Ms. Johnson plans to attend a meeting in the future to provide more detailed descriptions of the work being done in the CATE program
Next, Mr. Pennell introduced Mrs. Caroline Ross with the SJHS Guidance Department. Mrs. Ross shared that an event with 60 colleges would be happening soon. Additionally, 10th and 11th grade students will be taking the PSAT during the month of October. Ce Ce Taylor, SJHS student, shared information about participating in PACE classes through Horry Georgetown Technical College.
In conclusion, Mr. Pennell shared that SJHS has an ‘Excellent’ rating on the SC School Report Card and that our AP scores are very high. Mr. Pennell informed the group that the next SJHS SIC meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 5:30 in the media center and encouraged everyone to invite a friend to attend the meeting.
Mrs. Helene Gerald thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Present: Mr. Pennell – Principal
Janice Morreale – Horry County School Board
Caroline Ross – Guidance
Brett Mahaffey – Instructional Coach
Hank Wortley – Teacher
CeCe Taylor – Student Body President
Helene Gerald – parent/SIC
Tara Devers – parent/SIC
Kim Frederick – parent/SIC
Parents – please see the meeting sign-in sheet.
Welcome and Introductions – Ms. Helene Gerald
The meeting was called to order by Helene Gerald. Mrs. Gerald welcomed everyone and thanked everyone for attending the first SIC meeting of the 2019-20 school year. Next, everyone was asked to introduce themselves to the group.
Principal Report – Mr. Van Pennell
Mr. Pennell welcomed everyone. He then introduced the SJHS Student Body President, CeCe Taylor. CeCe announced that September 27, 2019 will be the Military Appreciation Football game. The SJHS Homecoming game is October 25, 2019. CeCe has a fill and flow box in the ladies restrooms which is a project she started last year. CeCe announced that a Winter Formal is being considered and more information will be provided in the future.
Mr. Pennell then introduced Mr. Hank Wortley, SJHS teacher. Mr. Wortley presented information on Amazon wish lists for teachers. Teachers can create a wish list of items needed for their classrooms. Parents are encouraged to email the teachers and ask for their Amazon link. Parents at the meeting were asked to share this information with others. Mr. Wortley also explained about DonorsChoose.org. This website allows teachers to post information about needs that they have in their classrooms for projects. To find projects for St. James High School, please go to https://www.donorschoose.org/school/st-james-high-school/6438.
Next, Mr. Pennell introduced Mr. Brett Mahaffey and Mrs. Caroline Ross. Mr. Mahaffey shared that the nine base high schools in Horry County were approached in January 2019 about adding a STEM program to their curriculum. Project Lead The Way (PLTW) is the curriculum that was selected. SJHS is offering computer science. Currently, there are 40 students participating. Mr. Williams is the teacher and Mr. Mahaffey described the course as being very interactive and reported that the students seem to be enjoying the class. The St. James cluster is focusing on STEM programs in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Mrs. Caroline Ross then gave a report from the guidance department. Senior conferences have begun. The PSAT will be offered in October for 10th graders to have a practice test and 11th graders competing for National Merit Scholarships. Guidance will be meeting with students regarding scholarship information. Mrs. Ross reported that the SJHS Guidance Department now has a Facebook page to help keep parents and students informed. The Facebook page is ‘St. James High School Guidance’. Everyone is asked to like the page and also share it with others.
Mr. Pennell thanked Mr. Wortley, Mr. Mahaffey, and Mrs. Ross for their presentations. Mrs. Morreale said that she had received a call regarding parents parking in the parking lot instead of using the pickup line to pick up children in the afternoons when school is dismissed. Mr. Pennell and Mr. Wortley reported that they are both outside after school and did not believe this was happening. Mr. Wortley reported that he encouraged parents to move up in order to keep the line moving. Mr. Pennell noted that SJHS has 4 National Merit Scholars. The rest of the agenda will be continued to the next SIC meeting. The topics to be addressed at the next meeting include Security, Vaping, Attendance, and the SJHS Carpentry Program. The next SIC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8, 2019.
Mrs. Gerald again thanked everyone for attending and the meeting was adjourned.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Mr. Pennell-Principal
Caroline Ross- Guidance Jean Young-parent/SIC Sheila Mitchell- parent/SIC Helene Gerrald-parent/SIC Nicole Beyersdorf-parent
Tara Devers- parent
Welcome and Introductions- Ms. Jean Young
- Young noted this was the last SIC meeting of the 2018-2019 school year
- Young made a motion requesting Nominations for SIC council for the 2019-2020 school year and the following appointments were accepted by those present:
Helene Gerrald- chairperson (hsgerrald@gmail.com)
Tara Devers- Vice –chairperson (2tdeverslwe@sccoast.net) Kim Frederick- secretary
- Freshman Orientation is scheduled for Friday, August 16. Tammy Herring has agreed to coordinate again this
What’s New at SJHS/Principal Report- Mr. Van Pennell
- There was a discussion of goals for the SIC for the next school year to include continued emphasis on drugs and human trafficking in our
- Suggestions to improve attendance at the meetings and scheduled events included a virtual Facebook event for those unable to attend in person and the possibility of including the meeting agenda and minutes on the SJHS Facebook page or a
dedicated SIC page. It was suggested that there is a difference in elementary and middle school SIC involvement in terms of time commitment and that this be emphasized to incoming freshman parents.
- The addition of a representative of the Vocational Department at SIC meetings was
- Riley Award participation was suggested and it was noted the write-up would be required to include events from the current school
- Pennell announced 4 students athletes recently signed for college scholarships- 1 Swimming, 1 Lacrosse and 2 Soccer. WBTW was present for the event
- 30 Teachers from SJHS participated in the recent SC State House Rally. Administration, Guidance and substitute teachers were able to cover all the absences due to advance
- There continues to be issues with students not crossing ONLY at the light on 707 as SCDOT has instructed
- 92 seniors recently enjoyed the Senior Trip to Disneyworld
- Senior Athletic Awards Banquet is scheduled for May 16
- Mandatory Graduation Practice is scheduled for June 4
- Graduation is June 6, 2019 at 2PM at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center
- Freshman Parent Night is scheduled for August 13, 2019
- Volunteers are needed to assist staff the first several days of school
- Pennell thanked Ms. Young and Ms. Mitchell for their years of service to SIC
Guidance Report-Ms. Caroline Ross
- AP testing is almost The offsite location has been very successful.
- Rising freshman from the middle school have participated in a 1 one hour program at SJHS and both Mr. Pennell and Ross additionally met with these students in small groups of 25 to discuss schedules and other pertinent topics
Adjournment- Ms. Jean Young
School Improvement Council Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Mr. Pennell-Principal
Caroline Ross- Guidance
Brett Mahaffey-Administration Jean Young-parent/SIC
Sheila Mitchel- parent/SIC Helene Gerrald-parent/SIC Angel Maet-parent
Janet Morreal- parent Natasha Best-Administration
Next meeting:
March12, 2019 in the Media Center-5:30 PM
Welcome and Introductions- Ms. Jean Young
- Minutes from the November meeting were approved
New STEM Program – Mr. Pennell, Ms. Ross, Mr. Mahaffey
- Pennell discussed the addition of” Project Lead the Way”, a nationally recognized STEM curriculum which offers various area of concentration.
- St James has elected to focus on a Computer Science
- St James will be the first” Computer Technology High School” in Horry
- A total of 4 classes will eventually be offered, starting with one next
- Completion of the 4 classes will allow an option of college credit via AP testing
- The importance of technology in Horry County and future employment options for all levels of computer programming skills was discussed
Principal Report- Mr. Pennell
- There is a plan for 6 additional portables next year at SJHS to address increased attendance
- In addition, 75 staff positions will be added; to include a full time school nurse, an additional guidance counselor, and positions in Behavioral Health, Social Studies, Spanish and Math.
- 70 teachers and Staff at SJHS have recently been certified in CPR and an additional class will be offered in the
- Grand Strand Young Life, a faith based organization, will be sending 2 students from Coastal Carolina University who will interact with SJHS students during lunch and will hold additional offsite
- Candy will be distributed to all students in the cafeteria on Valentine’s
Guidance Report- Caroline Ross
- 11th grade students will have an opportunity to take either the ACT on February 20 and the SAT in Test prep workshops are also being offered in the auditorium(Wednesday, Feb 13 for the ACT and Thursday, Feb 14 for the SAT)
- All 11th graders will also take the WIN career
- The guidance department is in the process of finishing IGPs and students will be given an opportunity to review their choices prior to final class
- AP testing dates are May 6-13 and will be held offsite at Surfside United Methodist Church.
Street Drug Awareness
- Pennell discussed the informational program presented by Mr. Costas for SJHS parents.
- JUUL continues to be found at SJHS and students receive ISS and are booked for possession which carries a $162
- Mahaffey presented several examples of JUUL devices that looked like a flash drive, can be charged in a USB port and are available in various flavors to familiarize parents with these items. These do contain nicotine and the signs of addiction were discussed.
- Various options to help address the issue were discussed including information sessions for students and parents as well as the possibility of obtaining
Adjournment- Ms. Jean Young
Minutes 2018
School Improvement Council Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Mr. Pennell-Principal
Caroline Ross- Guidance Ms. Kerry Melson-teacher Mr. Hank Wortley- teacher
Mr. Sonny Williams- Media Specialist SJHS Cecilia Taylor- Junior Student Council Officer Sheila Mitchel- parent/SIC
Helene Gerrald-parent/SIC Tammy Herring-parent
Nicole Beyersdorf-parent Janet Morreal- parent
Next meeting:
February12, 2019 in the Media Center-5:30 PM
Welcome and Introductions- Ms. Sheila Mitchell
Senior Projects – Mr. Sonny Williams, Media Specialist
- Williams presented an overview of the senior projects which started in 2004 at SJHS and are now known as Senior Digital Exploration.
- All seniors (except AP and PACE students) are required to
- Topics are selected based on student interest, with a focus on future career choices. The process also involves community service with a narrative/reflection on key learning points.
- Finally, two research papers are required as well as a presentation to community
- Williams highlighted past successes including Katie’s Project.
- Volunteers are need for the judging on December 13 from 4-7PM. More information to follow in the daily Shark
- Pennell emphasized what a great learning experience this was for all involved.
- Williams is also responsible for the Robotics team and is looking for additional volunteers to assist students.
Food Drive/Printing Press- Ms.Melson
- Melson, a teacher in the Special Education Department, discussed the Occupational Certificate Program which emphasizes” Learners at Work” and fostering job skills.
- The committee took a tour of SJHS’ Fins Up Shop which includes Fintastic stitches( embroidery), Fintastic signs( wooden hand painted signs) and Fintastic Designs( T-shirts) and were able to see first- hand the impressive accomplishments of these talented students.
- Items can be ordered by contacting Melson directly.(kmelson@horrycountyschools.net)
School Improvement
Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Page 2
- SJHS food pantry is also housed in this area and the students inventory donations from several local food banks as well as contributions from the Ladies of the In addition, there is a Food Drive
being conducted during 2nd Block. SJHS is sponsoring 14 families for Thanksgiving and 25 students for Christmas.
Guidance Report- Caroline Ross
- Underclassman IGPs have started
- 11th Graders will have an opportunity to take a free SAT or ACT in Spring 2019
- Plans for next year include one new course entitled “Computer Forensics”. The number of AP classes will remain at
What’s New at SJHS
- The PowderPuff event will be rescheduled for Spring 2019 due to inclement
- Student council representatives are discussing tentative plans for a Winter Dates being considered are December 20, 2018 or February 15, 2019.
- A program to place feminine products in the girls’ bathrooms has been trialed with plans to expand based on positive
Principal Report - Mr. Van Pennell
- Hank Wortley, Science Department, was introduced at Teacher of the year at SJHS and will now compete at the HCS District level. Other nominees in the top 5 included: Ms. Denise Noll (Math), Ms. Elisha Revis (Computer Science), Ms. Sarah Crist (English) and Mr. Jacob Scheuer (Physical Education).
- Pennell highlighted the recent successful Homecoming, Fields of Faith and Veterans Day Celebration at SJHS.
- It was noted that the Cheerleading team recently won the 5A Regionals and will compete for the State Championship this Saturday in
- Girl’s Golf also experienced a successful season. Smith Knaffle and Adrian Anderson from SJHS participated in the recent North/ South All Star
- Pennell discussed some disciplinary concerns in reference to TARDIES as well as 27 recent
Tobacco write ups involving JUUL e-cigarettes with further discussion on this issue planned for next meeting.
- The State Accountability Model has been postponed until the end of Results to be presented at the February SIC meeting
Adjournment- Ms. Sheila Mitchell
School Improvement
Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Page 3
School Improvement Council Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Mr. Pennell-Principal
Caroline Ross- Guidance Laura Burdick-teacher
Sterling Stanchak- Study Body President Halle Dwyer- Senior Class Representative Allison Maloney-parent
Jean Young- parent/SIC Helene Gerrald-parent/SIC Tammy Herring-parent
Nicole Beyersdorf
Next meeting:
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 in the Media Center-5:30 PM
Welcome and Introductions- Ms. Jean Young
New Accountability Model – Mr. Brett Mahaffey, Instructional Coach SJHS (see attached PowerPoint Presentation)
- Overview of a new report ranking ALL 140+ SC high schools scheduled to be released by Nov 15
- Represents the first unified agreement on skills required for SC students and is mandated by the state legislature
- The profile of the South Carolina graduate includes WORLD CLASS KNOWLEDGE, WORLD CLASS SKILLS, and LIFE and CAREER
- Criteria will include weighted assessments of Academic Achievement (Eng1 and Alg1 EOC), Preparing for Success (Bio1 and US history EOC), English Language Acquisition and Proficiency, On-Time
Graduation Rate, College and Career Readiness, and Positive and Effective Learning Environment.
- Scores will be 0-100 and it was emphasized that only 10 % of the total schools will receive an Excellent designation and 65 % of the schools will be considered Good or
Hurricane Relief Sandbag Effort- Mr. Vann Pennell
- Pennell expressed his appreciation and recognized the effort of faculty, students and graduates, as well as several sand companies and the state for supplying and filling over 220,000 bags during a 3 day period to help local victims of the floods. He described it as an invaluable experience for all involved.
Guidance Report- Caroline Ross
- IGPs to start Nov 1
- PSAT scheduled for Oct 24 for Grades 10/11 at SJHS
School Improvement
Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Page 2
- FREE SAT for Horry County students Saturday, Nov 3
What’s New at SJHS
- Student council discussed plans for Homecoming Friday, October The theme is” Music Genres” and each class will vote on a specific theme for their floats this week and construction can begin on Thursday, October 18.
- The Homecoming Courts for each class were
- SJHS’ first graduating class will celebrate their 10 YEAR Reunion. They are encouraged to attend and participate in
- Homecoming Week( Oct 22-26) events also include additional opportunities for student participation during Meme Monday, Too Tired Tuesday, Wayback Wednesday, Team Tuesday and Music Genres Friday.
- The 7 required make-up days from Hurricane Florence were discussed. A decision on the remainder of the days missed and well as the 1 additional day due to Tropical Storm Michael are pending at this time.
Adjournment- Ms. Jean Young
Saint James High School School Improvement Council Minutes
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
- Jean Young/SIC President and parent
- Michelle Collins/ SIC Vice Pres and parent
- Janice Morreale-School Board Member and parent
- Debbie Leonard/SIC Secretary and parent
- Helene Gerrald – Parent
- Donna Satterly – Parent
- Lucille Douglas – Parent
- Vann Pennell-Principal of Saint James High School
- Caroline Ross – Admin
- Amber Zajac – Student Body President
- Karie Fussaro – parent
- Brett Mahaffey – teacher
- Sheila Mitchell - parent
- Laura Burdick - teacher
Ms. Jean Young – Welcome and Freshman Orientation
- Freshman Orientation will be Tuesday, August 21st. SIC provides pizza and helps SIC seeks corporate donations of $100 each for T-Shirts. Karie Fussaro and Tammy Herring will be the SIC volunteers to coordinate this event with Kristen Crews, teacher.
Principal’s Report – Mr. Vann Pennell
- Pennell with Amber Zajac discussed the students’ participation with the National Walk-Out to honor the victims of the school shooting in Parkland Florida. It was a 17 minute program with video, pledge of the allegiance, moment of silence, and the names of the 17 victims were read. Students were allowed to walk into the hallways of the school. Students were very respectful.
- Pennell discussed the Hawaiian themed teacher appreciation week, Senior projects, Senior trip, teacher vacancies, dress code monitoring, and issues with vaping at school. Mr. Pennell announced the required graduation practice on June 1st at 8 a.m. at CCU.
U.S. & World Report – Mr. Brett Mahaffey
- James High School has been included in the rankings for the third straight year. We are ranked 2,346 out of 20,548 schools and earned a silver medal. We are ranked 23rd in SC and Carolina Forest HS is the only Horry County school ranked higher than SJHS.
- SJHS has a very small gap between scores among underserved and non-underserved students.
- The takeaways from this award are that we need to strive to do better on EOC testing, graduation rates, expansion of the Advanced Placement courses, and prepare for success on the AP
Caroline Ross - Guidance:
- AP testing is almost
- They are still working on the master class schedule for 2018/2019.
Vann Pennell – SIC Elections – Mr. Pennell suggested that the officers for SIC for the 2018/2019 year should be Jean Young as Chair, Sheila Mitchell as Vice Chair, and Helene Gerrald as Secretary. All nominations were accepted and approved.
Ms. Jean Young:
- Young adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Leonard Secretary
Saint James High School School Improvement Council Minutes
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
- Michelle Collins/SIC Vice-President
- Jean Young/SIC President
- Mark Mitchell-Advisory/Parent
- Vann Pennell-Principal of Saint James High School
- Amber Zajac-Student Body President
- Jordan White – Student Council
- Janice Morreale-School Board Member
- Laura Burdick – Teacher
- Caroline Ross – Admin
- Lori Murphy – Parent
- Beth Jordan - Parent
- Ligia Murphy – Parent
- Helene Gerrald – Parent
Welcome and Introductions by Mrs. Jean Young:
- Young welcomed everyone and introduced our guest speaker, Mr. Kenny Generette, HCS District attorney
Random Student Drug Testing – Mr. Generette:
- Our district is in the exploration phase – just gathering info from other districts (Lexington I, Anderson 5, Beaufort County, etc.) who have implemented random student drug testing
- Why? As a deterrent; to promote good health; to possibly give students an “out” in a pressure situation; early intervention and awareness. Not looking to implement program as a
- Legal to do so if pool to be tested is a selection of students. Not entire population. Athletes and those who drive to school are being offered a privilege so this is not infringing upon a “right”.
- Selection is random by independent third party so no
- Parents can voluntarily place their students in test
- Financial component can be significant - $18-$30 a
- Test administered as mouth swab and tests for alcohol and different
- Middle school students who are student athletes at high school can be included.
- District is in early stages of this process and welcomes input from all stakeholders. If the decision is made to implement such program, the 2019- 2020 school year would be earliest opportunity due to many steps involved in implementing.
Guidance Report – Mrs. Caroline Ross:
- Open House for all SJHS Parents is next Tuesday, April 27, 4-7.
- 11th graders have upcoming ACT or SAT tests to be administered at school. ACT will be given next Tuesday, February
- The Work Keys testing will be replaced by WIN program this year. More info to follow.
Principal’s Report – Mr. Vann Pennell
- Encouraged everyone to bring someone with them to the next
- Discussion about St James’ response to Florida High School shooting last week. “Shark Tank” teachers met to discuss our current safety measures. Increased importance placed on all doors being locked from outside during school hours (which includes no more propping doors open by students/teachers and opening back doors to let other students enter). Open dialogue with students about the importance of their role to be aware and report. Also, change in fire drill
- Entire student population was searched on Monday, February 19. This was a planned event and not in response to Florida shooting. Overall, the search went well and the only significant violation found involved one bottle of vodka with small amount in it. There have been several false rumors lately about guns, etc being seen / found at our school and each one has been investigated.
- SJHS has 7 open positions for next year and will have a job fair this
- EOC testing scores were discussed – Alg 2 scores increased. Biology was
“renormed” this year and, as expected, the scores were lower than desired – optimistic about spring semester scores. English I had 100% pass rate. US History scores discussed.
Ms. Young adjourned the meeting at 6:30 pm
School Improvement Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018
Mr. Pennell-Principal Elisha Revis-teacher
Amber Zajac-Student Body President Otez Myers-Senior Class President Matthew Fox-teacher
Karla Lopez-teacher Michelle Collins-parent/SIC Jeon Young-parent/ SIC Caroline Ross-Guidance Lucille Douglas-parent
- Kindness Week: The schools in our cluster will celebrate "Kindness Week" in which the schools in our cluster will participate in random acts of kindness throughout the week of Jan. 22-26. 2018. During the week there will different toiletry items collected each day from the students as well. After this week, volunteers will be needed to help bag the supplies that will be donated to the
- What's New at SJHS
-Test scores will be discussed at the February meeting.
-Kurt Hughes-custodian-support staff winner for this school year.
-Jonah Buck was recognized for Perfect Attendance-he has never misses a day of school.
-Make up days for snow days-Jan. 16th and Feb. 19th , At this point we are not sure about the third day-waiting to hear if it will be excused.
-Next meeting we will be discussing/planning for the Transition Meeting in August. We will need volunteers for pizza, t-shirts, water, etc.
- Guidance Report:
-EOC testing is going on now.
-IGPs are in the process of getting started for 2"d semester due to testing and snow days.
-Report cards will be posted on January 26t h.
-Grades are due on Friday, January 12th
-Exams start Wed., Jan. 10t h
-Fri., Jan. 12th will be a half day
- Chick-fil-A Leader Academy:
-One of the students did a toy drive for MUSC to give to the children at the cancer center.
-April there is an Impact Project kickball with the focus on 1st responders.
-One group did a luncheon for custodians.
Minutes 2017
Saint James High School
School Improvement Council Minutes
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
• Jean Young/SIC President and parent
• Janice Morreale-School Board Member and parent
• Debbie Leonard/SIC Secretary and parent
• Helene Gerrald – Parent
• Tammy Herring – Parent
• Donna Satterly – Parent
• Lucille Douglas – Parent
• Jennifer Steinmetz – Parent
• Bernice Ortiz-Robles – Parent
• Theresa Cacace – Parent
• Vann Pennell-Principal of Saint James High School
• Caroline Ross – Admin
• Matthew Fox – Teacher
• Karla Lopez – Teacher
• Kevin Ferry - Teacher
• Otez Myers – Senior Class President
Ms. Jean Young – Welcome
• Asked for reading and approval of the May and October 2017 minutes. Motion made by Caroline Ross and seconded by Lucille Douglas.
• Discussed application process for the Riley Award
• Provided the Draft 2018/2019 school calendar.
Ms.Janice Morreale
• Jan 22-26th will be devoted to performing many acts of kindness including donations of personal hygiene supplies, socks and snacks. SJHS students will go to elementary and intermediate schools to read to students. Other activities were discussed.
Principal’s Report – Mr. Vann Pennell
• Requested the help of SIC with Kindness Week. Suggested SIC can bag supplies or help serve lunch on Jan 26th.
• Guitar/Chorus – Has grown to 65 students from 10 in the past two years.
Had state competition the previous Friday. We have 3 all-state singers.
• Discussed Veterans Day ceremony – We had 100 veterans participated. The
band played, all of the spouses and children of Veterans were recognized,
wreath laying and Taps. 500 students attended. The ceremony was livestreamed
into the classrooms.
• Discussed wrestling and cheerleading teams.
• Students were allowed to dress up for Halloween which was enjoyed by all.
• Requested that we walk around the building with him at the January meeting.
He wants suggestions for ideas and improvements.
• Discussed visits to St. James Middle School with 7th and 8th grade parents.
• He takes students with all As in the quarter to CiCi’s Pizza for lunch. There
are 350 students with all As. He discussed ways to raise money to pay for
these lunches.
Caroline Ross - Guidance:
• Sent out letters to Juniors to take SAT or ACT. Collected 300 responses.
The ACT will be Feb 27th and the SAT will be March 7th.
• They are scheduling IGP meetings for underclassman now.
• Guidance is sponsoring seven families and 15 students for Christmas.
Discussed the needs of students who are homeless or living in unstable
Ms. Jean Young:
• Ms. Young adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Leonard
Saint James High School
School Improvement Council Minutes
Tuesday, September 12, 2017Attendance:
- Michelle Collins/SIC Vice-President
- Jean Young/SIC President
- Debbie Leonard/SIC Secretary
- Sheila Mitchell-Parent
- Mark Mitchell-Advisory/Parent
- Vann Pennell-Principal of Saint James High School
- Beth Cox-Teacher
- Elisha Revis-Teacher
- Amber Zajac-Student Body President
- Otez Myers – Senior Class President
- Janice Morreale-School Board Member
- Rhett Sanders – Parent
- Laura Burdick – Teacher
- Caroline Ross – Admin
- Lori Murphy – Parent
- Lindsay Mayer – Admin
- Angie McCune – Admin
- Theresa Cacace – Parent
- Kelly Brink – Parent
- Helene Gerrald - Parent
Welcome and Introductions by Mrs. Jean Young:
- Young asked the officers of SIC introduce themselves
- Announced School Resource Office couldn’t make it to this meeting, but will attend the next meeting.
Chick-fil-A Leadership – Ms. Revis:
- Revis introduced Amber Zajac as Student Body President and Otez Myers as Senior Class President.
- The 9th grade Student Council elections for President and Vice President will be held soon.
- Chick-fil-A Leadership inducted 25 new members. Those members have been introduced to the core Chick-fil-A staff.
- Chick-fil-A leadership now has a total of 50 students participating.
- Revis discussed this year’s projects and goals of Chick-fil-A leadership.
- This is the second year for Chick-fil-A leadership program. The first year, all members were based on teacher recommendations. This year, students completed an application and all were accepted. Applications are accepted in April.
Hurricane Relief Effort – Mrs. Beth Cox:
- Cox announced the Taking Care of Texas campaign. The students have been bringing in coins and have collected over $1,200. Mrs. Cox has bought supplies and the Coast Guard will deliver the supplies to Hurricane victims in Texas.
- They have also collected 70 boxes of supplies to be distributed to victims of Hurricane Harvey.
- Cox discussed possibly adopting a high school in Texas that lost everything in the hurricane including sports and band equipment and uniforms. The students are going to school 40 miles from their home school which was damaged in the hurricane.
Guidance Report – Mrs. Caroline Ross:
- Ross announced there are 424 students in the Freshman class.
- James High School is now a “Red Zone” school which means we can decline students from a different zone.
- Ross talked of the great start to the year.
- Ross discussed the steps to class selection as follows:
- IGP meetings with the student and the parent
- Teachers make recommendations
- Students allowed another chance to make changes
- Can’t’ allow drops in five days because teachers are in place based on initial class requests
- 10th graders have the option of taking the PSAT; 11TH graders in Honors English or Pace classes must take the PSAT unless they opt out.
- 11th graders will be able to choose to take the ACT or SAT. Dates aren’t available yet.
- Currently the plan is not to have skinny classes next year
- Alex Tew is a National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Principal’s Report – Mr. Vann Pennell
- Encouraged everyone to bring someone with them to the next meeting.
- Pennell complimented Ms. Revis on the Chick-fil-A leadership program and announced the program won a national award last year.
- Pennell complimented Ms. Cox on her efforts with community service projects. He stated how Ms. Cox is always willing to help and she is teaching kids to give back to the community.
- Pennell announced there are 1711 students at SJHS. There are 100 more students this year. There are 13 new teachers and 2 new Assistant Principals.
- Freshman have settled in quickly and orientation went well.
- SJHS has been recognized by US News & Report as top 10%.
- Overall ACT scores are up but math scores have dipped.
- Receiving 6 portables in November. Currently 8 teachers are floating without a class room.
- Beth Cox raised $1,800 for coach’s family with sick child.
- Facebook page has been created to keep parents informed of bus issues.
- Janice Morreale discussed the bus problems and the driver shortage.
- Announced plans to work on a new weight room near the field house.
- Discussed if students have more than 5 tardies, they will lose their parking space.
- New security officer, Officer Conklin, is doing a great job. He walks the halls and knows the students by name.
- Amber Zajac thanked everyone for helping with Freshman Orientation.
Ms. Young adjourned the meeting.
St. James High School
School Improvement Council Minutes
Wednesday, February 15, 2017Attendance:
Jean Young-SIC Chairman Michelle Collins-SIC Secretary
Caroline Ross-Guidance Kendall Securro, Student
Margie Riedinger-Parent Jasmyn Robinson, Student
Jennifer Bayliff-Parent Mark Mitchell-Advisory Board Member
Helene Gerrald-Parent Bill Krauss-Teacher
Janice Morreale-School Board Representative
Deron Dolfi-Assistant Principal
Advisory Board Update:
- Five schools are under construction in Horry County – 1 in the St. James cluster
- Focus is on the technology that is being used in the schools, calendar for the new school year and make up days from Hurricane Matthew
- The purpose of the Advisory Board is to address questions/concerns of parents
Riley Award: St. James High SIC made the Honor Roll, but did not make the Top 5 -news was received on Feb. 15, 2017.
Health Science Program of Study at SJHS Presentation:
- This is a program at St. James High School that offers several different programs/classes in health related fields: Nursing, Physicians, Dentists, Vet, Pharmacy, EMS and Psychology.
- This is an depth career project that helps students to understand the process for getting a medical degree in different fields
- There are internship opportunities for students in the different fields of study. There are 3 types of internships available for students: sports medicine, health science (physical therapy, orthopedics, vet, pharmacy, dentistry-4 week rotation) and medical mentoring (summer opportunities).
Kindness Week:
- All schools in the St. James cluster participated in The Great Kindness Challenge during the week of January 23-27, 2017 and it was well received in the cluster. We also had local media coverage in the morning and evening news.
- All schools in the St. James cluster collected items to donate to the local homeless shelters. The SIC along with students from various clubs assembled the items in zip lock bags on February 7th.
Principal Update:
- A Flag was flown at the U.S. Capitol at the request of House of Representatives member Tom Rice in recognition of SJHS winning Palmetto Finest. The Flag will be displayed at school.
- Graduation dates are going before the Board on February 20th. There are several venues that are being discussed for the graduation ceremony and CCU is a strong contender for the ceremony to be held. At this time the school is expecting between 2600-2700 people (students, parents, Marshals, teachers, etc.). The number of tickets each graduate should receive is 7, and there will be approximately 353 graduates.
- Open House will be on Feb. 28th from 4-7 P.M. There will be a representative from the PACE program here at Open House to talk with parents. The PACE meeting will be at 6:00 P.M.
- Budget Meeting - staffing for the 2017-2018 school year and there will be some new positions for teachers
Guidance Updates: (Mrs. Ross)
- 11th graders will be taking the ACT on Feb. 28th
- Work Keep testing will be held in March
- AP Testing in May
- EOC Testing in May
- IGPs are still in progress and should be completed soon
Student Update:
- Kendall and other student representatives went to a leadership conference in Chicago. There were schools from around the world working together at this conference. They worked together to learn how implement programs into their schools and for student councils to network. The purpose is improve student involvement in student council.
Next Meeting Date:
- Tuesday, March 14 @ 5:30 P.M.
Minutes 2016
Saint James High School
School Improvement Council Minutes
Wednesday, November 2, 2016Attendance:
- Rhonda Blackmon-Parent/SIC Vice-President
- Jennifer Bayliff-Parent
- Allison Hughes-Parent
- Tammy Herring-Parent
- Jennifer Steinmetz-Parent
- Sheila Mitchell-Parent
- Mark Mitchell-Advisory
- Vann Penell-Principal of Saint James High School
- Beth Cox-Teacher
- Elisha Revis-Teacher
- Karla Securro-Student Body President
- Matthew Fox-Teacher
- Karla Lopez-Teacher
- Janice Morreale-School Board Member
- Jasmyn Robinson-Senior Class President
Welcome and Introductions:
- Lopez-Spanish Teacher
- Make-up Meeting for October is scheduled for Dec. 13th-Motion was approved by Jennifer Bayliff and seconded by Ms. Lopez
Carolina Strong Drive:
- Cox had students to ask what they can do with the $650.00 that they have raised. They asked if it should be put towards food, paper products, etc.
- SIC is putting out an email and putting it on Facebook to seek donations from the community and school families. There were 3 teachers from Saint James High School that lost everything during Hurricane Matthew.
- Beth Cox is going to reaching out to feeder schools of Saint James High School to see if there are any families that were affected by Hurricane Matthew so that we can put them on our list to be the first served.
- There is going to be a canned food drive to raise money for this benefit. The top three classes that bring in the most canned food will win an ice cream party
Service/Kindness Week:
- Ideas that were suggested to be held during the week are as follows:
- The high school students will go to each of the feeder schools to have breakfast with those students.
- Saint James High School students will hold a school “clean up”.
- Saint James High School students will open car doors for the students at the feeder schools/participate in acts of kindness to each other during the school day (i.e. holding doors open for each other, cleaning tables in the cafeteria, etc.)
- There was a discussion about having our own hashtag for Kindness Week in our cluster so that we can display photos of our students performing acts of kindness throughout the week.
Principal’s Report:
- Fall athletics and band events are in the process of being completed for the fall.
- There were 160 seniors that applied on College Application Day.
- Teacher Appreciation Day-Principal and Assistant Principal will teach a class
- Graduation-Palace has notified us that they are in the process of remodeling so we will not be able to use that location. Administration has looked at the Alabama Theater, Carolina Opry, and Coastal Carolina University as alternative locations. As of this point, the only facility that can house our students and guests is CCU due the large enrollment of the senior class. There has been no date set for graduation.
Terri Larkin, Chairman Sally Young, Co-Chair
Laura Burdick, Teacher Kathy Heath, Secretary
Caroline Ross, Guidance Director Vann Pennell, Principal
Elisha Revis, Teacher Jennifer Bayliff, Parent
Robin Hays, Parent Allison Hughes, Parent
Rhonda Blackmon, Parent/Sch. Nurse Jean Young, Parent/Co Sec.
Janice Morreale, School Board Kendall Securro, Student
Jasmyn Robinson, Student Morgan Lee, Student
Terri Larkin opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed everyone. Introductions were made and Ms. Larkin encouraged everyone to invite other parents to the SIC meetings. Attending the meetings is very informative and makes parents aware of important things going on in the school.
Agendas were distributed along with minutes from the last meeting. Minutes from the last meeting were read, a motion was made to approve and they were confirmed.
Guidance Report - Caroline Ross –
AP testing is finishing up this week. Monday will begin EOC testing – May 16 to May 26.
The school is launching an AP Institute program and they are working on the master schedule. Eighteen out of nineteen AP classes have made the schedule. (AP Chemistry did not). This year we offered 9 AP classes and next school year we are offering 18 AP classes.
The Senior Awards program will be held May 20th. Scholarships will be announced for each student, along with totals for the school.
Ms. Larkin stated that she has noticed major improvements in Guidance this year and commended Ms. Ross.
SIC Parents Cabinet Review – Terri Larkin –
Ms. Larkin reported on the items discussed at the Parents Cabinet Meeting.
- Technology
- Robotics
- New Grading Scale – 10 point grading scale
If you have a grade, it stays. They will calculate the new GPA next year, perform a conversion and merge the two together.
SJHS SIC Meeting
Page TwoThe new scale will allow SC to be more competitive with neighboring states and it is expected that approximately 13,000 more students will qualify for scholarships and college entrance.
SIC Elections – Terri Larkin –
Nominations for positions were:
Chairman – Jean Young
Co-Chair – Rhonda Blackmon
Secretary – Michelle Collins
Voting was unanimous, and the nominees were approved for next year.Kindness Week Initiative – Janice Morreale –
Ms. Morreale and Principal Pennell want to bring Kindness Week to our school. The program has started in our elementary schools and they want to bring this to our cluster of schools and let them work together. Janice asked everyone to come back to the next SIC meeting with lots of ideas. Examples mentioned are: bracelets for different theme days, police department comes and opens doors, high school students go to the elementary and middles schools and open doors for them. Mr. Pennell is committed to this project and plans to include this in Advisory Lessons. Kindness Week would be held 1 week in the fall and 1 week in the spring.
Principal’s Report – Vann Pennell -
Mr. Pennell mentioned that we want to compete for the Riley Award next year and he is exploring what we need to do to meet the criteria.
Graduating seniors are going to dress out in their caps and gowns and load busses to go to the elementary schools to do a ceremonial walk through the halls. They will interact with the young elementary students. This will be the first year for this walk. Everyone is excited.
Senior projects will be presented this Thursday from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. They need a few more people to help for this event. If you are able to volunteer, please let Mr. Pennell know.
Graduation is June 3rd. Practice is June 2nd and it is required. Mr. Pennell reminded all that he expects a respectful ceremony and no screaming or hollering by anyone. Spread the word.
Senior Exams are May 25th & 26th.
May 27th is actually the last day for seniors. A day is planned for them to go bowling from 9:45 a.m. – 12:00 noon.
The senior Disney trip was great. He said they should plan to leave earlier next year.
Freshman Orientation – Freshman Orientation is scheduled for August 17th. It is a great opportunity for freshman to become familiar with the school and enjoy some fun. Many have expressed how helpful this is for the incoming freshman. It allows them time to become more comfortable with the school and learn how to locate their classes.
Concerns have been expressed about the new 10 point grading scale. How will grades be converted? How does it affect GPA? Will students begin to think 68 is passing? Guidance is working diligently to address any and all issues or concerns.
SJHS SIC Meeting
Page ThreeThere was a blood drive today at 1:00 p.m. The lady leading the event said she has been to hundreds of schools and that our students are the best she has ever been around.
Chick-fil-A has chosen SJHS as a recipient of the “Leader Academy” sponsorship. It is a national high school leadership program focused on impact through action. There are 30 students selected to participate. Chick-fil-A Leader Academy engages students in monthly Leader Labs with a focus on important leadership skills that they will use to create student-led Community Impact Projects.
Our cheerleading coach, Jessica Harrell has been named the #1 Cheerleading Coach in SC!
Our ladies golf team will be in the state championship game next week.
Boys tennis has made it to the regionals. Coach Cannon was named the region Tennis Coach of the Year for the 5th year in a row.
Track has 5 runners going to states this Saturday. Alexis Alston is up for athlete of the week – please vote for her!
Palmetto Finest Honor Festivities – Sponsors treated them to dinner at Inlet Affairs – they were very appreciative.
U.S. News and World Report – St. James High standings:
#2000 – top 10% of high schools in the nation
#15 in South Carolina
#1 in Horry CountyMr. Pennell asked for input on ways to improve the school – Goals for 2016 – 2017:
Ms. Sally Young – Discussed preparing students for applying for scholarship and college applications. The school could hold workshops for writing essays, how and where to apply for scholarships, and how to write resumes. Classes could be offered for students who are interested.
Ms. Hays – Mentioned that testing at The Journey Church was a nice quiet atmosphere for AP testing and asked if that could be continued in the future.
Ms. Larkin – asked about plans for student parking, now that the new loop is in. This is the first year we have run out of space. There are sometimes problems for students who leave campus to take PACE classes at other educational institutions, and then return to the high school.
Mr. Pennell thanks everyone for his or her input.
In closing, Ms. Larkin said that she has been honored to lead the SIC this school year. She will turn all records over to Mr. Pennell and prepare a jump drive or use Drop Box to get information transferred.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Next Meeting - To Be Scheduled in September 2016.
St. James High School
School Improvement Council
April 12, 2016Attendance:
Vann Pennell – Principal
Margie Riedinger – Parent
Kristen Rogers - Teacher
Melissa Poulin – Parent
Caroline Ross – Guidance
Debbie Leonard – Parent
Janice Morreale – School Board Member
Sally Young – Parent and SIC Vice-Chairman
Terri Larkin – Parent and SIC Chairman
Guidance Report:
Upcoming testing - ACT test will be given on April 19th to all 11th grade students. AP exams will be off campus this year at Journey Church.
ACT workshop will be held for all 11th graders with an outside company to help prepare for the exam. Ms. Frick will be taking 7 or 8 kids during elective classes to prepare for the ACT in small group.
AP Institute is still taking applications for kids and at this time is offering 19 AP classes. After April 15th we will see what classes will make. Currently the numbers for AP classes are looking good. This year we offered 9 AP classes and next school year we are offering 19 classes.
EOC Exams are scheduled from May 16 to May 26.
Bylaws Update:
St. James High School SIC Bylaws were amended to reflect the adoption of the School Reading Plan as required by the Read to Succeed Act, changes to the election dates and addition of a meeting date to bring the scheduled meeting dates to a total of seven. A motion was made to approve the bylaws as amended and unanimously approved.
SIC Elections:
In May we will be holding elections for SIC officers for the 2016-2017 school year. At this time on the ballot will be Jean Young for Chairman, Rhonda Blackmon for Vice-Chairman and a Secretary to be appointed later.
Freshman Orientation 2016:
Kristen Rogers updated the SIC on the Freshman Orientation scheduled for August 17th. Jean Young will help arrange the t-shirts, Kari Fussaro will help get the pizza and Michelle Collins will arrange to get the water. We will need parent volunteers to help serve the pizza. Ms. Rogers noted that students who have attended have positive feedback and feel much more comfortable the first day of school walking the halls and getting to class. No suggestions were made to change any part of this event.
Principals Report:
Palmetto Finest – students celebrated each day with ring pops, cookies, ice-cream and Italian ice. Teachers will be getting shirts donated by Life Touch and May 6th Inlet Affairs and other restaurants in Murrells Inlet will be having a dinner for the teachers.Swim Forward is scheduled for May 17th at 6:00 pm to recognize students for any improvements. SIC members are invited to attend.
St. James students have submitted 20 pieces of art to be shown at the art show at the Burroughs & Chapin Art Museum.
Drama is performing Legally Blonde April 28 to April 30th.
Prom was awesome this year – they had games, photo booth and a great DJ.
Graduation will be held June 3, 2016 at the Palace Theater. At this time each student is expected to receive 6 tickets to graduation.
St James High School
School Improvement Council Meeting
February 9, 2016
Attendance:Terri Larkin- SIC Chair Kimberly Stanton-parent
Melissa Poulin-parent Caroline Ross-Guidance Director
Jean Morris-parent Tammy Moreland-Asst. Principal
Margie Redinger-parent Laura Burduck-Teacher
Jennifer Bayliff-parent Sally Young- Co-Chair
Janice Morreale- School Board
Welcome: Terri Larkin welcomed everyone back after the winter break.
Guidance Report: Caroline Ross said that students could pick up their PSAT scores during lunch breaks this week. There will be an ACT workshop March 2nd. ACT will be offered to all juniors on April 11th. February 25th St. James will hold an AP day to try to recruit students at 10am and again from 5:30-7pm for parents. Caroline also mentioned that male students that are interested in Boys State should submit a letter of intent by February 19th to Ms. Wood. She does not have any information for Girls State right now. Sally Young suggested that maybe the students that are chosen have some sort of prepping before they go.
New SAT: Mrs. Vargo went over the new format for the SAT. The SAT will only consist of two sections instead of three. There will be no penalty for guessing. The test will be three hours instead of three hours forty-five minutes. The top score is going back to 1600. Last year St. James average for SAT was 1476 based on a top score of 2400. ACT average score for last year was 22. Top score is a 36. ACT has four sections, which are reading, math, science, and English. Students can take the SAT on March 5th, May 7th, or June 4th. ACT is available April 9th and June 11th. Mrs. Vargo also talked about available scholarships. To qualify for the Life Scholarship ($5000 per year) the student must meet two of three requirements- 3.0 GPA, ranked top 30%, 1100 SAT or 24 ACT by June of their senior year. If the student is going to a two -year school they must have a 3.0 GPA. To qualify for the Palmetto Fellow Scholarship (freshmen $6700, last three years $7500) the student must have a 3.5 GPA at the end of their junior year. They must be ranked in the top 6% by the end of their junior year and have a 1200 SAT score or a 27 ACT score. Opportunities at St. James to prepare for the SAT or ACT are the workshops, SAT/ACT prep class, on line resources, and books the students can check out before the test. St. James will have a SAT prep workshop on February 23th. The cost is $20.
Senior Project: Barbara Holland stated that all English 4 students are required to do a senior project. Each project has four components. Students must research a topic, perform eight hours of community service, present a 10-minute presentation, and build a weebly. The goals for the project are to engage the student as self directed active, independent learners and role models, to integrate curriculum, create a performance based forum for senior learning, involve the community in the students learning process and to raise school standards and expectations. The next presentation will be May 10, 2016. Mrs. Holland would love more volunteers.
Parent Cabinet Meeting Re-Cap: Terri Larkin and Sally Young attended a district meeting. They learned that the St James area would be getting a new intermediate school that will house 5th and 6th graders. Terri also mentioned that St. James High School received two-shout -outs at the meeting for being recognized as a finalist for the Palmetto Finest award and for the SIC receiving an excellence award. Terri also emailed the minutes from the district meeting to the parent email list.
AP University: Caroline Ross briefly went over this new program. This program is to try to keep students in the school by offering more AP courses so they can compete with other options student have for schooling. St. James is going to have 18 AP courses for the next school year. She will have more information at the next meeting.
Principal Report: Ms. Moreland was present at the meeting. She talked about an award program called the M&M Team that was started for “at risk” students. Teachers nominate students that have made strives to improve academically. Those students and their families were treated to a dinner and a reward presentation last night in the cafeteria. She said it was a wonderful night for the students and families that were present. Lastly, she mentioned that the school will be getting a final visit from the judges from the Palmetto Finest sometime between February 16th- February 29th.
Graduation will be June 3rd at 1:30 pm at the Palace Theater.
Meeting adjourned: 6:55
St. James High School
School Improvement Council Minutes September 13, 2016
Vann Pennell-Principal at Saint James High School Jean Young-Parent & SIC Chairman
Rhonda Blackmon-Parent & SIC Vice-Chairman Caroline Ross-Guidance
Kim Stanton-Saint James High School Staff Member Janice Morreale-School Board Member
Serena Morris-Speaker from Seaside Elementary Tricia Collins-Speaker from Seaside Elementary Robby McDonald-Speaker from SCDOT
Kathy Johnson-Horry County School District Employee Jasmyn Robinson-Senior Class President
Theresa Cacace-Parent Tammy Herring-Parent
- klef\e.. !-leheo.e Gerrald-Parent
Jean Morris-Parent
Kendall Securro-Student Body President Michelle Collins-Parent & SIC Secretary Margie Riedinger-Parent
Alison Reichert-Curriculum Coach Tony Williams-Parent
Dennis Gibbs-Parent Jennifer Bayliff-Parent Michelle Cobb-Parent
Hwy 707 /Traffic Concerns:
- Kathy Johnson-Assistant Manager for Planning for the high school
- Ronald McDonald-Project Manager
- The 707 road construction is moving forward even though there have been some weather delays. The original completion date was January 2018, but there has been a request to move it to May 2018
- There will be five lanes on 707 and there is a possibility about opening some lanes early.
- Curbing will go down to the CVS at the corner of Hwy: 707 and Hwy.
- There will be new signal lights at Salem Road. These lights will be operated by camera instead of sensors in the
- The crosswalk will move from the entrance of the school to the stoplight at Salem Road. There will be a button to help with the signal light and there will be a sidewalk on 707 on both sides. The crosswalk buttons will always work there is no down time for these. There will be a bus that goes to the neighborhood and that is another option for the
- Bayliff asked about the clearing of the land by Saint James High School-is it going to be used as a drainage area due to the large amount of water standing on Hwy. 707. The answer was that "yes" it will be used as a drainage area for this water.
- Janice Morreale asked Ms. Johnson who will be responsible for keeping this drainage area maintained. The response was that our contracted landscaping people will go from the road to the new ditch and the other side to the woods. The county is supposed to keep the ditch behind the chain link fence clean.
- Tardies and arrival times have been about the same with the road construction.
Great Kindness Challenge:
- Janice Morreale, School Board Member for District Five; Trish Collins, Seaside Elementary; and Serena Morris, Seaside Elementary were in attendance at the meeting to discuss the Great Kindness
- Morreale said that in January our cluster will participate in the Great Kindness Week. This is a national program that is devoted to performing as many acts of kindness as possible in a school week.
- Morris and Mrs. Collins discussed some ideas of the activities that Seaside Elementary and Saint James could do during their celebration:
-Monday: Saint James High School could come over to open car doors before school.
-Tuesday: Crazy Dress Up Day
-Wednesday: Dress as Your Favorite Team Day-to focus on teamwork
-Thursday: Crazy Sock Day-Put a sock on bullying
-Friday: School Spirit Day
Principal's Report:
New Staff Members: Alison Reichert-Curriculum Coach
Kim Stanton-Greeter/Front Desk
- Beginning of school and Freshmen Orientation went well this year. There are 1600-1700 students in the school with 440 of them being freshmen. Mr. Pennell will meet with all grade levels to discuss expectations for the school year.
- Graduation will not be at the Palace this year due to remodeling. There are staff members in the process of locating a-new place for graduation this year.
- Pennell is currently looking for a leadership program for the students to participate in this school year. Some of the suggestions have been the following:
-Chick-Fa-La Leadership Program
-30, 30, 30-Kids that are leaders now working with kids that need structure. This is a very diverse group.
- Currently the staff is reading Move that
- Last year Saint James High School won Palmetto's Finest and was listed as one of America's Best High Schools in "U.S. News and World Report".
- 12t h- Fie ld of Faith
Guidance Report:
- 22nd-S AT/ ACT help for Juniors and Seniors. The cost for families is
$20.00 and the school will be paying $15.00.
- 27t h- Pare nt / Teache r conferences from 4-7
- IGP Senior conferences will be coming up The IGP meetings for undergraduates will be mid-Oct.
- 9th- EOCs and PSAT for 10th and 11t h graders
- 26th-COGat testing
St. James High School School Improvement Council Meeting
May 10, 2016
Terri Larkin, Chairman Sally Young, Co-Chair
Laura Burdick, Teacher Kathy Heath, Secretary Caroline Ross, Guidance Director Vann Pennell, Principal Elisha Revis, Teacher Jennifer Bayliff, Parent
Robin Hays, Parent Allison Hughes, Parent Rhonda Blackmon, Parent/Sch. Nurse Jean Young, Parent/Co Sec. Janice Morreale, School Board Kendall Securro, Student Jasmyn Robinson, Student Morgan Lee, Student
Terri Larkin opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed everyone. Introductions were made and Ms. Larkin encouraged everyone to invite other parents to the SIC meetings.
Attending the meetings is very informative and makes parents aware of important things going on in the school.
Agendas were distributed along with minutes from the last meeting. Minutes from the last meeting were read, a motion was made to approve and they were confirmed.
Guidance Report - Caroline Ross –
AP testing is finishing up this week. Monday will begin EOC testing – May 16 to May 26
The school is launching an AP Institute program and they are working on the master schedule. Eighteen out of nineteen AP classes have made the schedule. (AP Chemistry did not). This year we offered 9 AP classes and next school year we are offering 18 AP classes.
The Senior Awards program will be held May 20th. Scholarships will be announced for each student, along with totals for the school.
Ms. Larkin stated that she has noticed major improvements in Guidance this year and commended Ms. Ross.
SIC Parents Cabinet Review – Terri Larkin –
Ms. Larkin reported on the items discussed at the Parents Cabinet Meeting.
- Technology
- Robotics
- New Grading Scale – 10 point grading scale
If you have a grade, it stays. They will calculate the new GPA next year, perform a conversion and merge the two together.
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The new scale will allow SC to be more competitive with neighboring states and it is expected that approximately 13,000 more students will qualify for scholarships and college entrance.
SIC Elections – Terri Larkin –
Nominations for positions were:
Chairman – Jean Young
Co-Chair – Rhonda Blackmon Secretary – Michelle Collins
Voting was unanimous, and the nominees were approved for next year.
Kindness Week Initiative – Janice Morreale –
Ms. Morreale and Principal Pennell want to bring Kindness Week to our school. The program has started in our elementary schools and they want to bring this to our cluster of schools and let them work together. Janice asked everyone to come back to the next SIC meeting with lots of ideas. Examples mentioned are: bracelets for different theme days, police department comes and opens doors, high school students go to the elementary and middles schools and open doors for them. Mr. Pennell is committed to this project and plans to include this in Advisory Lessons. Kindness Week would be held 1 week in the fall and 1 week in the spring.
Principal’s Report – Vann Pennell -
Mr. Pennell mentioned that we want to compete for the Riley Award next year and he is exploring what we need to do to meet the criteria.
Graduating seniors are going to dress out in their caps and gowns and load busses to go to the elementary schools to do a ceremonial walk through the halls. They will interact with the young elementary students. This will be the first year for this walk. Everyone is excited.
Senior projects will be presented this Thursday from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. They need a few more people to help for this event. If you are able to volunteer, please let Mr. Pennell know.
Graduation is June 3rd. Practice is June 2nd and it is required. Mr. Pennell reminded all that he expects a respectful ceremony and no screaming or hollering by anyone. Spread the word.
Senior Exams are May 25th & 26th.
May 27th is actually the last day for seniors. A day is planned for them to go bowling from 9:45
a.m. – 12:00 noon.
The senior Disney trip was great. He said they should plan to leave earlier next year.
Freshman Orientation – Freshman Orientation is scheduled for August 17th. It is a great opportunity for freshman to become familiar with the school and enjoy some fun. Many have expressed how helpful this is for the incoming freshman. It allows them time to become more comfortable with the school and learn how to locate their classes.
Concerns have been expressed about the new 10 point grading scale. How will grades be converted? How does it affect GPA? Will students begin to think 68 is passing? Guidance is working diligently to address any and all issues or concerns.
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There was a blood drive today at 1:00 p.m. The lady leading the event said she has been to hundreds of schools and that our students are the best she has ever been around.
Chick-fil-A has chosen SJHS as a recipient of the “Leader Academy” sponsorship. It is a national high school leadership program focused on impact through action. There are 30 students selected to participate. Chick-fil-A Leader Academy engages students in monthly Leader Labs with a focus on important leadership skills that they will use to create student-led Community Impact Projects.
Our cheerleading coach, Jessica Harrell has been named the #1 Cheerleading Coach in SC! Our ladies golf team will be in the state championship game next week.
Boys tennis has made it to the regionals. Coach Cannon was named the region Tennis Coach of the Year for the 5th year in a row.
Track has 5 runners going to states this Saturday. Alexis Alston is up for athlete of the week – please vote for her!
Palmetto Finest Honor Festivities – Sponsors treated them to dinner at Inlet Affairs – they were very appreciative.
U.S. News and World Report – St. James High standings:
#2000 – top 10% of high schools in the nation #15 in South Carolina
#1 in Horry County
Mr. Pennell asked for input on ways to improve the school – Goals for 2016 – 2017:
Ms. Sally Young – Discussed preparing students for applying for scholarship and college applications. The school could hold workshops for writing essays, how and where to apply for scholarships, and how to write resumes. Classes could be offered for students who are interested.
Ms. Hays – Mentioned that testing at The Journey Church was a nice quiet atmosphere for AP testing and asked if that could be continued in the future.
Ms. Larkin – asked about plans for student parking, now that the new loop is in. This is the first year we have run out of space. There are sometimes problems for students who leave campus to take PACE classes at other educational institutions, and then return to the high school.
Mr. Pennell thanks everyone for his or her input.
In closing, Ms. Larkin said that she has been honored to lead the SIC this school year. She will turn all records over to Mr. Pennell and prepare a jump drive or use Drop Box to get information transferred.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Next Meeting - To Be Scheduled in September 2016.
St. James High School School Improvement Council Minutes
April 12, 2016
Vann Pennell – Principal
Margie Riedinger – Parent
Kristen Rogers - Teacher
Melissa Poulin – Parent
Caroline Ross – Guidance
Debbie Leonard – Parent
Janice Morreale – School Board Member
Sally Young – Parent and SIC Vice-Chairman
Terri Larkin – Parent and SIC Chairman
Guidance Report:
Upcoming testing - ACT test will be given on April 19th to all 11th grade students. AP exams will be off campus this year at Journey Church.
ACT workshop will be held for all 11th graders with an outside company to help prepare for the exam. Ms. Frick will be taking 7 or 8 kids during elective classes to prepare for the ACT in small group.
AP Institute is still taking applications for kids and at this time is offering 19 AP classes. After April 15th we will see what classes will make. Currently the numbers for AP classes are looking good. This year we offered 9 AP classes and next school year we are offering 19 classes.
EOC Exams are scheduled from May 16 to May 26.
Bylaws Update:
St. James High School SIC Bylaws were amended to reflect the adoption of the School Reading Plan as required by the Read to Succeed Act, changes to the election dates and addition of a meeting date to bring the scheduled meeting dates to a total of seven. A motion was made to approve the bylaws as amended and unanimously approved.
SIC Elections:
In May we will be holding elections for SIC officers for the 2016-2017 school year. At this time on the ballot will be Jean Young for Chairman, Rhonda Blackmon for Vice-Chairman and a Secretary to be appointed later.
Freshman Orientation 2016:
Kristen Rogers updated the SIC on the Freshman Orientation scheduled for August 17th. Jean Young will help arrange the t-shirts, Kari Fussaro will help get the pizza and Michelle Collins will arrange to get the water. We will need parent volunteers to help serve the pizza. Ms.
Rogers noted that students who have attended have positive feedback and feel much more comfortable the first day of school walking the halls and getting to class. No suggestions were made to change any part of this event.
Principals Report:
Palmetto Finest – students celebrated each day with ring pops, cookies, ice-cream and Italian ice. Teachers will be getting shirts donated by Life Touch and May 6th Inlet Affairs and other restaurants in Murrells Inlet will be having a dinner for the teachers.
Swim Forward is scheduled for May 17th at 6:00 pm to recognize students for any improvements. SIC members are invited to attend.
St. James students have submitted 20 pieces of art to be shown at the art show at the Burroughs & Chapin Art Museum.
Drama is performing Legally Blonde April 28 to April 30th.
Prom was awesome this year – they had games, photo booth and a great DJ.
Graduation will be held June 3, 2016 at the Palace Theater. At this time each student is expected to receive 6 tickets to graduation.
St James High School School Improvement Council
Minutes March 8, 2016
Chairman Terri Larkin welcomed all in attendance: Caroline Ross; Guidance Shauna Schubiger; Instructional Coach, Vann Pennell; Principal, Jennifer Bayliff; parent, Trisha Zemke; parent, Melissa Poulin; parent, Marge Riedinger; parent, Rhonda Blackmon; parent, Laura Burdick; teacher and Sally Young; Co Chair
Terri Larkin updated all regarding the Riley Award. St James High SIC did make the top ten, but did not make the top five.
Laura Coffren, Teacher of Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) class was present with her students. They took on a special project this year, which was to handcraft Amputee Teddy Bears for the children of wounded warriors. The students have collected uniforms, rip seems, cut, sort, and sewn the uniforms onto the bears. They have made 35 bears so far. They recently competed in the Annual Leadership Conference and won gold. As regional winners they have been invited to the FCCLA National Competition in San Diego, CA this summer. They are also in need to raise money to get the students and teacher to CA.
Caroline Ross with Guidance shared the ACT Work Keys tests are almost complete. ACT will be taken on April 19. Any junior interested in taking it can. AP Recruitment night had a successful turn out. The Master Schedule is almost together. She shared with us that five boys would attend Palmetto Boys State and three girls for Palmetto Girls State. She did find out the there would not be any room for more then the five or three even if funding was donated. A committee from school has chosen the boys and an outside committee for the girls will interview them. Eight girls have applied.
Terri Larking stated the school should look into Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA). It is similar to Palmetto Boys & Girls State.
Shauna Schubiger, Curriculum Coach spoke about Advanced Placement Institute (API) and the effort they are putting into increasing AP enrollment and have more options to increase AP program. API will be an application process. The process will come from within the school being able to identify these students. Official applications have gone out. They have set up AP
“skinny’s” which will be 45-minute classes. This will help with the students who still would like to take other classes. Jennifer Bayliff asked about teachers and their qualifications. Teachers must be certified and this is done with a weeklong course along with workshop to help refresh and update information. API will also help lessen the number of students leaving SJ to go to the other schools like scholars academy.
Terri Larkin shared that she sent out the SIC By Laws and has requested for us to review them so we can vote to pass them.
Terri also stated that we will need members to be Chairman, Co Chair and Secretary for next years SIC. Elections will take place next month.
Vann Pennell spoke about Freshmen Orientation. They will meet with St James Middle School students and talk to them about coming to St James High. This is the only school that has a Freshmen Orientation. He has requested help with the tee shirts, pizza donations and water donations.
Mr. Pennell reported on the great things going on at school. He stated Jerry Moore and his students have six publications that are produced through out the school year. JROTC Academic Drill Team is going to Nationals and JROTC Archery is going to states. The Robotics team did a great job again this year. There is a new club called the Surf Club. It has 20 guys and girls. A Gaming Club is just starting out. Students want to start a Bowling League. They are in need of a sponsor. Wrestling has a State Champion, Michael Mewhorter.
Wrestling coach Matt Anderson is Region Coach of the Year, Football Coach, Robby Brown is Region Coach of the Year; Coach Lindsay Mayer is Asst.
Volleyball Coach to All Star South Team for All Star North/ South Game. Coach Adam Jones is All Star Girls Softball Coach, Coach Lee Cannon is North/South All Star Coach of the Year, Girls Golf Team won State Championship. St James had its first fashion show sponsored by Dillard’s. Mr. Pennell helped escort some of the students. A Job Fair was held at Conway High School for potential hirers. SJ had a lot of participation and interest. If you haven’t had an opportunity to listen to St James Radio, 101.FM take the time to tune in. Make up day for the school closing will be discussed tomorrow and shared at next meeting. Band is competing for State Championship in a few weeks. Drama Department will be performing Legally Blonde at the end of April. 93% passing EOC. DECA has two state winners and Virtual Enterprise will be going to New York. Finally, Palmettos Finest will be announced on March 15. The school was in top 3 finalist last year and top 2 finalist this year.
NEXT Meeting will be Tuesday, April 12, 2016 @ 5:30 PM
St James High School
School Improvement Council Meeting February 9, 2016
Terri Larkin- SIC Chair Kimberly Stanton-parent Melissa Poulin-parent Caroline Ross-Guidance Director Jean Morris-parent Tammy Moreland-Asst. Principal Margie Redinger-parent Laura Burduck-Teacher
Jennifer Bayliff-parent Sally Young- Co-Chair
Janice Morreale- School Board
Welcome: Terri Larkin welcomed everyone back after the winter break.
Guidance Report: Caroline Ross said that students could pick up their PSAT scores during lunch breaks this week. There will be an ACT workshop March 2nd. ACT will be offered to all juniors on April 11th.
February 25th St. James will hold an AP day to try to recruit students at 10am and again from 5:30-7pm for parents. Caroline also mentioned that male students that are interested in Boys State should submit a letter of intent by February 19th to Ms. Wood. She does not have any information for Girls State right now. Sally Young suggested that maybe the students that are chosen have some sort of prepping before they go. New SAT: Mrs. Vargo went over the new format for the SAT. The SAT will only consist of two sections instead of three. There will be no penalty for guessing. The test will be three hours instead of three hours forty-five minutes. The top score is going back to 1600. Last year St.
James average for SAT was 1476 based on a top score of 2400. ACT average score for last year was 22. Top score is a 36. ACT has four sections, which are reading, math, science, and English. Students can take the SAT on March 5th, May 7th, or June 4th. ACT is available April 9th and June 11th. Mrs. Vargo also talked about available scholarships. To qualify for the Life Scholarship ($5000 per year) the student must meet two of three requirements- 3.0 GPA, ranked top 30%, 1100 SAT or 24 ACT by June of their senior year. If the student is going to a two -year school they must have a 3.0 GPA. To qualify for the Palmetto Fellow Scholarship (freshmen $6700, last three years $7500) the student must have a 3.5 GPA at the end of their junior year. They must be ranked i
the top 6% by the end of their junior year and have a 1200 SAT score or a 27 ACT score. Opportunities at St. James to prepare for the SAT or ACT are the workshops, SAT/ACT prep class, on line resources, and books the students can check out before the test. St. James will have a SAT prep workshop on February 23th. The cost is $20.
Senior Project: Barbara Holland stated that all English 4 students are required to do a senior project. Each project has four components.
Students must research a topic, perform eight hours of community service, present a 10-minute presentation, and build a weebly. The goals for the project are to engage the student as self directed active, independent learners and role models, to integrate curriculum, create a performance based forum for senior learning, involve the community in the students learning process and to raise school standards and expectations. The next presentation will be May 10, 2016. Mrs. Holland would love more volunteers.
Parent Cabinet Meeting Re-Cap: Terri Larkin and Sally Young attended a district meeting. They learned that the St James area would be getting a new intermediate school that will house 5th and 6th graders. Terri also mentioned that St. James High School received two-shout - outs at the meeting for being recognized as a finalist for the Palmetto Finest award and for the SIC receiving an excellence award. Terri also emailed the minutes from the district meeting to the parent email list.
AP University: Caroline Ross briefly went over this new program. This program is to try to keep students in the school by offering more AP courses so they can compete with other options student have for schooling. St. James is going to have 18 AP courses for the next school year. She will have more information at the next meeting.
Principal Report: Ms. Moreland was present at the meeting. She talked about an award program called the M&M Team that was started for “at risk” students. Teachers nominate students that have made strives to improve academically. Those students and their families were treated to a dinner and a reward presentation last night in the cafeteria. She said it was a wonderful night for the students and families that were present.
Lastly, she mentioned that the school will be getting a final visit from
the judges from the Palmetto Finest sometime between February 16th- February 29th.
Graduation will be June 3rd at 1:30 pm at the Palace Theater. Meeting adjourned: 6:55
Minutes 2015
St. James High School School Improvement Council Meeting
September 08, 2015
Terri Larkin, Chairman Sally Young, Co-Chair
Adam Scott, Student Council Kathy Heath, Secretary Caroline Ross, Guidance Director Vann Pennell, Principal Kimberli Stanton, Welcome Desk Melanie Miller, Teacher
- Mitchell, Advisory Shauna Schubiger, Instruct. Coach
Laura Burdick, Teacher Margie Riedinger
Kelly Brink, Parent Jean Young, Parent/Co Sec.
Jennifer Bayliff, Parent Robyn Hays, Parent
Allison Hughes, Parent Michelle Collins, Parent Janice Morreale, HCS School Board Junell Vazquez
Terri Larkin open the meeting at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed everyone. She asked everyone to take the opportunity to introduce himself or herself, as this is our first meeting of the year.
Agendas were distributed as well as a list of dates of all SIC meetings for the year. Terri Larkin covered some of the key points that the SIC committee is responsible for or undertakes during the year.
Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.
Principal’s Report -
Mr. Pennell thanked everyone for taking time to attend the SIC meeting. He said that he sees this group as the eyes and ears for the school. He encouraged everyone to let him know if they hear anything that he should be aware of, as he is always willing to listen. He said we are all here for one reason and that is for the kids.
He would love to have at least twice as many people attend the SIC meetings and he would like for everyone here to encourage other parents to come. It is a very informative meeting and he would like for all to be an active part of the SIC.
Introduction of his staff/students:
Ms. Burdick – teacher and DECA
Ms. Miller – new teacher and Mock Trial Ms. Best – Assistant Principal
Mr. Mahaffey – recently moved from curriculum coach to Assistant Principal Ms. Schubiger – new teacher, previously at St. Michael’s
Ms. Stanton – Welcome desk, voice of St. James
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Caroline Ross – New Guidance Director – previously a teacher here, moved to Guidance at St. James Middle School, now back at the high school.
Adam Scott – Student Body representative along with Savannah Fairchild and Francie Evans who could not be here tonight. They do a great job.
Jerry Moore – who is not here tonight but has done a fantastic job with the St. James Radio Station, 101 FM, with announcements and talk show. The radio station has a 1 mile radius around the school.
Mr. Pennell asked the group to stop him if they have any questions. He believes that this year they had the best opening of school since he has been here the last 6 years. They did not have PowerSchool and could not print schedules but he said Caroline did a great job in working through it. He said 99% of the schedules were correct. He appreciated all the help with Freshman Orientation.
We have fifteen new faculty members this year; he has hired some great people that really love the kids. He meets with the students 75 at a time. We have the least number of referrals ever and tardies are down. Ms. Miller, one of our new teachers, said that the accountability on the kids is amazing and refreshing to her and that comes from the Administration. She said “Thanks”, from a teacher.
Interims will be online this year; there will not be any paper handouts. (Interims are mid-terns for the first nine-week period).
Open House on October 29th is a walk-in – this is not Parent Teacher Conferences. It’s more like a meet-and-greet. There is also an NCAA meeting that will take place that evening.
We have a Robotics Team for the 3rd year and they will compete in January or February. Our team came in 22nd last year
Fall Sports is off and running and off to a great start.
Dress Code – “The way you dress is the way you act”. They are strict with dress code and have some problems with leggings.
The PDL’s rolled out last week. Through the Personalized Digital Learning (PDL) Initiative, the district is rolling out blended learning for personalization district-wide. One of our new parents said her student had pre-paid the insurance fee but did not receive hers. Mrs. Best, our assistant principal, spoke with the parent and will make sure this is taken care of.
Mr. Pennell promotes the book, Seven Decisions by Andy Andrews, and the teachers are reading the book. He encourages everyone to read the book; it’s about 7 Decisions that determine personal success.
The school is going through the accreditation process this year and a committee has been formed to work on this process
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Palmetto’s Finest – Last year we were 3rd in the state but we will be applying again this year. The S.C. Association of School Administrators presents the awards each year to schools that offer the best in innovative, effective educational programs. The Palmetto's Finest Award is one of the most coveted and respected awards among educators.
They are working to increase the school’s AP enrollment, graduation rate is up and SAT & ACT scores are up as well.
Goals are: 1) Collaboration 2) Engagement/Rigor 3) Closing to end of class, holding attention.
An ACT Workshop will be held here next Friday and the cost per student is $20. See Ms. Kelly Vargo to sign up. It is a great prep for anyone taking the test.
Generally speaking, the ACT assesses your knowledge of basic English, reading, science, and writing and intermediate math, whereas the SAT assesses your critical thinking, problem solving, and test taking skills along with your basic critical reading, math, and writing skills.
Students with free lunch will receive fee waivers.
Presentation by Ms. Miller –
She is starting the Mock Trial Program this year and has four students interested in participating. The first meeting is this coming Monday from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. They will take a field trip to Columbia on October 3rd. Cost is $20 per student and includes breakfast and lunch. They will be formally trained by the SC Bar. Competition will be held in February. Our new English teacher, Ms. Kinley will assist with Mock Trial. It is a great opportunity for students to learn the process and it is awesome for scholarships. Ms. Morreale informed us that there are some non-speaking parts too if there are students who would like to join but are afraid of speaking. Such would be the job for the bailiff or timer. Encourage your students to sign up for the Mock Trial team.
Caroline Ross –
She noted that there are lots of changes but they are here to help the students. Guidance is assigned alphabetically this year but anyone is available to help if you cannot get with your specific counselor for any reason.
Caroline Ross
Director, SPED, ESOL, and 504 caseload
A-D caseload
E-K caseload
Scholarships, Palmetto Fellows, Senior Awards, College Application
L-R caseload
S-Z caseload
Barry Ledford
Seacoast Students
RBHS Counselor
Guidance Secretary
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Mrs. Ross went through the upcoming calendar:
Thursday, Sept 10th – 11th and 12th grade students can visit CCU campus to take part in the Horry County College Fair at the HTC Center. Students will leave during 2nd and 3rd block and travel by bus to the HTC Center. They must have permission slips signed before going. There is also a night session from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. so that parents can go.
St. James has an Open House on September 29th and Guidance will have open house that night and welcomes everyone to come by at 5:00 p.m. They will also have an NCAA clearing house meeting that afternoon at 5:30 in the auditorium. Students will receive interim report cards on this date as well. Guidance will have a sign-up table to begin conducting IGP’s for each student. Parents should be sure to sign up.
The PSAT is offered for all 10th and 11th graders on October 14th.
October 28th is College Application Day for seniors. Many colleges waive their application fees on this day and they have counselors from the colleges here to answer questions or help the students with their online applications. Mrs. Ross also noted that when filling out applications, students should list the counselor that they have worked with because you want someone who knows the student very well.
New from Guidance – parents need to sign up to be on the email list with the guidance counselors. Also, Guidance will be publishing a newsletter, will update the website weekly with new scholarships as they become available.
Janice Morreale – The school and staff have done a great job working with the new traffic loop here at the school and making it work. She is concerned about finding a way to make the traffic move more quickly. The parent drop off in the morning (after 7:40 a.m.) is easy. We need to look into making double lanes to get around stopped cars. It was also noted that the awnings will be up in November and will help a lot when it is raining. Mrs. Morreale asked what kind of problems other people are having in the car lines and new traffic pattern. Mr. Mahaffey noted that at least now we could control where people walk and keep students from walking through traffic like it was up front. Mr. Pennell said that safety is first concern and that they will also be cutting some trees back for more area and visibility. Mrs. Morreale asked for feedback and for parents to come forth with any ideas they might have for improvements with the traffic loop.
As always, Mr. Pennell ended the meeting with some positive commentary. Last week we competed against Carolina Forest, not only on the football field but also in a social media spirit contest. The number of tweets or hashtags with #wpdespiritstjames were counted and the same for Carolina Forest. We didn’t win that social media blitz but we had lots of tweets and many former Shark graduates got in on the competition and said some very nice things about our school. Proud to be a Shark.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Next Meeting -
The next meeting will be held Tuesday, October 13th at 5:30 p.m. in the Media Center.
SJHS School Improvement Council
October 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Present: Vann Pennell, Principal
Stella Mercado, guest
Jennifer Bayliff
Sally Young
Laura Burdick
Caroline Ross
Janice Morreale
Margie Riedinger
Jean Young
Meeting was called to order at 5:30 by Sally Young.
Our guest “Principal for the Day” – Stella Mercado was introduced. Ms. Mercado is the owner of Mercom Corp, an IT company located in Pawleys Island. She spent the day shadowing Mr. Pennell and was very complimentary of our school and her experience meeting staff and students at SJHS.
Mr. Jerry Moore was introduced, and he presented SJHS’ Student Journalism and Media program. Mr. Moore began leading our program three years ago and has been very successful in improving many aspects of it. The program is no longer operating at a deficit, there are more products for students to be involved in, the products are more professional, and the costs for senior yearbook ads have actually decreased! Mr. Moore explained all of the various products for broadcast journalism, print journalism and yearbook journalism. There was discussion about the Forward Magazine – a PR type publication- which will be available soon and the radio program. Sally Young and Caroline Ross both complimented Mr. Moore on the program’s improvement. Ms. Mercado and Caroline Ross discussed the possibility of using Apps to make communication more efficient also.
Mr. Pennell presented SHARK DATA to the council. The data provides details about disciplinary actions, EOC test scores, AP/ACT/Workkeys scores, and graduation rates. Disciplinary actions (5 year comparison) data showed improvements such as level 2 and 3 offenses (more serious) decreasing. The majority of our discipline problems are related to traffic on 707 with construction and dress code violations. Our school disciplinary actions were lower than other schools in the county also. EOC test scores continue to show steady improvement over past five years. AP scores – SJHS overall mean test score was higher than others in the county, the state and even global. Last year, all 11th graders were given the ACT and Workkeys Data tests. Mr. Pennell provided that scores with detailed feedback. He concluded with data regarding on-time graduation rates. This performance is very important for our school, including accounting for 33% of our school report card grade. From 2009/2010 to 2014/2015, SJHS rate improved from 74.6% to 83.3%.
Mr. Pennell mentioned the following:
- Homecoming week – moved to next week. Lots of fun activities planned – pep rally at school, parade early, and senior night before the
- Commander Cellucci (JROTC) was named “Commander of the World”
- SJHS won the WPDE Spirit Award which will be awarded during Friday’s Homecoming Pep
- Girls Golf having a lot of success and has good chance to win
- Football had a huge win Saturday vs. Wilson
Meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm. Next meeting – Nov 10 @ 5:30 pm.
St. James High School School Improvement Council Meeting
November 10, 2015
Terri Larkin, Chairman Sally Young, Co-Chair
Denise. Lopes , Attendance Kathy Heath, Secretary Caroline Ross, Guidance Director Vann Pennell, Principal Kimberli Stanton, Welcome Desk Jennifer Bayliff, Parent
- Boyer, Parent Allison Hughes, Parent
Margie Riedinger, Parent Jean Young, Parent/Co Sec.
Kelly Brink, Parent Melissa Poulin, Parent
Terri Larkin open the meeting at 5:30 p.m. and welcomed everyone.
Agendas and minutes from the last meeting were distributed. Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.
Guidance Report - Caroline Ross –
There is a lot of testing going on now, including CogAt.
October 28th was College Application Day for seniors. Many colleges waive their application fees on this day and counselors from the colleges were here to answer questions or help the students with their online applications. CCU can waive the application fee. See guidance for more information. We received letters from five of the seven colleges who were participating here that day complimenting our students.
Terri Larkin suggested having a “Pre-Application” day so parents who have been through the college application process can provide pointers to others. It is recommended that you at least start applications before getting to the College App Day at school. This will allow students quality time with the college counselors while they are here to assist.
IGPS’s – still in process and some still need to sign up.
Marcus Lattimore Foundation Leadership Academy – Took place November 3rd at Coastal Carolina University and some of our students were able to attend, based on their GPA. This was a great learning experience for our students. It is one of four state-wide conferences organized to prepare student athletes for college, athletics and academics. It focuses on NCAA eligibility, professional etiquette, job interview techniques and finance. Two hundred students from three counties participated.
Attendance Report – Denise Lopes -
Mrs. Lopes reviewed the attendance policy in detail and distributed a handout with helpful information. (attached) She also explained to parents how to interpret the key on PowerSchool for absences: L=Tardy X=must have a doctor’s note A = unverified absence
SJHS SIC Meeting 11/10/2015
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Students are only allowed four unexcused absences for the entire year. A parent note does not excuse an absence. Doctor’s notes do excuse an absence. Funerals may also be excused with proper documentation. When in doubt about any situation, please contact the attendance office so they may help.
Make-up classes have started – Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. and some Saturdays. The make-up classes will help to get credit for academic classes but it won’t help with truancy.
Vacation – Mr. Pennell can approve up to three days vacation for a student if it is educational. The student is required to write a one-page report. There is a form to complete prior to taking the vacation.
School related functions such as band, sports, and competitions are not counted as absences.
Parent’s Cabinet Meeting Recap – Terri Larkin -
Make-up day due to October flooding – there will be a make-up day later in the year. School Lunches – the requirements have been relaxed.
New Intermediate School – next to Burgess Elementary and will have 5th & 6th grades. Middle school will have 7th & 8th grades.
Our school is on the list for portables next year. We have 5 floating teachers now.
The 2016 – 2017 School Calendar draft is out. Terri will email the packet to the all on the list. The next meeting will be the third week in January.
Principal’s Report – Vann Pennell -
Mr. Pennell thanked everyone for taking time to attend the SIC meeting. He appreciates hearing everyone’s ideas and said it is the purpose of the meeting. Please continue to funnel your thoughts and ideas to him.
A review of fall activities:
Field of Dreams – sponsored by FCA – bleachers were full. A great event we hope to repeat next year.
Fill the Bus – we loaded a bus with supplies for flood victims and delivered it to Georgetown. It was great to be able to get all the support to make this happen.
Our own Col. Cellucci was selected as JROTC Instructor of the Year 2015 (worldwide out of 1700 instructors). It’s also the 3rd highest civilian award in the Army.
Veteran’s Day is tomorrow and there is a ceremony for our veteran’s in the auditorium. Football playoffs – we are in this year for the first time in school history. We are going to
Marlboro County, which is about 1 hour and 40 minutes away. The band is going and there is a bus going that can take 40 students.
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Volleyball – made the 2nd round of play-offs.
Girls Tennis – made the 2nd round play-offs for the first time in history. Girls Golf – they are State Champions !
Cross Country – Kelsey Glover made it to the state finals. Cheerleading - going to Lower States this weekend at River Bluff. Band – 13th in the State
Academic Team – in finals this Saturday Teacher of the Year – Raul Velasco
Test Scores – EOC are the highest combined in Horry County and a 91% passing rate. ACT – 3rd highest of all school in Horry County.
Discipline – lowest of any school in Horry County.
Cell Phone Apps – in the news recently about cell phone apps that kids are using. The apps are disguised as a legitimate use app but it is really a fake icon that hides info, nude pictures, etc. Everyone should be aware that this is in use and could show up on cell phones.
Progress Reports – now will be online. They will no longer be printed. Shark Bytes – new release each Friday.
Palmetto’s Finest – Last year we were 3rd in the state but we have applied again this year. The
S.C. Association of School Administrators presents the awards each year to schools that offer the best in innovative, effective educational programs. The Palmetto's Finest Award is one of the most coveted and respected awards among educators. We have a visit between November 30th – December 11th, date unknown, and they will arrive at 7:30 a.m. There will not be a student or parent panel to be interviewed this year. Ninety percent of their visit time will be in the classrooms.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Next Meeting - We will not have meetings in December of January. Please send meeting ideas to Terri Larkin.
The next meeting will be held Tuesday, February 9th at 5:30 p.m. in the Media Center.
St. James High School Attendance Office
Helpfu l Inform ati on for Nin t h Grade and New Students
Attendance Clerk: Denise Lopes dlopes@horrycountyschools.net
Assistant Principal: Natasha Best Nbest@horrycountyschools.net
Welcome to St. James High School! The attendance office encourages all studentsto arrive to schoolon time everyday. Mrs. Lopes and Ms. Best are here to helpyour student attend school on a regular basis through counseling. student and or parent meetings at any time to ensure yourstudent is successful their first year here. Communication is key!I
Please contact Mrs. lopes at (843)650-1024 for any questions or concerns.
Attendance follows you throughout life. Master punctuality and attendi g school every day now, forsuccess throughout your life beginning with high school, a part-time job, college and eventually a career.
A student is only allowed four unexcused absences for the entire year. Aparent's notedoesnot excuse an
absence. '
- Absences are excused with a doctor's note, or judicial note
Funerals are excused with an obituary or a funeral program. A student receives three days for in state andfive days for an out of state funeral. Please notify the attendance your child willbe out.
Although you have notified the teachers of an extended absence, please notify the attendance office, also, when your student will be out longer than th ree days due to a situation. We might be able to helpwith the absences.
For an early dismissal from school, a student must havea parent note in order to leave. Please include the following information on the dismissal note.
- Student's first and last name Include the middle initial if there is another student with the same firstand last
- Time student is to be picked up.
- Who student will be leaving witli if not a parent. This person should be on the pick-up list for your student; if not the case, a phone call with be made to
- Parent's signature with working phone nu,:nber for
All pick-ups must be made before 3:00pm. dasses will not be interrupted afterthat time.
- Student's who drive will need a parent's note with the same information as above. All student drivers' noteswill be confirmed with a parent before student can be A student driver willnot be released via a phone call. Parent note, email or a fax (843) 650-1034 from the parent isthe only way.
Once a student reaches five unexcused absences , the parent will be notified through first through a phone call and ema il,second via lett er and third reminder phone call and email. Paren-t must attend to place the student on an (AIP) which stands foran Attendance Intervention plan to correct the student's pattern of absences.
I hopeyou find this helpful with your child's attendance, ensuring a positive successful school year!
Understanding the New SC School Accountability Model
Understanding the NEW SC School Accountability Model.pdf 1.01 MB (Last Modified on October 22, 2018)