- Loris Middle School
- Mathematics
Mathematics is taught daily in a 60-minute instructional block. Students use a variety of tools, materials, and technology to learn, practice and extend their knowledge. Instruction is based on grade-level standards and personalized based on assessment results. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's teacher.
8th Grade
Brooke Hazlett bhazelett@horrycountyschools.net
Brianna Gerald bgerald@horrycountyschools.net
Wilson Horne whorne@horrycountyschools.net
7th Grade
Kristen Frailey kfrailey@horrycountyschools.net
Brooke Hazelett bhazelett@horrycountyschools.net
Wilson Horne whorne@horrycountyschools.net
Kimberly Sabatto ksabato@horrycountyschools.net
Chandra Squires csquires@horrycountyschools.net
6th Grade
Savannah Fowler sfowler@horrycountyschools.net
Robert Barfield rbarfield@horrycountyschools.net
Charmaine Branch CBranch@horrycountyschools.net
6-7-8th Grades
Edward Oliver eoliver@horrycountyschools.net