• health office

  • Health Office

    Melanie O'Tuel, BSN, RN, NCSN
    St James High School
    Nurse Office Phone: (843) 650-1244
    School Fax: (843) 650-1004
    Email: MOTuel@horrycountyschools.net


    Reminders from the School Nurse:

    Please Remember: When you see the School Nurse and choose to go home, it is not considered "Medically Excused." Only certain symptoms can warrant a medical excuse from the School Nurse.

    ATTENDANCE:  When your child is absent please notify the schools attendance office at dzirkelbach@horrycountyschools.net.. When a child is absent from school for 3 or more days due to illness, a written statement from your child's physician is requested upon the student's return to school.

    Please contact the school nurse if your child has any medical conditions that require emergency medication or monitoring. ( Severe allergy, Seizures, Asthma, Diabetes etc.) No student should carry any medication on their person at any time without proper paperwork. 

    Please don’t hesitate to call the school nurse office for any questions or concerns.

    Mrs. Melanie O’Tuel      motuel@horrycountyschools.net

    Rebecca Chambers      rchambers@horrycountyschools.net

    Lili Coyle                      lcoyle@horrycountyschools.net

    843-650-1244 Health Office      Fax 843-6501004

    Students must be HEALTHY to be educated and educated to be HEALTHY

    Prescription and non-prescription medication forms are required by the school to administer any
    medications. The medication forms and the medication policy can be obtained from the Horry
    County Schools website or from the school nurse.

    Medication Forms